Friday, April 30, 2010

Fastest way to get to top of Google... The REAL Truth

Hey Isyaias, without just outright buying the top ranked website
for your keyword, the single fastest way to get to the top of
Google is by getting TONS and TONS of quality, one-way links pointing to your

That's a fact.  And it's based on REAL data and testing.  I've tested
this time and time again, and every time I increase links to my websites,
the result is ALWAYS increased search rankings.

Getting one-way links has always been challenging and/or expensive to make
happen.  Which is why there are only a select few people totally
dominating Google for their market's main keywords.

But I sent you an email Tuesday about a brand new link building
machine, , and told you how it's been a major
part in helping get 60,000+ links to one of my brother's newer websites
in the competitive health/fitness niche.

Well, I've got an update on that... The site is now making roughly $900/day
on total auto-pilot, selling a dinky little eBook only  :-)

If your website is set up to sell, like it should be, once you get
high amounts of targeted traffic, things like that are possible.

You can get access to the same link building system that myself, my brother, and
a few beta users have been using for several months, below:


Remember, the #1 ranking factor that Google looks at when ranking
websites is the quality AND number of websites linking to your site.

With SEOLinkVine, YOU have control over how many links you can get,
essentially giving you as much control as possible, as to how high
you'll rank in Google, Yahoo, and Bing!

Check it out. I guarantee you'll be impressed with how easy it is
to use (beginner or expert, it doesn't matter):


Talk soon,

Matt Callen

iNet Innovation, Inc

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Affiliate Network That Pays Instant Commissions on Everything

Hi Isyaias

If you sell digital products online you are no doubt aware of the two most popular affiliate networks, ClickBank and PayDotCom.

While both of these are great and I highly recommend each of them, today I came across a brand new service that really caught my attention. It's called PaySpree and the reason it caught my attention is that ALL its members get paid for their sales instantly by PayPal.

Even affiliates get paid for their referred sales instantly by PayPal.


I expect it to become quite a hit as the lure of 'instant commissions'  played a big part in the massive success of products such as 7DollarSecrets and the RapidActionProfits scripts.

I've actually come across products for sale that are just lists of affiliate programs that pay instant paypal commission. And I've seen many threads in the various internet marketing forums asking about where to find instant commission affiliate programs. Now there is an entire site and marketplace dedicated to them.

As soon as you become a member you can start promoting any product in the marketplace, and you can add your own products so affiliates can promote them for you. All commission payments are handled automatically by PaySpree, it sounds like a winner to me.

I've just signed up and had a look around the site and it seems pretty simple and non cluttered, check it out at the link below and let me know what you think:



Dave Offen


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

WE DID IT! 1 MILLION SIGNATURES. Now let's use it to stop the dolphin slaughter.

Dear Dolphin Petition Signers,

Last night we hit our goal of ONE MILLION SIGNATURES on our petition to End the Brutal Killing of 20,000 Dolphins Every Year in Japan. I'd like to just take a second and say thank you so much for what you've done to make this happen. Every invitation you sent to your friends, every time you posted this petition to your Facebook profile, it all counted and it has added up to one HUGE movement to stop the dolphin slaughter and the sale of mercury-laden dolphin meat. It�s one of the top petitions that Facebook Causes has ever had! Thank you so much.

Now, we have an exciting opportunity to get the full impact of our collective voices. Facebook Causes, TakePart, OPS, Earth Island Institute � our whole Cove Team � are making final plans to present the petitions in Washington, DC and Tokyo, Japan. Watch for further details on how you can get involved too.

Help us ramp up efforts to get the message of The Cove to the people of Japan. A generous donor of ours has made a special offer to match any donation you make to this cause, up to a total of $10,000. So, if you want to support our work financially and put funds toward saving dolphins lives, donate to our cause now and your donation will be doubled!

For those of you who are new signers, welcome! Be sure to join our cause at and we will keep you updated as our campaign continues. We won't stop until the cove is shut down and we need your help. Thank you for joining our movement.

Ric, Dave, and the Save Japan Dolphins team

View Petition | Ask Friends to Sign

Friday, April 23, 2010

How to Make Side Income


I received many questions asking about
how to make side income without leaving
the present job?

This is a very good question and I believe
I am the correct person to answer it since
I am also doing part-time internet marketing
while studying.

Which one are you going to start first?

-  blogging, creating and marketing products
or affiliate marketing?

Those three internet business models
are important, but you need to choose
one to start off first since you do not
have much time to master those three
techniques yet.

My suggestion would be....

1)Find which technique suits you.
If you are interested in writing,
I would recommend blogging.

If you have passion and interest in
writing, blogging  is the step that
you should take.

2)However, if you are good in copy writing
and sales copy, you should sell your own products.

With your copy writing skills, you can easily
sell any product online especially the PLR products.

You do not need to become a "guru", what
you need is the writing techniques of convincing
prospects. That is all...

3)If you are interested in marketing
such as pulling traffic, I would recommend
you to jump into affiliate marketing!

Go and get affiliate links and do your promotion
like crazy as if there is no tomorrow!

I know you have got the idea now!

Choose which business model suits you best
and start it now!

Good Luck!

-Ammar Zahar.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Again Wining WP Plugin


It can be a pain to manually update your blogs
with fresh content.

I know you hate this boring job.

But don't think that the old-fashioned method of using
content from RSS is the only solution.

As you know, it will make a website for Search Engine
bots, but not for REAL Visitors.

RSS feeds only pull information to your blog from
the first few sentences of various content sites...
usually not more than 55 words.

So if a visitor really wants to read it, he will LEAVE
YOUR SITE and go to the article source to continue reading.

You are losing visitors instead of converting them into customers!

Here's a simple and powerful solution that will
automatically post QUALITY content to your blog.


Automatic Blog Wordpress Plugin gets fresh new articles
each and every day and posts them automatically to your blog.

You get FULL ARTICLES to your blog, at least 300 words long!

It's so "Set-it-and-Forget-it" simple!

You install it in less than 3 minutes and then it works automatically!

Don't wait... Go ahead and check it out.


To Your Success,

Shannon Herod


This is LAST CHANCE to grab it with lower price.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Build Business Tips

As you are very much aware, consumers today are eager to receive fast, efficient service. Whether it is the fault of the Internet, a characteristic of the rising generation, or some other reason, swift responses to customers and prospects has become an absolute must for small business owners.

An autoresponder is the perfect solution for small business owners who have more to do than simply respond to inquiries all day. The benefits of an autoresponder are clear.

1. They give your customers and prospects a swift response. Just because you don't have time to answer an email right away doesn't mean you won't get to it later. Give your customer the immediate response they are looking for without having to stop what you're doing.

2. They inform your customers and prospects of your absence. Feel like taking a vacation? An autoresponder is the perfect way to redirect your contacts to someone who can meet their needs, or lets them know when you'll be back. Customers will excuse absences. They are less likely to accept no response at all.

3. They can answer some of your prospects and customers questions for you. What are the most common questions your contacts ask you about your products or services? Often times, an autoresponder can take care of the mundane task of repeatedly answering the same questions.

4. They let customers and prospects know when a payment has been received. Do you sell online? Whenever your contacts make an online payment, your autoresponder can let them know that their credit card was successfully processed. (Which of course eases any concerns.)

With an autoresponder, YOU decide when to get back to your customers and prospects...but you get to respond on their timetable.


Clate Mask
CEO, Infusionsoft


PS: Free Aweber like Autoresponder is here or

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Free SEO Ranking Video + A special Surprise

Hey Isyaias, last week I emailed you about a new one-way
link building system that I've been secretly building. One that's
helped me get a #1 Google ranking for an extremely competitive
keyword, over 29,000 backlinks, and roughly 6,500 daily visitors
to my website... all in only 3 months time!

Well, today I want to give you FREE access to a series of search
engine optimization videos that will show you the main strategy
that I've been using to get such fast search engine results for
this website.

Once you visit below, make sure you also read my short post, as
I tell you how you can get access to this new link building system
before anyone else.


Then be sure to go through the SEO videos. They'll really lay the
foundation for you in terms of what Google is really looking for
when ranking websites longterm.

Here's the link again:


Go there now and I'll be in touch soon with more stuff that will
get your business really rolling this year. Especially with Google.

Talk soon,

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
Get your free SEO videos here:

Monday, April 12, 2010

Either/Or: An Experiment With Apricot


A young man, serving in the army, was assigned KP duty. Specifically, he was responsible for the apricots in the chow line. Now, most of the soldiers didn't care for the apricots, and generally passed this young man without taking any.

After a while, the young man changed his serving tactic. Rather than ask his fellow soldiers if they "would like any apricots," he simply said, "One apricot or two?"

Most of the soldiers went away with at least one apricot on their plate.

How many times do you give your prospects/customers a chance to "slip" away without a sell? Is the way you sell to your customers making the most of your products/services? Sometimes, prospects and customers simply need a push in the right direction.

  • Always speak about your products/services with enthusiasm
  • Assume your prospect/customer wants/needs what you have to offer
  • Use encouraging words and phrases such as "when you buy this product" versus "if you buy this product"
  • Ask for the sale! Later...ask again!

Follow these tips and you'll be surprised at the number of customers that walk away with your products and services.


Clate Mask
CEO, Infusionsoft


Saturday, April 10, 2010

5 Stages of Relationship

Hi Isyaias,

We've arranged for you to recieve something very
special from our good friends and relationship
experts, Paul and Layne Cutright.

Everyone else has to buy it in order to have it,
but as a SuccessNet subscriber, you get it at no cost.

Did you know that . . .

. . . upsets, misunderstandings & miscommunications
are inevitable and predictable in any relationship?
Not only that, upsets are actually unavoidable and
recurrent for people who DO NOT know about the Five
Stages of Relationships.

You see, all relationships go through five predictable
stages. And the one that is usually most problematic
and painful for people is the second stage, The Power

Knowing these stages is like having a map that will
help you to accurately assess where you are in your
relationships, where you have been, and where you
can go. This will also allow you to deal effectively
with the particular concerns of the stage you are in.

If you don't know that, you could easily misinterpret
what is going on in the relationship, make misguided
choices, and miss important learning and growth
opportunities. Each stage requires a different, yet
overlapping set of skills.

Success in relationships is about mastering these skills.

This self-assessment is very simple to do and takes
about 30 minutes to complete. Once you've completed
the self-assessment you will have deeper insight into
the inner workings of your most important relationships.

Many people have said that simply discovering the Five
Stages of Relationship and learning where they and
their relationship are in the five stages has helped
them understand more about relationships than all the
other books they've read about relationships.

Simply go to this special webpage and request your
free assessment.

Make it a great day,
Michael & Dawn Angier

Friday, April 9, 2010

Get Free Automated On Topic Content For Your Site

Hi Isyaias,

This brand new link network is SEOLinkVine and is being operated
by Brad Callen, who is one of the top SEO experts.

You just add your websites to the system and you get free unique
content on any topic from other members of the network on
complete autopilot.

This is perfect if you hate writing but still want unique, high
quality content on your sites and want higher search engine

This is a very powerful system, however it is dependant on the
nunber of blogs in the network. In order to get as many blogs as
possible in a short period of time, Brad is giving each member
$1.00 per blog added to the system, even though it's totally free
to join. There is no catch, except that this offer finishes at
2pm EST today.

I would therefore sign up straight away, add as many quality
blogs as you can and get yourself a few dollars. This can only be
a good thing for everyone.

Get over there now and add your blogs.

Best regards,

Mark Benjamin

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Learn From My Mistakes

Hi Isyaias,

It's been a while since I contacted you last.

...I'm not pitching anything in this email so you can
leave your credit card in your wallet.

I just wanted to drop you a quick line to keep in
touch because I really appreciate you as a subscriber.

And while I've got your attention, I may as well
share a few golden nuggets of advice.


** 5 [sic] Big Mistakes You Can Learn From **

1. Not having a clear goal.

You might have heard this before...

"If you don't know where you're going, how will you
know where you get there?"

Most of us have an idea of what we want to achieve but
until you actually sit down and make really targeted
goals, you'll be wandering around aimlessly.


2. Being too perfect.

Perfectionism is a big hurdle that slows progress big time!

I can be a perfectionist sometimes...but I really wish I
wasn't. Sometimes I'm stuck before I start because I'm
trying to make my idea perfect.

But some of my biggest successes have been when I got
an idea and ran with it. It wasn't perfect but it was
good enough.


3. Tying to do it all by yourself.

Running your online business by yourself is a big job,
as you might already know.

I still do most of my work myself...but I should
outsource more.

When I DO outsource, it's a massive burden off my shoulders.
I really recommend it. Even if it's just small things like
getting graphics or articles written, this is where you can
really get things done.


4. Not developing skills.

An online business requires you to have computer skills,
marketing skills and a whole lot more.

I found that as I learned new skills, like copywriting for
example, it helped me write better ads which helped my
business grow.

You still might be learning how to use your PC or to type..
and if that's the case, learn it well! Your computer is your
tool you use to create your business.

The more skills you can develop, the more help and service
you can provide to your customers.

Remember though, you don't have to learn how to use every
video and photo editing software..or learn php coding...
because like I mentioned above, you can outsource that.

Skills like that can be "borrowed" but skills you might want
to develop as an online business owner could be marketing,
time management and managerial skills.


I hope these little pointers help you avoid some mistakes
that stop you from achieving your dreams.

I'll be in touch!

Stuart Stirling

p.s. Don't be afraid to make mistakes though...because it's
the best way to learn.

"A man's errors are his portals of discovery." - James Joyce

Monday, April 5, 2010

How To Pace Your Follow-up

Some of the greatest mistakes entrepreneurs make is in their follow-up efforts with their customers and prospects. You see, most small business owners fit into one of two categories.

1. Those that don't follow up often enough. (99 percent of small business owners don't follow up at all.) When your follow-up is inconsistent and infrequent, you're simply wasting your time and marketing dollars. Your contacts won't remember who you are...and those that do will simply regard you as "the occasional pest."

2. Those that follow up too often. When you send too many messages to your contacts, you are going to be viewed as a mass marketer. In fact, a recent email study shows that 65% of men and 56% of women define spam as "email from a company that I have done business with that comes too often."

So how do you determine the best pace at which to follow up with your clients? Well that's the tricky part. Each group of prospects and customers is going to react to your follow-up differently. So ultimately, you are going to have to "test" your group. But here are some key, follow-up principles to keep in mind:

  • Follow-up must be consistent
  • Send frequent enough messages to keep your name fresh in your contacts' minds
  • Send valuable and educational materials as well as your marketing message
  • Your messages should be building a relationship with your contacts
  • Be personal, be real and a little entertaining

By following these principles, I have no doubt you will find the follow-up pace that is perfect for you, your customers, and your prospects!


Clate Mask
CEO, Infusionsoft