Hi Isyaias
One thing you will discover as soon as you create a website is that the
spambots will soon arrive to scrape any email links you have on any
These will then be used for email spamming giving you a bad name in the
process.Trust me on this. It will happen as sure as night follows day.
So what can you do about it?
The first thing is to get rid of any email links on your site but you
still needs some way for visitors to contact you.
If you use Wordpress a good idea is to use a contact form plugin which
has some sort of captcha code.
There are plenty of free contact form plugins that are easy to install
and they usually work well.
If you have a static site made up of linked html pages you can also add
a contact form but this could involve using a script which can be tricky
to install for newbies.
The most professional solution, if you have a sales page and want
customers to be able to contact you, is a help desk where they can
submit a ticket for any problems that might occur.
But why have a help desk instead of a simple contact form?
Here's why...
Let's suppose you had some products you were selling online. Every day
you check your email to see new sales and also new support questions
(which is a fact of life for any business).
Reading the questions, and you find that they're the same questions
you've already answered before a hundred times.
So you tediously navigate through your PC folders to find your
ready-made email answer templates (if you can find them) , quickly copy
and paste them into the email, edit it slightly, and off it goes.
Problem solved.
Except it's taken you 5-10 minutes to do it.
Time better spent on making money.
But with a help desk you can...
- Answer repeated questions by using preloaded replies.
- Pass the support tasks onto staff as your business grows.
- Create an easy to use searchable knowledgebase.
- Make your life a whole lot easier.
I am sure you can see how a help desk would save you all the time and
the frustration of answering the same questions over and over again.
A couple low-cost solutions which I can recommend are:
TicketDesk Pro
VIP Help Desk
I promise you this.
Once you have an help desk you won't ever go back to the old way of
handling your customers support questions.
I hope this has shown you the benefits of using one.
Kicking the spammers into touch is an added bonus :)
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