Monday, April 20, 2009

Do You Feel Alone In Your Business?

I had a great strategy session with one of
our members last week.

"Bob" was unclear as to where to focus his
efforts. He had a passion for one thing,
an interest in another and lots of experience
and expertise in yet another area. He was
thinking he needed to choose one of the three.

But with me asking a few questions and getting
to understand his situation better, we were
able to come up with a way to merge the three
together. He now has a niche and a target
market and will do work that will utilize
his many talents. Still very focused, but
combining and leveraging his knowledge,
interest and passion.

He was very happy with the outcome. Something
he'd been struggling with for months all of
a sudden became clear to him. No more dilemmas,
no more indecision or fear of "getting it
wrong". And it all happened in less than
30 minutes.

So how did it happen?
Was it because I'm so smart? Because I'm so
wise? Well, maybe just a little. But the
biggest reason was I had perspective he
couldn't have. My objectivity and
experience--along with his commitment to
get clear--came together in an almost
magical way.

And I believe that's why so many people
from around the world choose to become
Gold or Diamond Club Members in SuccessNet.

They recognize that trying to go it alone--
with only the limited perspective that
comes from that, is not the best way to
go. Instead, they've chosen to plug into
a support network that informs, inspires
and empowers them to excel--both
personally and professionally.

How about you? Are you going it alone?
Are you a "Lone Ranger"? I personally
think it's expensive to be a maverick.

And I think that trying to grow a business
by yourself--without a good support
structure--is like learning to fly the
trapeze with no net. You can do it, but
the likelihood of failure--and the cost--
is extremely high.


Shameless plug here . . .

If you're already a member, you know
what I mean.

If not, this is a great time to grab a
lifetime membership for half price. This
substantial discount is going away soon,
so act quickly.

The Top 9 Reasons to Be a Member . . .


The successful person does things that
most anyone can and does do. The difference
is, the successful person does them consistently.

By staying focused, improving your perspective
and consistently taking productive action,
you WILL succeed. It is inevitable!

I believe that we all need daily doses of
positive support. We need ideas and reminders
to keep us fresh and focused. Without it,
we become stale and we slow down--or
worse, drift off course.

Where do you get your encouragement? Where do
you get your motivation and inspiration? Do
you get enough of it? Most people don't. And
I don't know ANYBODY who gets TOO much.

If you're a member, please be sure to log
into our site often. There are hundreds and
hundreds of articles, blog posts, tools,
systems, programs and books all designed
to help you and your business grow and prosper.


OK, one more shameless plug . . .

If you're not yet a member, be aware that
less than 5% of our site is open to non-members.
We're continually adding services, products,
discounts and resources for our members. And
for only a small investment, you can gain
this exclusive access--and never be
charged again.

The Top 9 Reasons to Be a Member . . .


Whatever you do, be sure you create a SYSTEM
to provide you with the support you need to
succeed. It's like taking a shower: you can't
just take one shower and then forget about it
for a month. You have to do it daily.

And if you get the support and avail yourself
of daily assistance, you'll find yourself
with a powerful perspective, a keen clarity
and fierce focus. You will meet with "a success
unexpected in common hours".

Make it a great day,
Michael Angier

PS: We believe in the Ten Times Value Proposition.
We delight in giving ten to a hundred times
the value of what we charge for any product
or service. Our promise is that you will save
and/or earn at least ten times what you pay
for membership.

The Top 9 Reasons to Be a Member . . .

Our Home Page is at
Helping People and Companies Grow and Prosper Since 1995!

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