Getting started online should not be a difficult thing.
Judging by the price of some of the manuals on how to do
it, you would think that it is. But getting started online
involves a few basic steps that are easy to do.
Once you are up and running online, you can make changes
and adjustments for as long as you want. But if you are
just sitting around hoping to get it all figured out before
you jump into it, you will be sitting for a long time.
Many people make money the first day or certainly the first
month online. I did. I can start a new campaign today and
make money this week. I can mail an email today and have
money tonight.
So how do you do it?
If you have never done anything online, you must start
You need:
1) A web site
2) A topic
3) An autoresponder
4) A product to recommend (yours or an affiliate product)
That is all you need to get started.
To get a web site, find a hosting company that offers a web
site builder, unless you know Frontpage or Dreamweaver. Go
to the web site hosting site you choose, follow the
directions, and in a few hours you should have your own
domain name and a web site.
The web site builder will come with step by step
directions--simply follow the directions.
You must decide what you want to excel in online. What do
you know a lot about? This may take some brainstorming, but
most people have at least one thing they do better than
many others. Find it and do it.
You must get an autoresponder so you can automate
everything you do, or you will become attached at the hip
to your computer. You do not want that.
If you have already created a product, great, write a sales
page and get started selling. If not, go to clickbank and
find somebody else's product to promote.
Go get started. You will never succeed if you do not get
started. Of course you might fail. Maybe that is what it
is. You are afraid to fail. Then you are afraid to succeed.
Just get started.
Talk soon,
Jeff & Charles
Judging by the price of some of the manuals on how to do
it, you would think that it is. But getting started online
involves a few basic steps that are easy to do.
Once you are up and running online, you can make changes
and adjustments for as long as you want. But if you are
just sitting around hoping to get it all figured out before
you jump into it, you will be sitting for a long time.
Many people make money the first day or certainly the first
month online. I did. I can start a new campaign today and
make money this week. I can mail an email today and have
money tonight.
So how do you do it?
If you have never done anything online, you must start
You need:
1) A web site
2) A topic
3) An autoresponder
4) A product to recommend (yours or an affiliate product)
That is all you need to get started.
To get a web site, find a hosting company that offers a web
site builder, unless you know Frontpage or Dreamweaver. Go
to the web site hosting site you choose, follow the
directions, and in a few hours you should have your own
domain name and a web site.
The web site builder will come with step by step
directions--simply follow the directions.
You must decide what you want to excel in online. What do
you know a lot about? This may take some brainstorming, but
most people have at least one thing they do better than
many others. Find it and do it.
You must get an autoresponder so you can automate
everything you do, or you will become attached at the hip
to your computer. You do not want that.
If you have already created a product, great, write a sales
page and get started selling. If not, go to clickbank and
find somebody else's product to promote.
Go get started. You will never succeed if you do not get
started. Of course you might fail. Maybe that is what it
is. You are afraid to fail. Then you are afraid to succeed.
Just get started.
Talk soon,
Jeff & Charles
IS Note: Great Package of Online Business can be read at