Monday, August 31, 2009

Ordinary To 'Extraordinary' (stories revealed!)


Have you ever thought about how ordinary people started in
the internet marketing and instantly earned SIX figures
in the first year?

Well, I have.....

The truth is, we never know the inside stories. We only see the
outer workings of the business.


Ten SIX figure marketers have revealed their success stories,
and how they got started from SCRATCH and went on to make
SIX figures.

Get more details here:


- Learn the stories and the specifics of how they did it.

- Learn about the 'top secret' tools and resources they used
to build their business.

- Learn how to start from SCRATCH and build a business that
earns SIX figures in less than ONE YEAR!


Don't miss this unique opportunity.

Read about the inspiring success stories here:


Talk Soon,

Tish Bautista

P.S. Never seen before 'ordinary to extraordinary' success stories-



Saturday, August 29, 2009

New Video Posted on Blog

I just watched a new video on Jeff's blog.

And it rocks!

I can't believe this...

In the video he tells you exactly which products he's promoting... and how much money he's making with them... and it's a lot!

He literally hands you his best money-getting affiliate promotions on a silver platter.

Here's your free

"How To Become A Super Affiliate In 5 Easy Steps" video:



You don't have to give your email to watch it or anything like that.

But I'm on this guy's mailing list and he sends out great content and free software all the time.

Watch the video and if you like it...

Join his list.

You'll love his stuff.

Here's that free video:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Free SEO Blog Software Gets More Traffic

Hi Isyaias,
I actually use and recommend this guy's stuff for training my staff.
People pay $297 for this kind of stuff.
Now he's giving it away for...
Free SEO blog software and training:

You get the software and training for free.

Check it out:

Jeff Johnson

Friday, August 21, 2009

Could You Use This Same Strategy?

Dear Isyaias,

I was talking with my colleague the other day about the
Instant Income book and the soon-to-be-released Instant
Income Business Enhancement System -- when something he
said reminded me of a proven strategy I want to pass on to

It's the 'short-pay' strategy...that is, offering your
best customers a small discount for paying any balances due
within 10 days.

Interestingly, he used this strategy when he ran a
marketing agency whose customers were on a 30-day billing
cycle. When he contacted his clients to offer them a 2%
discount for accelerating their payment within the next 10
days, he not only generated a ton of cash for the agency,
he got a call from the CEO of a well-known Madison Avenue
ad agency who offered to place more than a million dollars
in business with my colleague if he would extend the same
2% discount year-round.

You never know what could happen when YOU implement this
strategy in your own business. Could you work with your
accounting staff (or bookkeeper) today to bring in the cash
on a short-pay basis?
Here's how:

Step 1: Print a list of all your receivables.

Step 2: Contact your BEST customers by phone and offer them
a discount if they will pay in full in the next 10 days.

Step 3: Identify your WORST customers -- either non-payers
or slow-payers -- then assign someone to telephone them to
collect the money owed. (If you're a solo entrepreneur,
have a friend or family member call.)

Step 4: Decide whether your business would be more
profitable without these bad accounts.  

Step 5: Consider using the strategies in the upcoming
Instant Income Business Enhancement System to recruit new
dealers, distributors and clients who pay on time and whose
business is more profitable to you.

You can use a simple sales letter to reach these
prospective new accounts -- or to generate tons of new
retail customers if that is your business model. In fact,
in the next few days I'd like to give you a comprehensive
planning tool that will help you devise, write and implement
a sales-letter campaign to help bring in new customers (of
any kind).

It includes:

* How to determine what your prospects want and
  how to explain that you have the solution

* How to rent names to mail to...if you don't have a list of
  prospects now
· The four reasons to use direct mail (and why you
  might want to actually lose money on your mailing campaign)

· What pieces to include in the mailing envelope to boost

· A comprehensive, fill-in-the-blank planning tool to help
  you put in writing every aspect of the campaign before you so much more.

This complete direct-mail tutorial comes straight from
pages 42-51 of the Instant Income Business Enhancement
System. Yet it's yours free -- in my next email -- as one
more sample (and my gift to you).

We're coming down to the final days before our fulfillment
center ships the Instant Income Business Enhancement System
-- the definitive course for small businesses who want to
re-focus on bringing in the cash. Seven separate modules
contain more than 300 pages of step-by-step detail --
complete with worksheets, planning tools, sample documents
and other reference items -- to help you execute with

As I said before, the fulfillment center is finalizing
production on this landmark work. But to help you generate
income before then, watch for the comprehensive planning
tool that will help you devise, write and implement a
sales-letter campaign to bring in new customers.

Until tomorrow,

Janet Switzer
P.S. This make money, too.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

They Must SHUT THIS DOWN, Sorry

Hi Isyaias,
They must shut this down in 72 hours:

Find out how a former 26 year old "starving artist" who was
dead broke made $28,153.55 in one month from a tiny email
list of just 1713.

This is video content, and for some sort of confusing reason
they're only offering it to you for the next 72 hours.

Check it out here to get the scoop on how to make big
profits every month, even with a tiny, tiny list...

Jason Parker
Lance Tamashiro

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A continual stream of new customers is just 7 steps away..

Dear Isyaias,

Imagine how much easier and more profitable your small
business would be if you had an engine -- running in the
background -- designed to bring in new customers (and
revenues) on a continual basis.

As the business owner or manager, you could simply oversee
this structured system of pre-planned activity -- rather
than react under pressure whenever cash-flow is a problem.

Would you like to know the 7-step formula? It's this:

1. Schedule a year's worth of prospecting campaigns based
upon the seasonal needs, trade-show activity, product
availability and other details of your company. Use the
comprehensive, 52-week Cash-Flow Calendar (included) to help
you schedule, plan, assign and execute.

2. Assign a staff member (or outsource vendor) to begin
researching lists, rates, services and other information
you'll need to pursue the prospecting methods you've selected.

3. Budget what you'll need to spend (or can afford to spend)
on prospecting, based upon the above research. And remember
that many of the strategies -- including the 14 different
Instant Income referral systems -- are free or can be
implemented at a very low cost.

4. Work with the assigned employee (or outsource vendor) to
determine which offers you'll make in each prospecting
campaign -- that is, two-step offers, limited time offers,
sampling offers, and so on. You'll find more information on

5. Provide the comprehensive implementation guide (included)
to your staff to help them execute campaigns with confidence
-- using the same steps every time.

6. Print a copy of each promotion (even email campaigns),
then have your employee or outsource vendor keep a notebook
of all promotions in chronological order by the date they
were implemented -- so you'll have a hard-copy record you
can refer to again and again as you do future planning.

7. Set-up a simple spreadsheet to calculate response rates,
conversion rates and ROI for each campaign. 

Logical, isn't it?

Moreover, do you see how this 7-step process could help you
establish a prospecting and lead generation system in your
small business that works all year long to bring in new
customers in a structured, pre-planned, methodical way --
letting you simply plan and delegate...without taking you
away from running the overall business or delivering for

If you're like most businesses -- constantly scrambling for
new customers -- a Prospecting System that you set up using
the details and tools in the upcoming Instant Income Business
Enhancement System will make your life easier. It will give
you the time to work ON the business, rather than IN it. It
could even give you the freedom to pursue the passionate work
that inspired you to go into business in the first place.

Think about it.

Then watch your email inbox for another strategy that's one
of my favorites (one that generated over a million dollars
in revenue with a single phone call).

Of course, I'm providing all these previews in the final
days before releasing the Instant Income Business Enhancement
System -- the definitive course for small businesses who want
to re-focus on bringing in the cash. Seven separate modules
(plus planning tools, sample documents, worksheets and other
resources) help you establish ongoing, workable systems in
your small business that help continually bring in the cash.

I just saw the 'proof' copy and approved it for mass
production. It should take just a couple of weeks longer
before it's ready to ship. 

Watch your email inbox for that million-dollar strategy.

Until then,

Janet Switzer

Friday, August 14, 2009

Small Businesses #1 Problem

Dear Isyaias,

Since the release of the Instant Income Planner and the Instant
Income 10-Day Turnaround Program, my office has been flooded
with calls and emails from small business owners who desperately
need to create cash-flow now.  

They realize that the economy has permanently changed. They need
a different approach to running their business. And while it was
easy to get a little complacent during the "boom times," they
realize they need to quickly re-focus -- not just on running the
day-to-day business -- but on creating the most important

Re-focusing is what I've been doing, too.

In fact, over the last few weeks, I've super-focused, fine-tuned
and finalized the Instant Income Business Enhancement
System course to help you establish the 7 critical systems that
create continuous cash-flow in a small business.

You probably know that over the years, I've helped create
emergency cash, income-generating programs and multi-million
dollar profit centers for some of the best-known celebrity
entrepreneurs in the world -- people like Jack Canfield, Chicken
Soup for the Soul, Jay Abraham, Mark Victor Hansen, David Bach,
Les Brown and others. As a result of that work, I've identified
-- and continually honed -- the proven strategies and internal
business systems that bring money into a small business.

Unfortunately, these strategies and systems are used by just a
fraction of the small businesses out there.

Giving people the strategies is why I wrote my #1 bestselling
book, Instant Income®.

Helping you establish the internal business systems -- so you
don't have to constantly scramble for emergency cash -- is why
I assembled the Instant Income Business Enhancement System.
Whether you're a solo entrepreneur, have 150 employees, are a
manager for someone else or have yet to start a business of your
own -- doesn't matter. The systems are the same.

Starting today, then over the next 10 days -- in response to
your calls and emails -- I'll be giving you a sample of what's
in the 7 Instant Income systems while the fulfillment center is
putting this important new work into production. I want to help
you re-focus your entire business -- from the owner to the
employees to the outsource vendors, suppliers, consultants,
everyone...on bringing in the cash.

I'll begin this sample series with the most common request
I've gotten from virtually every industry: "Help us get more
customers. Our service is excellent, our prices are fair. Why
don't we have more people coming in here?"

For one thing, prospective customers don't know to come into
your store or call your office unless you tell them to. It's as
simple as that.

What can you do get more customers and

* Negotiate with another business owner to send prospective
customers your way in exchange for a percentage of any sales
produced from their list. Or ask your clients, vendors and
colleagues to send you customers for free. You'll find 14
separate referral strategies -- fully detailed -- starting on
page 72 of the Business Enhancement System.  

* Send a letter to past customers with a specific offer to start
doing business with you again. See page 46 for a comprehensive
direct-mail planner and page 83 for a detailed list of 16
different offers you can make to your past customers.

* Send unique offers to email addresses of people who have
contacted your business but haven't bought yet. Page 180 has an
11-step process for creating an offer that's compelling and

* Buy newspaper ad space at 70% off published rates, then
run an ad that tells your story, makes a specific offer and tells
readers exactly how to respond. (Better yet, if you have a
satisfied customer you can interview to produce a testimonial
ad, you can make up to 20 times return on your investment as
my clients have done.) The upcoming Business Enhancement
System includes a complete ad planner and client questionnaire
that lets you start the process on Thursday and have the phone
ringing by Monday morning. 

By the way, if you're thinking that you've "tried" some of
the strategies above and they didn't work, I can tell you that
lots of small business owners execute imperfectly -- which is
why I give you the step-by-step details in the Business
Enhancement System. For instance:

* If you've never used a press release successfully, I'll give
you the exact formula you need to follow (including a sample
campaign that brought in over 800 prospects and 200 online
marketing partners in the first two hours alone). You'll
discover -- on page 247 -- that it's all in the keywords,
formatting, links and online distribution outlet you choose.

* If you've spent thousands setting up a website that has yet
to return a single buyer for that expenditure -- check out page
121 for a three-page website formula specifically designed to
rapidly generate entry-level buyers you can sell more expensive
products and services to later. You'll learn exactly what to
say on each page, how to format your website, how to link the
site to an online shopping cart for 24-hour automated sales
management and more.

* If you've tried to develop new distributors, dealers or
licensees but don't have as many as you'd like, don't miss
page 216 which provides a complete tutorial on how to rapidly
add reseller accounts -- including a dealer development planning
guide and a sample trade advertisement that added $359,000 in
monthly business to a small manufacturing company.

Whether you just downloaded the Instant Income Planner recently
or some time ago, rest assured that I've been spending the time
making sure the Instant Income Business Enhancement System has
more detail than I've seen anywhere else. I wanted to be sure I
was giving you the exact steps. I admit it's taken longer than
I thought. That's because I've never seen a more challenging
phase for business than right now.

It's in production now and should take just a couple weeks
before it's ready to ship.

There are 7 detail-packed modules in the course, and there's
one in particular I'll be sharing with you over the next 10
days. Watch your email inbox for even more solutions to the
#1 problem most small business owners have today: How to get
new customers.

Until then,

Janet Switzer

New York Times bestselling coauthor of The Success Principles
and International #1 bestselling author of Instant Income:
Strategies That Bring In the Cash

P.S. Until the Business Enhancement System is ready for release,
you can make a start on generating cash-flow by reading the
book, Instant Income. It's available worldwide in bookstores
and from online retailers.

P.P.S If you've received this email from a friend, you can get
your own copy of the Instant Income Planner and Instant Income
Instant Income is a registered trademark of Janet Switzer.


Janet Switzer - Instant Income

107 North Reino Road #415
Newbury Park, CA

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Profit Automatically From Other People's Content!

Hi Isyaias,

today my latest crazy deal launched introducing a unique system
for generating your very own article directory empire from A to Z.

You are going to learn with an easy to follow step-by-step video
series how to go from start to finish and setup your very own
article directory.

Special Step-by-Step Video Series

This powerful 10 part video series covers the following:

Getting Started: Learn how to get the entire process started correctly.

Video 1: Downloading and uploading the article directory files.

Video 2: Installing the article directory from A to Z.

Video 3: Adding Adsense or affiliate banners to your article pages.

Video 4: Change Title Tag of Website for SEO Purposes

Video 5: Change Your Article Directory's Home Page

Video 6: Monetizing the home page of your article directory.

Video 7: How to maintain and manage your new website.

Video 8: Discover how to automatically start receiving new articles.

Video 9: Learn and uncover further monetization strategies.
Check out the following website to find out which bonus is included
for a limited time to this offer as well at

As always customers will be able to promote this deal
for 100% commissions paid to YOUR Paypal account instead
of mine.

You can succeed with this system even if...

* You don't have your own website already...

* You don't have years of technical experience...

* You don't have any name recognition...

* You don't have a niche...

* You don't have extra money to spend on making this work

And even if you are an absolute beginner, you can succeed with
this incredibly simple strategy for setting up your own article

To your success,


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Are You a Renegade Yet?

Hi Isyaias,

I sent out an email a few days ago about "IM Renegades".

If you haven't had a look at the offer yet hurry on to:

If you have a PayPal account, can follow instructions, and know
how to use a mouse, this is for you.

In fact this is THE EASIEST ways to add a cool $500 - $1,000 in
your PayPal account every month, with very little work.

You get not one, not two, but eight different turnkey websites:

1) "Cash In a Flash" - How to make fast cash online
2) "Millionaire Bloggers" - How A-list bloggers create millions
3) "Social Marketing 3.0" - The next generation of social media
4) "The IM Virus" - How to spread your business like a virus
5) "Copycat Marketing" - How to copy and steal from gurus
6) "Underground Traffic Secrets" - Stolen traffic manual
7) "Web 2.0 Vault" - The ultimate Web 2.0 toolkit
8) "WordPress Toolbox" - Massive collection of WordPress tools

All sales you make go directly to your PayPal account, and all
customer details are sent to your favorite autoresponder service.

That's why I recommend that you get into the "IM Renegade" offer
right now before the price increases for good. Go here:

Remember the price you see will only last for the next few days.
Grab your membership now or end up paying more later..


Gobala Krishnan

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Massive Advantages of RSS Feeds

Hi Isyaias,

If you're like most other webmasters, you'll always be on the lookout for
easy ways to boost your traffic and income.

If so, you may have heard of "RSS feeds" - but maybe not got around to
checking them out or adding them to your site yet.

Maybe you're not aware of the massive advantages offered by RSS feeds?

Well today I'd like to explain those advantages - and show you our brand
new software which makes it really easy to add RSS feeds to your website.

So what ARE the advantages of RSS feeds?...

In a nutshell, RSS feeds can generate more site visitors, search engine
traffic and money from every site that you add them to.

They do this by offering content (created by someone else) which can be
slotted into your own web pages. The important thing is that this content
updates itself automatically on a continual basis - without any ongoing
effort from you.

This means regular fresh content, making your site 'sticky' so you'll get
visitors returning again and again.

It also helps increase the search engine ranking of your site through
genuine updated content - just what search engines love the most.

You don't have to know how RSS feeds work or the technology behind
them in order to benefit from RSS...

All you need to do is add some code to your web site and you'll have fresh
content displaying on your site.

But how do you do it? It= is a little confusing to you?

Well it needn't be. Because we've made it very simple for you here:

RSS feeds add incredible value to your existing web sites and are highly
flexible to suit your target niche.

You'd be astounded at the huge range of RSS feeds available.

You can choose from: 

  • News and information feeds featuring the latest headlines etc.
  • Search engine feeds targeted to search terms.
  • Monetizing feeds from places such as eBay, Amazon and ClickBank that= you can earn commissions from.
  • Niche targeted feeds to fit in perfectly with your site theme.

The beauty of RSS is that it automatically refreshes every day with brand
new, relevant content that fits in with your site. Just think how professional
your site will become.

Take a look at some examples here:

So how do you find RSS feeds in the first place?

That's easy! We've created a simple tool to find RSS feeds to suit your site.
Simply enter your search term and the tool will immediately give you the
web address= of compatible feeds.

Once you find an RSS feed, you'll need to generate the code to add into
your web page. Again, we've thought ahead and made it super simple for
you with our RSS Code Generator.

You can choose the feeds you want, decide where you want them to display
on your page, and whether or not to have them from one RSS feed or many...
It's entirely up to you.

Our RSS software package makes adding RSS feeds to your web site a
breeze and you'll be delighted at the results.

I urge you to strongly consider adding RSS to your web sites with our
ingenious software.

Take a moment now to view the videos online that show exactly how quick
and easy the whole process can be for you.

Here's the link again: 

Wishing you success,

Peter Dobler 

PS: Did I mention that I've included a couple of terrific bonuses that you're
really going to love using? These two bonuses alone are worth more than
the low cost of our software!

Take a look and grab your copy now:

Friday, August 7, 2009

Stuff Your PayPal Account with Cash

Hi Isyaias,

I sent out an email a few days ago about "IM Renegades".

If you haven't had a look at the offer yet hurry on to:

If you have a PayPal account, can follow instructions, and know
how to use a mouse, this is for you.

In fact this is THE EASIEST ways to add a cool $500 - $1,000 in
your PayPal account every month, with very little work.

You get not one, not two, but eight different turnkey websites:

1) "Cash In a Flash" - How to make fast cash online
2) "Millionaire Bloggers" - How A-list bloggers create millions
3) "Social Marketing 3.0" - The next generation of social media
4) "The IM Virus" - How to spread your business like a virus
5) "Copycat Marketing" - How to copy and steal from gurus
6) "Underground Traffic Secrets" - Stolen traffic manual
7) "Web 2.0 Vault" - The ultimate Web 2.0 toolkit
8) "WordPress Toolbox" - Massive collection of WordPress tools

All sales you make go directly to your PayPal account, and all
customer details are sent to your favorite autoresponder service.

Vince, Gobala and Melvin have done an *amazing* job at making a
long and tedious process so simple.

That's why I recommend that you get into the "IM Renegade" offer
right now before the price increases for good. Go here:

Remember the price you see will only last for the next few days.
Grab your membership now or end up paying more later..


V Tan

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Notification of Payment Received

Hey there,

I know some people used the subject line
to attract your attention but we at
IMRed see such email subject
often because all the products that is
ready for you to sell INSTANTLY goes
into your PayPal DIRECTLY :)


Yes, it doesn't get any easier!

8 ORIGINAL turnkey products for you to
start profiting from immediately. Just
login, enter your name and paypal id and
promote your unique link!

No technical setup, no need to look for
products to buy, no need to generate
paypal code, etc... :)


And remember, the fast action bonus worth
$700+ is about to run out and the price
will be increased!

See you inside,
Vince Tan


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Membership Site: Set Up for Free in 6 Min?

Is a Membership Site in Your Future?
What if it was Free to set up?
What if you could set it up in 6 minutes or less?
What if you could do this multiple times?
It's true.  You can change a WordPress blog into
a Membership Site in nothing flat: 
Bye now.

Monday, August 3, 2009

how's it going?

Hey Isyaias,

Today I want to talk to you about something
that is not often talked about but is CRITICAL
to your SUCCESS.

And it's not necessarily what you may think.

Sure, there are important elements to
any online business from hosting to having
your own sites and building up your online
assets so you can make money...

But none of that happens without the
one thing which is the right mental approach.

Once you have the right MINDSET in place, the
rest becomes a whole lot easier.

Being positive and believing in yourself, then
taking ACTION is what separates the achievers
from the non-achievers.

If you see an OBSTACLE in your way, knock
it down. You can achieve anything you want to
ONCE you believe it.

One thing I often see is people convincing themselves
they can't do something, when in fact they can, but
because they believe they can't, they won't!

It DOESN'T have to be like this as long as you
FOCUS until you are seeing REAL results.

Today I want you to take away 3 key points:

2) BELIEVE In Yourself
3) Take ACTION ( very important )

Talk is cheap but ACTIONS COUNT.

You have already taken the FIRST step by
downloading your copy of Content Cash Secrets.

Don't let that gather dust on your hard drive. No
matter how good your intentions, if you don't put
into ACTION what you have learned, you won't make
any money.

No product is going to make money for you without
that magic ACTION ingredient :)

Here's to your success,

Dean James


Hi Isyaias --

Today, QUICK NEWS...

It's August 1st, and we're having a promo!

Earn over $1000 in commission THIS MONTH -- and we'll add 10% onto the top.
Go have a night on the town, ON US!

Just get in touch with us at the end of the month, and we'll zap the money
to you. INSTANTLY.

So if you want IN, then get PROMOTING!

Login for all of your links, etc - at

Thanks gang --
