Saturday, June 6, 2009

$20,000 Per Month - Is It Possible?

Discover 4 of the simplest zero-cost ways to make
money using nothing but your computer and Internet


Hi Isyaias,

It's hard to make $20,000 (let alone $10,000) in the first
few months marketing online isn't it? In fact, it's very
near impossible unless you create an excellent product and
market it like crazy.

Really, that's all it comes down to: having an excellent
product and sending tons of targeted traffic to it. The
more traffic you get, the better the conversion rates are,
the more money you'll make.

But I say, if anyone wants to set a target of making
$10,000 or $20,000 per month, then I say, go for it. But
you must be working at it full-time to have any chance of
achieving it. And the key thing is that it will take time.
Be patient and success will come.

Having an 'insane' goal is better than setting a mediocre
goal or having no goal at all. In fact, if you don't have
any goal now, you are almost certain to fail!

So go and set a goal a now. It can be anything, just start
setting a goal NOW.

Write it on a piece of paper and paste it near your
computer where you can see it. It will motivate and
energize you and spur you to take massive action towards
your goals.

Set benchmark goals and big picture 3-year plan or 5-year
plan goals.

Having a crazy goal forces you to think differently and on
another level. You think in terms of larger numbers (10,000
visitors instead of 100 visitors, 500 sales instead of 5
sales) and work differently. Instead of wasting time, you
suddenly become ultra productive. So no matter what
happens, invariably you will produce more results and you
will learn more.

So if anyone wants to make $10,000 or $20,000 a month, I
say go for it. You and your business will benefit and you
will go to places you never went before.

I hope this article spurs you to take action and start
achieving the success that you deserve!

"Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the
courage to continue that counts." -- Winston Churchill

To YOUR Online Success,


P.S. For a limited time you can download this brand
new $27 ebook and steal the best ways to make money
online from scratch - for free:


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