Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A continual stream of new customers is just 7 steps away..

Dear Isyaias,

Imagine how much easier and more profitable your small
business would be if you had an engine -- running in the
background -- designed to bring in new customers (and
revenues) on a continual basis.

As the business owner or manager, you could simply oversee
this structured system of pre-planned activity -- rather
than react under pressure whenever cash-flow is a problem.

Would you like to know the 7-step formula? It's this:

1. Schedule a year's worth of prospecting campaigns based
upon the seasonal needs, trade-show activity, product
availability and other details of your company. Use the
comprehensive, 52-week Cash-Flow Calendar (included) to help
you schedule, plan, assign and execute.

2. Assign a staff member (or outsource vendor) to begin
researching lists, rates, services and other information
you'll need to pursue the prospecting methods you've selected.

3. Budget what you'll need to spend (or can afford to spend)
on prospecting, based upon the above research. And remember
that many of the strategies -- including the 14 different
Instant Income referral systems -- are free or can be
implemented at a very low cost.

4. Work with the assigned employee (or outsource vendor) to
determine which offers you'll make in each prospecting
campaign -- that is, two-step offers, limited time offers,
sampling offers, and so on. You'll find more information on

5. Provide the comprehensive implementation guide (included)
to your staff to help them execute campaigns with confidence
-- using the same steps every time.

6. Print a copy of each promotion (even email campaigns),
then have your employee or outsource vendor keep a notebook
of all promotions in chronological order by the date they
were implemented -- so you'll have a hard-copy record you
can refer to again and again as you do future planning.

7. Set-up a simple spreadsheet to calculate response rates,
conversion rates and ROI for each campaign. 

Logical, isn't it?

Moreover, do you see how this 7-step process could help you
establish a prospecting and lead generation system in your
small business that works all year long to bring in new
customers in a structured, pre-planned, methodical way --
letting you simply plan and delegate...without taking you
away from running the overall business or delivering for

If you're like most businesses -- constantly scrambling for
new customers -- a Prospecting System that you set up using
the details and tools in the upcoming Instant Income Business
Enhancement System will make your life easier. It will give
you the time to work ON the business, rather than IN it. It
could even give you the freedom to pursue the passionate work
that inspired you to go into business in the first place.

Think about it.

Then watch your email inbox for another strategy that's one
of my favorites (one that generated over a million dollars
in revenue with a single phone call).

Of course, I'm providing all these previews in the final
days before releasing the Instant Income Business Enhancement
System -- the definitive course for small businesses who want
to re-focus on bringing in the cash. Seven separate modules
(plus planning tools, sample documents, worksheets and other
resources) help you establish ongoing, workable systems in
your small business that help continually bring in the cash.

I just saw the 'proof' copy and approved it for mass
production. It should take just a couple of weeks longer
before it's ready to ship. 

Watch your email inbox for that million-dollar strategy.

Until then,

Janet Switzer

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