Saturday, July 31, 2010

Are You Making These Mistakes?

Hey Isyaias,

It's Michael Rasmussen here with an email
I REALLY wish someone had sent me years ago,
back when I was just getting started in
Internet marketing.

You see, back then I didn't know anything.
I felt overwhelmed all the time. I spent
MANY nights discouraged and frustrated. And
yes, I made all of the "newbie" mistakes
you can imagine.

While I wouldn't say I've arrived, or I
have nothing left to learn (not by a long
shot, believe me), I HAVE learned some
valuable lessons about mistakes to avoid.

In this email, I'm going to give you what
I think are the top seven mistakes new
Internet marketers make.

When I was making these mistakes, I
struggled. Now that I've put them behind
me, things are going great. Here's
what I mean:

* My business is humming along just fine,
even with the recession.

* I've worked with most of the top Internet
marketers on various projects. Gosh, I have
almost all of their phone numbers on my
cell phone!

* My business has DOUBLED every year for
the past three years running.

* July has been amazing, one of my BEST
months ever!

But NONE of that would be possible if I kept
on making the mistakes I'm going to tell you

So let me tell you what those are, and how
to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Poor Planning

I could just as easily say NO planning,
because most new marketers don't do any
at all.

Without a plan, they get distracted by just
about every "new" thing that comes along.
They jump into "hot" markets and niches
without doing any research. When they get
crushed, they're shocked and angry. I was
guilty of that, and found out I was in a
bunch of niches where people only wanted
to learn and not buy.

Let me tell you, as the old saying goes,
if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

The simple way to avoid this problem is

You don't need the world's best plan. You
just need a reasonable one YOU can execute.
My plan isn't yours, and yours isn't mine.

Here's what I recommend doing:

1) Pick a market you want to target.
Research it. Use Google until you're sick of
it. Find a market full of people who are
BUYING right now.

2) Choose a business model you'll use to
target them. You can start with affiliate
marketing, or create a membership site, or
create a simple product you'll sell with a
Minisite, or something else. There's no one
right or wrong answer. Just pick ONE.

3) Create a single, simple, relatively
low-cost offer to target your market.
Doesn't have to be fancy. It just has to
be real.

4) Focus on that ONE product in that ONE
market until you turn a profit, or determine
with confidence that you can't make a profit

That's it.

You don't need to spend big bucks on every
huge launch that comes along so you can get
the "missing link." You just need to stick
to a simple plan that will get you results.
Then you can grow from there.

Remember, it's better to have fewer sites
that are VERY profitable, than to have a
bunch of sites that make nothing. Planning
and doing helps you get there.

Mistake #2: Wasting Time

Closely related to that first mistake is
wasting time.

Internet marketing is FULL of time wasters.
If you don't have a plan, you'll find
yourself wasting lots of time.

Most new marketers are very active, but
they're NOT taking the action they need
to take.

They buy domains, make lots of sites, grab
graphics and PLR offers...and they don't
sell anything.

I did all of that myself, and the only way I
ever succeeded was to STOP. You need to
start selling something, monitor the
results, learn and get better at generating

And here's something lots of people do
(including me, back in the day) that sounds
good, but really isn't...learning.

You'll always learn. I learn about my
business every single day. But if you get
stuck in the learning rut, you'll find
yourself taking (and buying) course after
course with NOTHING to show for it.

One of the ways people think they're
learning is by spending hours in marketing
forums. Forums aren't bad, but does spending
time there fit your plan? If not, why are
you there?

You have to be confident that you're not
"missing" something when you're not
there...because you're following YOUR plan.

I suggest that you block out some time every
day to spend on your business. Don't do
anything in that time that isn't
specifically planned for, and helping you
take REAL action toward generating the
profits you want to generate. That will keep
you focused.

Mistake #3: Spending With No Return

This is a big one.

I can remember years ago spending massive
amounts of money on pay per click (PPC)
advertising. And I spent a ton on software
tools, too.

Look, those things can be helpful, but they
also can be a money pit. I've wasted a ton
of cash, and I bet you have as well.

You should adopt a simple rule for

Anything you spend should be planned
(there's that word again), and you should
only spend if your likelihood of making a
good return is going up.

For example, if you throw some money at PPC
ads, and you get poor results, that's not
necessarily bad. It's only bad if you did it
just hoping it would go well. No, you should
have planned your traffic experiment, and
put limits on how much you would spend.

If you do the experiment and you learned
something that you think will get better
results, you can spend some more to find
out. But if you don't have a plan for it, do
NOT spend any more.

Same goes for software and other tools. Ask
yourself if you really NEED it. If you're
just buying it because you hope it'll make
the light bulb go on, keep your money in
your pocket.

Here's a good way to keep yourself on the
right path...

If you haven't turned a profit yet with your
latest marketing exercise, refuse to spend
any cash on anything else until you DO turn
a profit.

Mistake #4: Not Building A List

I often wish I could turn back time to when
I was just getting started and correct what
might be the biggest mistake I ever made --
not building a list.

My affiliate marketing efforts were actually
paying off, but I wasn't capturing the email
addresses of my visitors. That meant I was
getting cash from them once, and then I had
to do the hard work of getting a new
visitor! Not smart.

Remember, a list is what will make you
successful. It gives you opportunities to
sell, a group of people to send test offers
to so you can learn what converts, and more.

Without a list, you're really hurting

Fortunately, this is easy to fix by
following a simple guideline...

NEVER put up a website that doesn't have a
way for something to give you an email
address. In fact, I suggest that you ALWAYS
directly ask for one, or even force somebody
to give you one if he wants your offer.

This is easier to do than you might think.

Let's say you're selling a product, like an
ebook. Simply create a free offer (maybe a
very short report on the ebook's topic) and
tell people you'll give it to them at no
cost if they'll just give you an email
address to send it to.

You can put that invitation prominently on
the sales page for your product, or even on
a squeeze page in front of your sales page.

That will build your list, which will build
your business over time.

And one more thing...use a third-party
autoresponder. Never host your own scripts
on your own web server.

You can often get autoresponder scripts for
very low cost, and you might think you're
saving a ton over signing up for a service
that charges you a mothly fee. But you're
not. I wasted SO much time struggling with
script issues, getting poor delivery rates,
and being blacklisted by ISPs. It's
definitely NOT worth it.

A third-party service might seem to cost
more, but it's actually a bargain when you
consider the advantages it gives you. It
also helps you focus on doing what you need
to be doing, not struggling with technology.

Mistake #5: Chasing Bad Traffic

Not all traffic is good. I had to learn that
lesson the hard way.

I won't beat this point to death, but let me
say if you're spending time on safe lists
and traffic exchanges, DON'T. Those things
are a waste of time and money. They simply
don't work.

Good traffic is high-quality, targeted
likely buyers. Bad traffic is everything

Safe lists, traffic exchanges, and other
gimmicks can build a list quickly, but the
list won't do anything. You'll end up with a
few thousand subscribers (at most) who sit
there and never buy because they are trying
to sell to YOU.

What you should be doing instead is going
after targeted visitors from reliable
traffic sources like this:

* Keyword targeted articles on popular
article directory sites

* IM-friendly social networking sites that
can help you build a loyal following (like
Twitter and Facebook)

* Other Web 2.0 sites that can give you
great free traffic from search engines (like

* SMART PPC advertising, where you do great
research first, and then split test your ads
and offers until you know what works

* Relationships that can bring you "warm"
traffic that's eager to buy what you sell
(more on this one in a minute)

When I was just starting, I wasted literally
years on bad traffic. Now I spend ALL of my
time on joint venture partnerships, solid
article marketing, well researched PPC ads,
and a few other techniques that reliably
bring me great traffic.

That's what you should do.

Mistake #6: Neglecting Relationships

Relationships are the backbone of my
business. I wouldn't be where I am today
without them.

In the beginning, I stuck to myself and
didn't do as much networking as I should
have done. You know, I'm still very private
about my business. :)

But I learned that I needed to be a lot more
open to establish relationships with people.
Now I talk on the phone, chat, and regularly
keep in touch with many of the top gurus.
Some have become VERY close friends.

This is what Stephen Covey talks about as
the balance between Production and
Production Capacity.

Working heads-down on your business is good
sometimes. That's production.

But relationships are where the big profits
are, and where the big opportunities are.
That's future production capacity, and it's
why I'm where I am today.

I mentioned before that my business has
doubled every year for the past three years.
Relationships did that.

So go out and meet people! When you're in
forums (because you PLANNED to be), get to
know fellow marketers. Attend live events.
Offer to work with folks. That's how your
business will succeed.

Mistake #7: Not Seeing Things Through

People quit too soon. Success takes

When I first started, I felt like quitting
almost every day. But I didn't. Now I can
look back on it and think how crazy it would
have been for me to give up.

You're probably not all the way to success
yet, so you can't relate to what it feels
like. That doesn't matter.

Here's what you need to do...

Refuse to quit, no matter what, until you
make your first sale on the Internet without
spending yourself into debt.

If you do the other things I've told you
about in this email, you should be able to
do it.

Only you can decide not to quit.

Wrapping Up

Those are the top seven mistakes I see new
Internet marketers making every day.

I've given you some advice about how to
avoid each of those mistakes. And now you
have to TAKE my advice and plan how you'll
avoid these mistakes in your own business
from now on.

I hope this information helps you as much as
I know it would've helped me years ago.

Have a great weekend, Isyaias.

All the best,

Michael Rasmussen

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Video - The Most Fun Medium of Marketing!

Easy Video Producer Take a look around the internet today and one thing you'll see more of is videos.More and more, even the 'gurus' are making use of this medium to advertise their products and services.
Do you doubt me on that?
If so, think about the last big launch?
Who was the guru and what did he say?
No, I don't mean what did he write, I mean what did he 'say'.
Because, invariably, every single launch that's happened over the past few months not only had an element of video in its sales letter……in most cases, the video IS the sales letter.Yes, you may see a page with writing on it, but count the number of words.
Chances are, you could actually count the words in a matter of seconds.Before video I couldn't imagine anyone would want to even attempt to count the words –the sales letters for big launches are way too long.And let's face it, when it comes to high ticket, expensive products, the sales pitch has got be substantial as most people want to know as much as possible about a product before they splash out that amount of money.
The good thing with video is now you can write a sales pitch as long as you want, and people will most likely site there and watch it… especially if the delivery is entertaining.Now tell me, when was the last time you found a written sales letter entertaining?
I mean, yes, sometimes they are but, for the most part, you can't afford to use humour in the written sales letter.
Video opens up avenues which were never available before to any business.Or, for that matter, any individual just wanting to get his or her diary online in video form.Sure, you could upload a video to YouTube or one of the multitudes of video sites, but not
everyone wants to stick their videos on a public forum that size.There may be certain types of videos available only to your clients – would you want everyone to see them.
Heck, I know of one martial artist who sticks videos on YouTube which are only supposed to be for his paid members.You can't get to them through his site, but all you have to do is go to YouTube and type in his name and, hey presto, there they are.
Now, if you're one of those people who want to keep their videos on individual sites, what happens if you're not a techie.Well, if you're anything like me, you'll go through a whole load of trial and error.Sure, you'll probably get the video onto your site, as I did, but it could take a whole day… as it did me.
Now, what if you had a facility to put your videos only on your site?And, what if that facility was so easy to use, it literally takes a few minutes to record, edit and upload?
Well, that facility is here, and I've used it. If only I had this a couple of years ago - it would have made my life a whole lot easier.
What is this new facility?
Easy Video Producer.
I'm not going to tell you how amazing it is or how much easier it has made my life or anything like that.
However, if I did, it would be true.
The good thing is, it's available for nothing.Yup, absolutely free.
What more can you ask for?Try it out by clicking the link below… and…
Written by Ghulam Nabi Rezbi

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Two Tales of Negative Keywords


Today, a tale of two clients and their Negative Keywords. A story of success and failure, and the reason why....

Client #1:

Terrence spends $70,000 a month on AdWords (quite profitably, I might add) and one day last month his webmaster printed out the web stats that show all the different searches that actually brought people to his website.

He spent some time combing through the list and made a huge list of negative keywords.

The next month his sales stayed exactly the same and his spend dropped to $40,000 a month. 40% down, overnight.

Hey, it doesn't matter whether you're spending $70,000 or just $70 per month, a 40% cost reduction is a big deal! This guy was already dominating his market... and now he's unstoppable.

Client #2:

William spends $9,000 a month on AdWords, also quite profitably, thank you very much. He did pretty much the same thing - a big exhaustive list of negative keywords - and he dropped his spend down to $6,000.

But his sales dropped even MORE than that. 33% cost savings, and maybe 40% dent in sales. Oops... better get rid of those negative keywords.

OK.... so what was going on?

Here's the difference: Terrence, who saved a ton of dough, identified a number of completely different itches that people want to scratch, with very similar keywords. Identify the negative keywords because THOSE people ain't NEVER gonna buy.

William's product has very broad appeal in a market where potential buyers could come from almost anywhere. They could even come from outside the niche and still be interested. William needs to buy as much traffic as he can reasonably get and not really worry too much about the negative keywords - actually only a few.

Situations where negative keywords stop wasted clicks - very common. Everybody should have negative keywords. Situations where negative keywords hurt - less common. But it happens. When you make major changes, pay close attention and be ready to back off if the strategy isn't working.

To your success,

Perry Marshall

Friday, July 23, 2010

Now You Can Copy My 5-Figure per Month Business Start

Hi Isyaias,

seven years ago I heard from many top marketers that
building a list is one of the most important parts
of running an online business.

At that time my problem was what I should do to monetize
from the list I build and how to build a relationship
with my subscribers.

Then I found the best solution which helped me to start
my online business the right way and make a living online
from my list by using a pre-written newsletter which I
could add once to my autoresponder and then run it on

Today I am proud to announce that a similar solution I
used years ago is available for you to grab right now...

My IM Newsletters just launched!

Visit the following website and read about all details
this powerful package provide and help you to have the same
successful start in your online business I have had

To your successful business start,


Monday, July 19, 2010

How To Save Your Christian Marriage

Hi Isyaias,



- The Christian's Way To Save Your Marriage
- Recognising The 9 Early Warning Signs Before Disaster
- Knowing Your Options and Take Them
- Simple Steps To Follow
- Shows You How to Really Love and Be Loved


Save Your Christian Marriage



Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Know Where You Are Going

Hi Nichers,

There are many self-employed workers who have businesses
that own THEM. Think of the Mom & Pop stores that chew up
12 hours a day, 7 days a week for these people. They live
their whole lives behind a counter or stocking shelves,
while life passes them by. Some can afford a so-called
'two weak' vacation, but after it's over, it's back to the
daily grind. Can you picture yourself in the same
situation, if you keep going the way you are going now?

There is a difference between seeing and vision. Some
people can only see what's in front of them. They can't
envision a different picture of themselves, doing things in
a different way. Don't allow yourself to set up a business
that ends up owning YOU. Take the time to evaluate what you
are doing now, and how you can grow yourself out of working
for your business like just another employee. There may be
some nobility in the motto 'Everybody works here', but
nobody will care if you extract yourself from the daily

A regular review of your business will also help you to set
the next goal or create the next mission for you to
accomplish. Avoid becoming so comfortable with your current
model of doing business that if a shake-up occurs, you'll
find yourself without a plan or escape route. No business
is immune from outside forces that can abruptly change
things for the worse. If you're mentally prepared to set
new goals and are open to new ways to do business, your
mind will be better prepared to act quickly, in case of

Whether you use automation, employees, outsourcing or
Virtual Assistants to take some (or all) of the workload
you presently do off your shoulders, prepare yourself for
giving up some control. Most entrepreneurs have a real
problem with letting go of the things they built
themselves. Guess what? The chores, duties and repetitive
work your business requires actually take away from your
ability to work ON your business. Don't fall into the trap
of letting the urgent crowd out the important. Delegate
work to people who are paid to deal with time-consuming
tasks that need to be done - just not by you.

You may also need to decide if 'drilling down' deeper into
your niche or drilling a new one altogether is the way to
go. Only you will be able to determine if what you are
doing is truly satisfying to you, as a long-term pursuit.
If you really love your niche, but can't see a way to
increase your business doing what you do now, get help.
Brainstorm with other people, even if they're not in your
line of work. There can be some surprising insights from
people who don't have your preconceived notions about how
to do what you do.

Solid financial and legal counseling can prevent problems
from cropping up, and minimize weaknesses and threats to
your business. You may have done everything on your own to
start your business, but as soon as you can afford it, get
your bookkeeping, taxes and legal exposure looked at by
professionals. Lawyers and accountants can be the key to
you taking your business to the next level. Not having them
on your team can mean real trouble, if you're doing
something wrong and don't know it.

Regular reviews of your business, away from the daily tasks
you may be doing, can give you a perspective on your
operation that may not occur to you while you're slaving
away. The time you spend looking at the big picture helps
relieve the eyestrain caused by staring at a computer
screen all day long, too!

See you again tomorrow with a whole new NicheADay.
Yours in profits,

Scot Standke - Founder

Friday, July 9, 2010

23 Sites to Writing For Income

Hi Isyaias,
Are you looking to make money on the Internet, from home?
Then you need to consider writing for income.
But, you don't need to go through all the hassle of finding clients to write for.
There are sites out there now which will pay you immediately for your writing.
23 such sites in fact.
It's all explained in this new Special Report, Writing Content For Sale.

Just sign up the right site, write right, and you be earning money today.
The perfect rainy day income solution.
To your success,

Monday, July 5, 2010

Do What You Do Best - Use Your Core Competence

Hi Nichers,

Build your business upon your main strength. Even though
this advice applies to any business you might start, it's
especially true in the field of Internet Marketing. There
are so many unique niches, skills that are required,
services that are needed and products that are necessary
that everybody should be able to find something to do that
will let them shine. You don't want to be wasting your time
chasing after a business model that doesn't fit your

Unfortunately, many people get seduced by the profits they
see others reaping from a particular method or system, and
try to 'ape' them. Monkey see, monkey do is fine if you're
playing. In business, it's a ticket to a quick loss and a
face full of monkey's doo-doo. Don't just copy something
because it looks profitable.

There's also the problem of getting advice for your
business from the wrong person. Just because somebody is a
success in their chosen field doesn't make them the right
source for coaching you in your business. Too many
successful people don't really know why they are
successful. Even worse, the reasons for their success
aren't what they think they are. If you want business
coaching, go to a real business coach. You wouldn't ask for
soccer coaching from a golf pro, would you?

The best place for you to start, if you don't already know
with certainty what your core competence is, will be to ask
other people. Many of us have a 'blind spot' when it comes
to ourselves. You may have been struggling with self
examination for years, but an outsider who gets to know you
over the period of a week could probably point out your
flaws and strong points easily. The hard part is hearing,
and accepting what you hear.

Once you do know what you were made for, make a plan to put
that to work. Keep in mind that your weaknesses and flaws
will have to be covered by you, at first. Part of your plan
should include a provision for outsourcing or leveraging
your weaknesses as soon as you can afford it. A Virtual
Assistant, employee or JV partner could be the way for you
to get the chore done, without you becoming a drudge that
spends most of your time working for your business, instead
of ON your business.

This brings up the point of working on your weaknesses and
improving them. It might be best if you didn't do that. Let
somebody else do that for you. It's very romantic, to think
of yourself as a self-reliant entrepreneur, handling
anything and everything with a flair. That's an illusion.
Nobody can do everything well. Most of us are lucky if we
can do ONE thing passably well. Don't bother becoming a
better clerical worker. Hire one, or pass the work on to a
partner that hires them.

There is one skill that every entrepreneur needs to develop
the ability to implement a plan, idea or vision. Million
dollar ideas are a dime a dozen. Implementation plans are
priceless! You cannot make your millions if all you do is
come up with ideas that never get made into reality. If
action plans (systems and methods for implementing great
ideas) are not your thing, you'll need the help of a
partner or company that specializes in making things
happen. In fact, if they are weak in the area of
'brainstorming' and comprehensive thinking, you may be the
'outsource' they need to get their million dollar payday.
Put your great ideas together with a team of battle
hardened warriors, and both of you will win the battle.

See you again tomorrow with a whole new NicheADay.

Yours in profits,

Scot Standke - Founder

Friday, July 2, 2010

This generated $70,345 in 2 weeks ... on Autopilot!

Hey Isyaias,
I'm writing today because I've just come across a
great new product from Ewen Chia and wanted to let
you in on it right away before he starts charging
up to $97 for it.
I just downloaded this system right now and I have to
say that it doesn't get any easier than this!
Click here if you're in a hurry
Ewen just showed me how he made $549,784.82 on
complete autopilot...(and $70,345 of that was
in just two weeks!)
And he's giving YOU the exact system to do it too!
You see, not only does Autopilot Profits
teach you step-by-step how to set up your own
proven profit making system, but it also
provides you with your own instant turnkey plug-
and-play money machine because:
- You don't need to create your own website...
- You don't need to create your own products...
- You don't need to write your own sales copy...
- You don't need to do any customer service...
All you need is to sign up and you'll become an instant
affiliate earning massive commissions ... on autopilot.
The best thing is, he teaches you exactly how to
promote any product online, with the blueprint and
videos you're about to download right now.
Go download it now before he changes his mind:
Like I said, I'm using this system myself and it
really is one of the easiest ways to get started.
I recommend that you visit now before he starts
charging $97 for it!
All the best,
P.S. Don't forget that once you download all of this
you'll also become an instant affiliate and be able to
start generating profits today.
Make sure you check it out now.