Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The One Recession-proof Commodity

Hey, Isyaias, it's Stephen Pierce, and I want
to pass along something I just read.

The Harvard Business Review has an article about the
one recession-proof commodity that is guaranteed to
grow your business, even in 2009's economic climate.

I'll tell you what that is in a minute but first you
need to take a look at some of these

The article reports that during the 2000 recession,
1/3 of the companies in the top tier of their
industries tumbled from their positions. Very few of
them were able to claw their way back up to the top.

But, get this: 15% of today's market leaders vaulted
to the top during the 2000 recession and are still at
the top today.

This isn't a fluke either.

During the depression, GE, Kellogg and Proctor &
Gamble shot past their rivals and became leaders.

Why is it that some companies can thrive during down

The article says: "Smart companies perceive not just
threats in a recession but also opportunities. Their
goal is to grow so they can emerge stronger from the

And this gets to what I was talking about earlier,
about that one recession-proof commodity that I used
to grow my business from $500K my first year to almost
$20 million in 2008. Read this carefully:

"During the Depression, these companies developed
value-for-money strategies: They grew by delivering
products and services that enabled hard-hit consumers
to do more with the same resources and become more

Value. It's all about value. Value is recession-proof.

That means there's room for you at the top. The people
who aren't providing value are fading fast.

Your opportunity is now.

If you want a passive income, that's great. But YOU
can't afford to be passive.

A passive income requires massive action.

If you haven't taken massive action yet today, then
let my MRMI Basic Training serve that purpose for you.

Go look at my website. Check out the menu, video and
the FAQs. This isn't a mile long sales page with
fluff and fillers.

It's the gateway to 6.5 hours of pure content from me
and only me. It's the same content I give my coaching

"Value for money has again become a strategic imperative."

Harvard knows it. I know it. All the market leaders
know it.

Now it's your turn.

God Bless YOU and YOURS,
Stephen Pierce

P. S. When you take a look at the price and do the
math and see just how little you'll pay per hour for
this 6.5 hours of content you'll think it's
scandalously low.

But like those companies that soared to the top during
the depression, I want to help you do more with the
resources you already have. That way you can change
more lives and earn mo'money in the process.

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