Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Hi Isyaias

Last week we talked about Secret #6: "Education, Repetition and Variety"

Your prospects and customers need information. They need repetition, They need education. They need variety and frequency.

That's what they need. And if you provide it, you'll see great improvement in your business. But...if you want phenomenal results, you also need to give them what they want. And, what they want is YOU!

They want your personality. They want you to be real with them. They want you to be straight up, helpful, sincere. They don't want corporate dribble. They want YOU!

When you give them what you want and combine it with what they need, you've got something spectacular, even entertaining. You've got permission to converse freely with your prospects and customers, to help them with the things they need, to offer them the products and services you provide that make their life easier, better, more successful.

I can't tell you how to be you, how to be real. Only you can determine that. But I can tell you how to inject personality into your follow-ups. Here are a handful of suggestions:

* Use conversational language, not corporate speak
* Talk about what you like, what interests you, what annoys you.
* View your prospects and customers as friends.
* Use analogies that are interesting to you-chances are, their interesting to your prospects and customers.
* Read, learn and study...and then share your discoveries.

You can do it. Keep practicing. Remember, that while you're learning how to do secret #7, the other six secrets will drive tremendous results for your business.

Michael Bast

(480) 289-6838

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Grow A List of 5k In Just A Few Days, Virally

I'm personally in need of beta testers to help me get my newest
site off the ground.
You can use the site yourself to virally build your own
email list, capturing subscribers directly on your site,
you can promote it via your "custom subdomain
affiliate link", which will also virally grow your list.
With every subscriber you bring in, you could
have them help build your list, for you.
It's called viral list building and this thing
does just that, check it out:
Best regards,
Matt Haslem

Monday, June 15, 2009

This tool makes me MORE money ... I'll GIVE it to You FREE :-)

Hey Isyaias,

Hope you're having a great weekend so far!  I'm excited as
tomorrow night, Christina and I are going out for our first
"date night" in a while.

It's not as easy planning a night out now that we have Adam,
but 'Grandma' offered to babysit so we're gonna grab dinner
and a movie! Yay! :-)

Anyway, before I go hang out with them for the day, I wanted to
send you an email about a free tool that I developed that can
make you up to 9X more money from your websites... immediately!

You can download it at no cost here:

I suddenly realized that I hadn't told everyone about it yet
and wanted to let YOU know asap so you can start using it to
generate more sales for your sites.

If you're trying to sell anything online through an affiliate
link and are NOT using something like this ... then I can
pretty much guarantee you're LOSING sales without knowing it.

So grab your free copy of the software right now:


That's all from me for now, but I'll talk to you again soon!

Have a great weekend,


P.S. I almost forgot to mention ... there's a built in affiliate
program that will pay you up to $50 for people you tell about this
free software :-) Details are inside the members area, so go now ...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

100% Instant Commission Payout - Amazing 10% Conversion Rate

Hi Isyaias,

Are you looking for a way to turn a quick profit?

This email might help.

A couple of days ago, I mailed out an email about Kyle's lost
blueprint report to the list. I didn't pay much attention on it,
until I found it was converting at an amazing 10%!

Kyle is an awesome copywriter. I urge you to study his sales copy
and save it to your swipe file. So next time you need help in
writing a salespage, there you have it.

There is an affiliate program that you can get paid $10 commission
to your Paypal account instantly.

Preview the sales copy and get your affiliate link at the bottom of
the page here:


The fact is, I don't even earn a dime off it, when you promote the
report. If you are new to affiliate marketing but haven't earned
your a dime online, try promote this one.

You will see results.
To your amazing success!




Hi Isyaias,

Last week we talked about Secret #5: "Maintaining A Living, Breathing Customer Database."


Most small businesses market their products and services like this:

Step 1: Buy a bunch of leads or generate leads with a mailer or other campaign
Step 2: Distribute leads to sales reps
Step 3: Reps call on the leads to find the "hot" ones who are ready now
Step 4: Reps work with hot leads to close a quick deal
Step 5: Throw away, postpone or neglect the leads that aren't "hot"
Step 6: Repeat the process

Just about every business on the planet does this. And it's not bad... until you realize how much money you're leaving on the table. The fact is, for every deal you close using this common process, there's another 2 - 3 deals (or more!) you COULD close.

So, how do you do that? Well, that's what Secret #6 is all about--How to properly follow up using EDUCATION, REPETITION AND VARIETY.

You see, over 99% of small businesses don't properly follow up. Why? Because they don't have a system, they don't have time, they don't know how valuable it is, and the truth is, they don't know how to follow up! But...a few simple secrets could make you a "follow-up master."

Effective follow-up must take a combined approach that incorporates these three elements:

1) EDUCATION. Your follow-ups must inform your prospects. You need to provide valuable information. You need to communicate to your prospect that you are on their side and deserve to be trusted. You'll accomplish this if you provide them with accurate, insightful information. The sales process is confusing and intimidating for your customers. They WANT to trust you. Give them the information they need and you'll earn their trust.

2) REPETITION. It's a proven fact that human beings have to hear the same thing over and over before it sinks in. Marketing and Sales is no different. YOU know your products and services like the back of your hand, but your customers don't "get it" the first time they hear the message. Don't make the mistake of thinking that if a prospect heard the pitch once, they understood it. Chances are, they didn't. Tell them again, and again and again.

3) VARIETY. This doesn't mean you vary your message!!! You need to consistently tell your message, but your follow-up DELIVERY needs variety. To maximize your sales, you must use multi-step follow-up sequences that incorporate direct mail, phone, email, fax, voice broadcasts, and other media! There is serious power that comes when you contact your prospects using multiple methods.

However, I can't tell you how many times I've heard the argument that this kind of follow up is tedious, it's time-consuming, it's overkill, it's belittling to the customer, it's... whatever.

Guess what? It might be all of those things. But it works. Period. When you begin to properly follow up with your leads and customers using Education, Repetition and Variety, your numbers will absolutely shoot through the roof. You will be completely amazed!

So, you might be saying that this is just too much work for any human. You know what? I agree with you 100%!! I can't imagine trying to do all of this manually. You need an automated system to handle all of this for you.

Send me an email or give me a call and I'll tell you how you can put an automated system in place that will do all of this and more for you. Once you get that system, you will flat out make more money. Your capacity to handle more deals will increase, your customer acquisition costs will go down and you will get the freedom you've always wanted your business to provide you.

Michael Bast

(480) 289-6838

PS: Read the new up date on Double Your Profit While Online.

Friday, June 12, 2009

=== Get 125$ Guranteed* Tonight

Hi Isyaias

Everyone needs to understand that this is unheard of a
company that guarantees you $125.00 in 24 hrs just for
following three steps, and they are f.ree.

There are not many no-brainers out there but this is one of
them. Again let me tell you, this is not my deal or anything
like that. It just so happened that I found something that
works and I want you to get your guaranteed $125 as soon
as possible.
=== Get 125$ Guranteed* tonight
Brian Russell

Thursday, June 11, 2009

It isn't difficult to make money online!

Hey Isyaias,

Dylan here.

In case you've been wondering, I've been away from
my latop and country for about 1 week.

I've been doing some travelling again and went to
places like the UK, Budapest, Swansea, Geneva etc...

I have to mention that Swansea's beaches are ABSOLUTELY
amazing, do a search on 'gower peninsula' and you'll
know what I mean, it has to be one of the most
beautiful beaches on earth.

You should go there sometime, I'll definitely be back
there again :)

Anyway, I've been doing some thinking on my travels
about Internet Marketing.

You know, too many people want to jump right into
creating their first product and getting JVs to
promote - thinking it is gonna be their ticket to
overnight riches...

You can see more and more launches happening
every week - sometimes even every day!

There's a reason why I haven't launched anything at
all in more then 7 months and yet I'm still making
good money.

I've a piece of sound advice for you today: focus
on actually having made money in affiliate marketing
first BEFORE attempting to sell anything.

Sounds like common sense right? Well, look at some
of the launches around you and you can easily spot
some people trying to 'shortcut' their way.

:: It isn't difficult to make money online! ::

It really isn't. Neither is it DEAD EASY as well of
course. I'm sure you've heard of these methods:

* Article marketing - writing articles and driving
traffic to your adsense pages, presell pages or
squeeze pages.

* Web 2.0 marketing - using hubpages, squidoo lens
and blogspot blogs to send traffic to your 'money

* Freelancing - using whatever good skills you
have and selling them to other marketers. You get
paid and would have built good relationships.
(provided you didn' screw up!)

* Creating presell/review pages and driving online
and OFFLINE traffic to it.

* Providing a service - forums, URL shorteners, a
job posting board etc and monetizing the traffic.

You might think to yourself, "oh yea, I know those
already". But give it a good hard THINK! Have you
REALLY tried them and made them work? Or do you
just "KNOW" them?

Have you tried but given up after seeing little or
no results? I often tell my marketing friends and
students that the people who are making the most
money online are the ones who tried the hardest and
failed the most.

Now go out there and make some profits!

Best regards,
Dylan Loh

PS: Thanks Dylan. IS

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Save up to 80% by reading this email!

Hi Isyaias,
I have some Incredible News for you today. In
fact, you might even say CRAZY...
Dirk Wagner, of "Crazy Week Deals" fame, has
launched his latest deal with a crazy catch.
His deal will expire sometimes during this month but
he left it open when the deadline will be.
When you purchase his latest crazy deal, you also have the
opportunity to promote this product for 100% Commission paid
INSTANTLY to your Paypal Account AND 50% on every refered
one-time-offer sale which is currently converting very high.
Check out Dirk's latest Crazy Week Deal today:
P.S.  Don't miss your chance to get in on this promotion
early.  The faster you promote, the faster you will earn!

Are You Feeling Lost?

Hi Isyaias,

I have a question for you…

If you were about to head out on
a road trip, and you were going to
a destination that you'd never been
to before...

Wouldn't you take a look at a road map?

Of course you would! You'd be crazy not to.

If you didn't, you'd most likely get
hopelessly lost, frustrated, and like
you'd completely wasted your time by going
the wrong direction…


Well this is what happens to most people
when they try to start their own Internet

You see that there are a TON of people
making money online, and you want to claim
a piece of the profit pie…

So you spend a little time and energy
looking into how you can start your own
web business –

Only to end up feeling frustrated that
you've wasted your time and money on
strategies that have gotten you no where!

I can totally empathize, because I've
been there.

When I first set out to start my Internet
business, I knew NOTHING about how to get
going. I had no money, no plan, and I wasted
years and thousand of dollars as a result.

.. Until I stumbled upon the Secret that's
helped me make an enormous amount of money
year after year!

Now, for the first time, I'm GIVING AWAY
the Secret that I discovered that turned
it all around…

AND the exact step-by-step "road map" that
I followed to go from rock bottom scraping
the bottom of the barrel broke to where I
am today…

And I'm even going to give you a personalized
website, traffic to your website from Google
and Yahoo, and ALL of the training and support
you need to start earning money as soon as possible…

==> And I want to give it all to you for FREE! <==

To find out now, click here immediately:

To your freedom,

Michael Beeson

PS – I have a limited number of these FRE-E
Internet Wealth Acceleration packages available…

To find out if you qualify to receive a FR-EE  
personalized website, traffic from top search
engines like Google and Yahoo, and much more,
I highly recommend you click on the link below
now before they're all claimed!


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Know Where You're Going

Hi Nichers,

There are many self-employed workers who have businesses
that own THEM. Think of the Mom & Pop stores that chew up
12 hours a day, 7 days a week for these people. They live
their whole lives behind a counter or stocking shelves,
while life passes them by. Some can afford a so-called
'two weak' vacation, but after it's over, it's back to the
daily grind. Can you picture yourself in the same
situation, if you keep going the way you are going now?

There is a difference between seeing and vision. Some
people can only see what's in front of them. They can't
envision a different picture of themselves, doing things in
a different way. Don't allow yourself to set up a business
that ends up owning YOU. Take the time to evaluate what you
are doing now, and how you can grow yourself out of working
for your business like just another employee. There may be
some nobility in the motto 'Everybody works here', but
nobody will care if you extract yourself from the daily

A regular review of your business will also help you to set
the next goal or create the next mission for you to
accomplish. Avoid becoming so comfortable with your current
model of doing business that if a shake-up occurs, you'll
find yourself without a plan or escape route. No business
is immune from outside forces that can abruptly change
things for the worse. If you're mentally prepared to set
new goals and are open to new ways to do business, your
mind will be better prepared to act quickly, in case of

Whether you use automation, employees, outsourcing or
Virtual Assistants to take some (or all) of the workload
you presently do off your shoulders, prepare yourself for
giving up some control. Most entrepreneurs have a real
problem with letting go of the things they built
themselves. Guess what? The chores, duties and repetitive
work your business requires actually take away from your
ability to work ON your business. Don't fall into the trap
of letting the urgent crowd out the important. Delegate
work to people who are paid to deal with time-consuming
tasks that need to be done - just not by you.

You may also need to decide if 'drilling down' deeper into
your niche or drilling a new one altogether is the way to
go. Only you will be able to determine if what you are
doing is truly satisfying to you, as a long-term pursuit.
If you really love your niche, but can't see a way to
increase your business doing what you do now, get help.
Brainstorm with other people, even if they're not in your
line of work. There can be some surprising insights from
people who don't have your preconceived notions about how
to do what you do.

Solid financial and legal counseling can prevent problems
from cropping up, and minimize weaknesses and threats to
your business. You may have done everything on your own to
start your business, but as soon as you can afford it, get
your bookkeeping, taxes and legal exposure looked at by
professionals. Lawyers and accountants can be the key to
you taking your business to the next level. Not having them
on your team can mean real trouble, if you're doing
something wrong and don't know it.

Regular reviews of your business, away from the daily tasks
you may be doing, can give you a perspective on your
operation that may not occur to you while you're slaving
away. The time you spend looking at the big picture helps
relieve the eyestrain caused by staring at a computer
screen all day long, too!

Yours in profits,

Scot Standke - Founder

Monday, June 8, 2009

You Might Find This Inspiring And Helpful


You have found your way to Spiritual Living Network for a reason as nothing is purposeless. You have the opportunity here to complete your profile so that others can find you through your like interests or location, and, to participate in or create conversations that uplift, clarify or engage.

Have you discovered the Chat Room features? Invite someone to talk with you in real time, or find them there waiting for conversation.

You can create a Group here. For example, create a Group (in the top horizontal bar) for your organization, church or special friends. Then, you have a way to chat among yourselves, post your events or ideas, or use it as you wish. You can moderate the Group, too. Great thing for churches or groups within churches to communicate securely.


The poet, Robert Browning, wrote:

"Truth is within ourselves and we must open out a way for the imprisoned splendour to escape."

I know you've likely heard the question: "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" And, it has direct bearing on what Browning suggests and what our spiritual path offers.

If you know in your heart, and truly believe, that truth is within yourself, then so is all supply. We do not have to ask for anything but simply realize that it has all been given and open out a way to use the amount that we already have within us and watch as it multiplies itself in going out. That's the 'pouring' that I've written about often. (You'll find my blog at ) And, we truly need to place our attention on pouring what we have, not considering what we don't. "All has been added to us." We just need to believe that.

What would your life be like if you could rest in the certain knowledge that there is nothing to desire, want or seek beyond the experience of God in your life? Truly, it's wonder-filled! Enjoy experiencing complete fulfilment every moment from within your own being, knowing that "God IS." That's all we need to remember and stay focused on. At least, that's my opinion and I've seem amazing things in my life. Healing can be accomplished in proportion as we understand God to be one power, one presence. Really!

I invite you to write to me and share your thoughts, insights and questions. You are welcome to do that. . Remember, too, to share your prayer requests on Spiritual Living Network.

I value you and appreciate your willingness to share your journey with us.

Have a wonder-filled day.
P.S. You are also invited to become a member at where you will see the many benefits offered, and have access to my radio show interviews and so much more. There is a membership level where you can reap the benefits of group mentoring with me directly at a very minimal cost.

Rhoberta Shaler, PhD
Founder, Spiritual Living Network & SoulWise Living

Saturday, June 6, 2009

$20,000 Per Month - Is It Possible?

Discover 4 of the simplest zero-cost ways to make
money using nothing but your computer and Internet


Hi Isyaias,

It's hard to make $20,000 (let alone $10,000) in the first
few months marketing online isn't it? In fact, it's very
near impossible unless you create an excellent product and
market it like crazy.

Really, that's all it comes down to: having an excellent
product and sending tons of targeted traffic to it. The
more traffic you get, the better the conversion rates are,
the more money you'll make.

But I say, if anyone wants to set a target of making
$10,000 or $20,000 per month, then I say, go for it. But
you must be working at it full-time to have any chance of
achieving it. And the key thing is that it will take time.
Be patient and success will come.

Having an 'insane' goal is better than setting a mediocre
goal or having no goal at all. In fact, if you don't have
any goal now, you are almost certain to fail!

So go and set a goal a now. It can be anything, just start
setting a goal NOW.

Write it on a piece of paper and paste it near your
computer where you can see it. It will motivate and
energize you and spur you to take massive action towards
your goals.

Set benchmark goals and big picture 3-year plan or 5-year
plan goals.

Having a crazy goal forces you to think differently and on
another level. You think in terms of larger numbers (10,000
visitors instead of 100 visitors, 500 sales instead of 5
sales) and work differently. Instead of wasting time, you
suddenly become ultra productive. So no matter what
happens, invariably you will produce more results and you
will learn more.

So if anyone wants to make $10,000 or $20,000 a month, I
say go for it. You and your business will benefit and you
will go to places you never went before.

I hope this article spurs you to take action and start
achieving the success that you deserve!

"Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the
courage to continue that counts." -- Winston Churchill

To YOUR Online Success,


P.S. For a limited time you can download this brand
new $27 ebook and steal the best ways to make money
online from scratch - for free:


Friday, June 5, 2009

Free $27 Ebook For You!

Hi Isyaias,

I know you're busy so I'll keep this email
short and sweet.

There is a 100% free gift in it for you so it's
worth reading.

Stuart Stirling is giving away his
brand new report called "NBC" and
he gave me permission to invite a few of my
friends to download it too.


Inside the report, you will discover 4 simple
zero cost ways to make money online from scratch.

He was originally going to sell this report for
$27 but decided to give it away for free because
it is helping newbies everywhere to make their
first dollar online.


Making money online is a mystery for 90% of
people who try, which is a shame because it
is not hard when you know how.

Stuart Stirling's new free
"NBC" report, making money online
from scratch has become child's play.

** No Website? No Problem
** No Experience? No Problem
** No Technical Ability? No Problem
** No Time? No Problem

But you should hurry because if you download
your copy while it's still free...


Best wishes,


PS. Stop what you're doing if you're not making
any money online, and digest these simple zero
cost methods now...


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Best Spot for Affiliate Link

Hello Isyaias,

Where you place your affiliate links on your website can really
make a difference on how many clicks you end up getting and,
since every click means a potential sale, this is an important
aspect of internet marketing.

Research has shown that the most effective affiliate links are
text links. Yes, plain text links. Not big flashy banner ads like
most affiliate website are filled to the brim with. What happens
is, you write a great article (or have one created) about the
product or something related to the product and stick the link
into your text. This allows interested readers to see the link as
they are reading and click on it.

Of course, your article and your link have to work effectively
together to make this happen. A bad article and an unrelated link
to an unknown product are not likely to make the profits roll in.

So the next time you are out to choose an affiliate link, try
placing a relevant link in a great article that is well optimized
for search engines and see how it works out for you.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Feature Tuesday

Hi Isyaias,


Video playlists... oh my!

Two words sum up what is to be unveiled to the eHow community today and those are... VIDEO PLAYLIST!  Starting today, you are now able to save your favorite eHow videos and group them together in a thematic way.  The best part is that you can create as many playlists as you want! Grouping your videos is a convenient way for you to organize the videos you like and use them as a personal reference or even a nifty way to share information with your friends. 

Start creating a playlist to help you out with your daily workout regimen or use it to plan ahead by building a playlist that will help you organize a great backyard barbeque.  In your profile, you should see a "Videos" tab; click on that and you'll have access to your video station.  This is where all your favorite videos will be saved.  From this section, you will also be able to re-organize and rearrange your videos as well as create a playlist.  We've made the feature pretty easy to use, so dive in and start exploring!


Have a favorite?  Subscribe to it!

Also in eHow news, we have a new "Subscriptions" tab in member profiles.  Now you can subscribe to your favorite eHow experts, members, or categories.  As for the categories, not only can you subscribe to the main categories, but you can also subscribe to the sub categories as well as the sub-sub categories.  Now you can get real specific and get up-to-date information on things that are most relevant to you. 


Videos and more videos

Finally, we would like to mention a huge feat achieved this month.  Now, officially has over 160,000 instructional videos to its name.  That's a whopping number!  It's a huge accomplishment and we would like to share this glory with the community because without your support, the site wouldn't be what it is today.



The eHow Team


PS: I love this VIDEO.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Wealth Guide


By reading the following you will learn what I
did to...

...Consistently get over 100 people a week eager
to send me $67 in checks or cash each.

...But first...

...Answer the two Questions below correctly,
and you will qualify to learn how I did it
and how you can do the same:

Question #1:

If you knew a Secret Strategy to get
Pre-Approved for up to $15,000 Cash within
30 to 45 days guaranteed... you agree that even a complete
stranger would gladly pay you for it?

Question #2:

If 1000 people saw the ad below, how many
do you think would respond immediately?

"See How You Qualify For Up To $15,000.
Get A Cashiers Check In 30 to 45 Days.
Bad Credit OK."


Go Check This Out NOW!

See how you can Get Approved for up to
$15,000 Cash within 30 to 45 days...


See how you can Generate an Instant Income
by Offering this amazing Secret Strategy to
others using my step-by-step instructions
starting tonight.

No Selling.. Ever!

Automatically get Truck-Loads of people every
week desperate to send you money for this

...Act Now.. this Offer Ends at Mid-Night!

Michael Mitchell
& Jodi Hans

Monday, June 1, 2009

Meta Tags, Titles & Their Uses

Title and Meta Tags can be quite helpful--and effective--to
gaining more visitors to your site. However, they are only as
effective as you make them. Proper use of meta and title tags is absolutely essential to making them a good thing for your site. In this newsletter, we will go over the basics of title & meta tags--using proper keywords, writing good meta tag descriptions, and using the title tag effectively.

The basics to creating good meta tags

It is best to plot out how you'll use meta tags on a particular
page before even writing the content for the page. Lots of
people will write the content of the page and then try to
sprinkle in keywords in the meta tags. This is an ineffective
way of doing things, as it usually makes your page onfusing to visitors.

Before writing content, take a minute to pick out 3-4 primary
keywords. Then take another minute to write phrases from those words. Once you've done that, you can begin writing your content around the keywords.

How do I select proper keywords to enter into the meta tags?

This is an excellent question. Really, there are two main rules of thumb for selecting proper keywords.

#1: Base your keywords off of the content of your site.

For instance, if you are running a digital photography site,
your keywords could be digital, photographs, photography etc. You'll want to steer clear of silly keywords that don't relate to your site. These would include keywords completely irrelevant to your site.

#2: Make sure your keywords can flow naturally throughout the content of your site.

Try to pick words that you can easily incorporate into the
content of your site and that make sense. You must remember that actual people are reading your site--the content(and keywords) MUST make sense to not only search engines, but also to the people who visit your site. Thus, the keywords you choose must fit the content of your site perfectly.

How do I write a good description tag?

What description tags essentially do is briefly inform the
search bot/web crawler what a site is about. Therefore, to write a good description tag, you must be able to write a good, brief description of what your site is about. It is important to note that you are limited to 200 characters or less in the description tag so be as concise as possible.

Let's use the photography example again. Your site is based on digital photography. So your description tag should say that your site is related to digital photography.

Example description tag: "Digital photography site, digital
photos, buy digital photos, print digital photos".

The search engine bot/web crawler will see this and will place the site in relevant search results. So if someone searches for digital photos, they should see your site somewhere on the list.

The same principle can be applied to any and every site. Good description tags are as simple as a good, concise description of what your site is about.

How to use the Title tag Effectively.

There are some misconceptions about Title tags. People have said in the past(and some still do today) that a good, effective Title tag consists of keywords. However, this is just not true. Every good title tag consists of two things--the name of the site and a brief description of what is on the site.

One thing to keep in mind is that the Title tag is also the
title of your listing in any search engine. Why would you want
your title listing to consist of keywords? It won't help your
site at all--it will actually hurt it because people are less
likely to take the site seriously due to silly keywords. Another thing worth noting is that the Title tag should never be more than 80 characters. Generally speaking, the briefer the Title tag is, the better. So strive to be concise!

So what is a good, effective Title tag? Well, a good, effective Title tag should first have the name of your web site (so if it's, it should be "Digital Photography") and then a short description of the site. In this example, you could put "Digital Photography - Buy and Print Digital Photos Here". This is both an accurate and effective Title tag for this particular site. Apply this principle to your site and you will have a good and effective Title tag.

P.S. Meta tags and titles are incredibly useful to your site.
Master the above techniques and you will be able to create
effective meta tags and titles that will help your site earn a
higher search engine ranking and more visitors!

  • To your success,
    Roosevelt "Bud" Simmons