Monday, February 20, 2012

I Can't Do This!

Yesterday I wrote to you about a remarkable online guy named Matt Levenhagen
who's raking in cash with affiliate marketing and Adwords.
One poor soul wrote back to me to say the program sounds great, but he's just
not bright enough to do it.
I think he's wrong.
If a person can follow instructions...
If he can copy the answers out of the teacher's book...
He can make a real living online with Matt's program.
In it's simplest form, you place an ad that brings a buyer to a webpage.
Learn the secrets, follow the steps, and it's easy.
Here are a few questions I received on the program that I thought you might like
to see...
Q. How current is this guide?
A. Very. He's just added another update that covers...
--How to get more clicks
--New strategies to maximize seasonal and holiday profits
--How to get a site up so fast you can grab spots in the best networks
--How and when to let others do the work for you
--More profit impacting techniques
--In-depth strategies
--How to turn traffic into buyers
--Easy action plan to get you started
--Never before revealed techniques for list building
--3 level bidding strategies for maximum profit
--Detailed insider info on my campaign expansion techniques
--Discover how to build and grow your campaigns toward higher and high
--And even more...
Q. I'd love to use this to make my living online, but I don't know much about
Adwords. Is this for me?
A. Yes. Matt includes Adwords basic training with the course. It takes you step-
by-step through everything you need to know, even if you've never ever used
Google or Adwords before.
Q. Do I have to know how to build landing pages?
A. No. You don't need landing pages or a website to start making money today,
but they should be part of your long term plan. That's why Matt also gives you
Landing Pages 101.
Click here for full info...
Q. What about tracking different campaigns. Don't you spend all day just trying
to figure out what's working?
A. Normally, yes. Google is limited in some ways, and tracking different
campaigns in different markets used to take Matt a long time. That's why he
developed the Campaign Clustering Tracking System, which makes it brain-dead
simple to do. It's included in your package.
If you want to learn how to do something, and do it really really well, learn
from a pro.
Matt is one of the very best in the business, and he'll give you every tip,
trick, and insider secret he's developed.
Bottom line, if you can follow directions, you can do this.

Mike Myers

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