Friday, July 31, 2009

Cash In with iApps...No Phone or Code Required

Hi Isyaias,

Did you know that you can make over $30,000 in a single day from selling a hot iPhone app for a buck (that you didn't even program yourself)?

How can a cell phone make you that much money at all, nevermind in one day?

The truth is, the iPhone has opened the doors to a new breed of "Mobile Millionaires" who are getting rich riding the coattails of one of the hottest products this century...

Want on board the iPhone Gold Rush?

=> Click Here To Learn More...

The guy I was talking about earlier is named Ethan Nicholas.

He was struggling trying to pay his bills when he decided to see if he could make some spare cash with iPhone applications...

What happened next shocked him as much as it did everyone else.

He made $800,000 pure profit his first 5 months!

Think that's an isolated incident?

Get involved yourself:

=> Click Here To Learn More...

What's great about this amazing opportunity is that you don't need any prior knowledge or skills.

If you're able to read this, you already have what it takes...

=> Click Here To Learn More...

48 Hours Only...
$15 Coupon: "SAVE15"
Click To Apply

To your success!

Melissa Madison
Low-Stress Income

P.S. "The early bird gets the worm". And this is your opportunity to get in on this on the ground floor, don't miss out:

=> Click Here To Learn More...

This Should Work Almost Overnight

Hi Isyaias,

What's stopping you from making money on the Internet?

Is it lack of time? Lack of money to invest? No product to

In MANY conversations with my subscribers over the years,
these have turned out to be the "big three" deal breakers
-- so you're definitely not alone there.

Which is why I wanted to bring this to your attention:

The experts over at the Internet Marketing Center have
recently developed a simple five-step system you can use
to eliminate ANY of the challenges you've been facing... 

... so you can start earning the money you deserve.

When you follow these five simple steps, you'll finally be
able to start making profits online, even if you have:

>> NO products (The IMC experts show you what to sell, then
   help you source it)

>> NO upfront investment (don't pay a cent until you're
   earning money)

>> NO time (start today, and be earning you first profits in
   24 hours)

And here's the real kicker: You won't even need a website!

Sounds like something that would come in handy right about
now, right?

You can learn the 5-steps by visiting:

To your success,


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tips to Overcome Info-Overload

Hi Isyaias,

Almost every person who starts down the "make
money online" path runs into a big obstacle

Information Overload

This happens when you try to learn too much at
once and you can't fit all the info in your head.

It's good to learn stuff about internet business,
but trying to force too much will actually make
you overwhelmed...

Being overwhelmed can be fatal to your progress
and your success....there is a big chance that
you'll give up.

And of course you know that once you give up,
you have failed.

Tips to Overcome Info-Overload

So here are a few pointers to beat information

* You must be dedicated to learning.

* You must have self control to avoid distraction.

* You must have long-term vision.

* You must learn correct information.

The biggest tips I can give on this are the first dedicated and avoid distraction.

The Learning Curve

Just like any new thing, there is a learning curve
with building an online money making business.

Some businesses are more complex than others but
whatever it is, you will have to dedicate some
time and offer to learn it.

Distractions are the biggest killers so whatever
you can do to avoid them will help your progress
and learning.

You might have to switch off the TV or move to
another room.

Also set aside some time to "work" on your business.

At first, take it a little at a avoid
"information overload".

Try focusing on your business for just an hour a day.
Then increase as you get more comfortable and learn
more about the business.


In this time you have to ONLY do "business" stuff...

No facebook, no watching youtube videos, no Skype
chatting or hanging out in forums.

I hope these tips will help you to overcome information

Remember, you're the boss so you have to watch
yourself and make sure you get some work done.

To your success,
Stuart Stirling

ps. Check out my blog for more Internet marketing
and business tips:

Procrastination and How To Kill it

Hi Isyaias,

Hope this email find you doing great!

I'm a little short of time this week
for the "Stu Sensei" lesson so instead
of the 5 minute lesson, this one is
going to be a 2 minute one.

Nevertheless, I think you'll get some
good info out of it.


Procrastination and How To Kill it!

Ever think of yourself as the world's
biggest procrastinator?

I hope you're not so bad as to procrastinate
procrastinating...if that's possible ??

Anyway, succeeding in business is all about
"getting things done".

It's about YOU taking action and following

If you don't do it, who will?

Basically, and I know this might sound almost
completely opposite of what every sales
letter and offer you see but....

...success takes hard work!

I watched "Million Dollar Baby" the Clint
Eastwood movie last night and I noticed
a sign that shows up in the movie saying...

"Winners are simply willing to do what
losers won't.

So relating this to 'winning' in the internet
business, it means that you have to go
that little bit a little more
than the regular marketer who struggles
to get by.

And the killer of "doing" is that P word -

Unfortunately, this is more of a battle
to your progress and success than most
beginners think.

It's a battle of your mind.

If you say to yourself, "I want to get a
website up and sell some ebooks...but I
don't know how to do it."...then you might
want to look a little deeper into that

Is the "how to" part really the problem?

Or is it an excuse?

If you really wanted to do it, you can
put in the time and "research" the info

If there is a guide for sale that contains
the answers...then your determination should
be enough to make the investment.

But humans as we are, out brains like to
make excuses that we like to hide behind.

Then this leads to procrastination.

(time out....I hope I'm not boring you here ;)

So let's cut to some practical ways we can
work on to beat the mind trap and beat
procrastination so we can get more things

1. Set a Deadline - If it wasn't for deadlines,
things would never get done.

2. Give yourself a LOT of work
to do - in
advance. If you think you have nothing then,
you'll putter around doing nothing.

3. Limit your time on the PC. This is like
the quote I told you about a few weeks ago.
Work expands to fill the time allotted. And
it works the other way - Work contracts to
fill the allotted time.

4. Avoid Perfectionism. This is a BIGGIE for
me. It's a massive time waster. When I write,
I find myself retyping sentences to make them
sound better but in the end, the sentence
says the exact same thing.

4.1 One more thing about perfectionism. There
are so many options and choices to make on a
daily basis with your internet business.
"What to write about", "what is the best
domain name to register", "what offer to
promote", "which site should I work on now"

4.2 Don't waste time sweating over what you
should do, and just bite the bullet and choose.
Of course you need to prioritize some work,
but for other things, you just need to make an
executive decision...and follow through with it.
"Just Do It!"

5. Give yourself a reward. Set out some
work for yourself and promise yourself
a reward for getting it done by a certain

Thanks for reading, I hope you were able to get
through this without your head falling on your

If you have any questions, don't hesitate
to hit the reply button or leave a comment
on my facebook wall.

All the best for a happy and safe weekend!

Stuart Stirling

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How to get 48,280 followers on Twitter

Hey Isyaias,
Check this out...
Derrick VanDyke just released this amazing software
that will automatically add 1,000s of new followers
to your Twitter account... And it's 100% FREE!
He's also giving away a free report that shows you
how to generate clicks, leads, and sales from your
Twitter account.
This is very cool...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

7 Turbo Writing Tips

Dear Isyaias,

If you want to write out your own info-product to save cost,
here are a few tips on how you can write it at a faster pace.

(1) Comfort – If you would like to write quicker, you need to
find a setting that you feel comfortable in. In addition to
actually feeling comfortable, you need to be comfortable.
Whether you want to work from your bed or outdoors, you are
advised to do so.  You are also urged to dress comfortably.

When writers are comfortable, they are able to not only
work quicker, but also produce better work. 

(2) Distractions – All distractions need to be eliminated.
Although this may seem difficult, it doesn't have to be.
For instance, if you are a work-at-home parent, you can try
sending your child to daycare, even if it is only one day a

You can also try working during nap times or even at night,
after your child has gone to sleep.  The elimination of
distractions is a great way to write quicker. In fact, it
is also known to reduce or completely eliminate the chances
of developing writers block.

(3) Typing – Do you consider yourself to be fast at typing?
If you type less than fifty words per minute (wpm), you may
want to think about taking a typing class. One of the many
problems that e-book writers face is that their fingers
don't go as fast as their minds do.

Once your typing improves to a quicker speed, you may notice
a significant improvement in the amount of time that it takes
you to write.

(4) Outlines – If you are an e-book writer who currently
doesn't use an outline, you may want to think about doing so.
Outlines are relatively easy to develop and they have an
unlimited number of benefits.

One of those benefits is that you know exactly what to write
and how to write it. This means that you can just focus on
writing and not necessarily thinking about your next step.
This, alone, can save you a considerable amount of time. 

(5) Time – You are advised to not worry about time. 

Yes, serious.

Even if  you are on a deadline, you are urged to take your
time and not think about it.  Worrying about just how much
time it takes you to write will have a negative impact on
your work. In fact, it is likely to result in more mistakes.

If you are looking to write quicker, you should try focusing
on your writing, rather than time itself. You may be surprised
just how much it helps!


P.S. Writing faster is a lot easier than many people think.
If you put your mind to it, could you be writing faster in
no time at all.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Where to Find Information You Can Trust

By The Internet Marketing Center Team
One of the best things you can do for yourself as an entrepreneur is to soak up as much information as you can about Internet marketing, making money online, and building your business.

The #1 thing that separates "entrepreneurs" from "employees" is that entrepreneurs constantly challenge themselves to move forward. They work hard to stay on top of their industry, keeping tabs on the market, their customers, the search engines, new tricks, and old tried-and-true tactics...'s a LOT of information!

Not only is it a lot to keep track of, it can be tough to sort out the truly valuable information from all the self-serving hype. The Internet is swarming with people who are more interested in getting your money than in helping you make money... and some of them are awfully slick.

They'll tell you everything you want to hear, and it all sounds so good -- up until you notice that nothing they suggest brings you sales or puts money in your pocket.

So we decided to put together a list of all of the resources that the Internet Marketing Center offers. You can count on our resources to give you accurate information that you want and need.

Free Resources:

  • The Marketing Tips Report: As a subscriber you probably know that this newsletter is packed with the latest information and covers everything from tips on how to write compelling salescopy to revealing the fastest and easiest way to start making money on the Internet.

    The archive is free to subscribers and goes all the way back to 1998! (We've been doing this "make money on the Internet" thing for a while now.)

  • Bidding Frenzy, the eBay Tips Newsletter: Covers tons of eBay-specific information. It covers topics like how to apply Internet marketing principles to your eBay-based business, and keeps you up-to-date on the latest policy changes (and there are always new policy changes!).

    You can also learn practical information, like how to take the best photo of your product, and how to use video in your listings.

  • Our comprehensive glossary: All industries have their own specialized vocabulary, or jargon, and online business is no different. Not entirely sure what "bandwidth" is? Or the "first fold?" The glossary is where to find out.

  • Our YouTube channel: We regularly create and upload videos to YouTube. Some people find it easier to grasp certain concepts if they can hear them, or if they can watch them (we all learn differently, and we don't want to leave anyone behind).

    Be sure to subscribe to the channel, so you know as soon as we post new videos! Just click the yellow "Subscribe" button above the video.

  • Our Blog: Our blog content is always fresh and relevant, and we do our best to address any questions and feedback we receive. We cover a wide range of topics, and get a lot of inspiration from the comments and questions that our readers leave. Puzzled about something? Try asking!

  • Our Twitter stream: We tweet the latest thing we've discovered, ask questions, and even just shoot the breeze with our followers. Just want to drop by and say hi? Tweet us!
If you'd like more specific, in-depth information, you can get it from our paid resources:

  • Internet Entrepreneur Club: A powerful online business-building resource center staffed by our team of helpful, experienced experts.

    Members get: Direct email access to our team of experts; access to the private members-only articles, recordings, and videos; monthly online tele-seminars; weekly Q & A calls; a monthly newsletter… there's more, but this isn't a sales pitch!

  • Search Marketing Lab: Private members-only site where members get personal coaching from our search engine marketing specialists.

    Members get: Access to our search marketing experts; access to our members-only premium SEO library of instruction and articles; advanced videos on SEO, PPC, and link-building; and the Search Marketing Lab Report, a detailed monthly online newsletter with all the latest search strategies and major search engine updates.

  • Secrets To Their Success: Monthly online newsletter in which entrepreneurs who are leaders in the field of online business unveil the tricks, techniques, and insights that made them successful.

    See real-life examples of solid business models and proven Internet marketing principles — as well as brilliant original tactics — and apply them to your own business.
So there you have it! The complete list of resources from a source you can trust. If you read something online and you're not sure if it's true or not… try cross-checking it against our information before you act on it.

If you have any questions about any of our offerings, please send us a message! We're always delighted to hear from you.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Grab your Buggaboo's here...


Get use of five Exlusive & Custom made top notch tools
to get real followers at Twitter, all for FRvee. Use
our funniest, and yet very effective...

"Twitter BuggaBoo Hunter" tool.,1,lhkol2

You have to come see what THAT is.

A person needs to roll with things, and as I learned,
I need to use this for my marketing, and you should too.

You use these tools to build those followers and
totally - bypass email ads - and pick up where
emails are blocked and otherwise can not reach
your member who has a sensitive isp filtering ads.

Another good point about TweetersOnline is:

We do not blast your twitter page with our own ads
or make you follow hundreds of untargeted people
who never follow you. These are real and targeted
people who are active.

Everyone benefits here and there are 5 tools to use.

Such as...

We give you tokens so you can offer incentives to your followers
and connect with other Twitter users with more intensity!

Go today - it is so easier it has turned into fun:,1,lhkol2

Thank you for reading,
Parner of Job A Matic

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's ALL In Your Mind...

Hi Nichers,

It's always been my philosophy that you can only go as far
as your mind will let you.

What I mean by that is, if you have a positive mind set,
you can go a long way. If you have a negative mind set, you
have set up some unintentional roadblocks that will impede
your path to success like road spikes to a car chase

Having said that, here is a great book, a short read I
might add, that can and will help to get you into the right
mind set for success.

It's a book from James Allen called, "As A Man Thinketh"

You can grab your free copy right here:

I highly recommend that you read this short 27 page ebook
at least once a month and preferably a couple times a month
for best results.

Please feel free to share this link with all your friends.

Yours in profits,

Scot Standke - Founder

Saturday, July 11, 2009

How Do You Know What People Would Want To Buy From You?

Know your market

Knowing your market is essential because you need
to know what people want to buy. Simple as that.

There are a few different ways to find out what your
market wants.

1. Go to online forums or join social groups in your
niche and see what types of problems and questions
they have.

2. Ask other marketers in your niche to find out
which types of products are selling best. You can
search for similar products that you are thinking
about creating and selling yourself and then contact
the owner of the site and ask away.

3. Use some online resources like Google Trends to see the latest
search trends or Ebay Pulse
to see what people are buying.

Remember, it will be harder to create a market for a
product that isn't selling already than to create a
product for a market that is buying.

Basically, find out what your market wants and is
buying and give that to them.

Once you've determined that, you're only job then is
to create and get the info product to them, which is

Stay tuned for the next lesson coming in a few days.

John Yeo

Friday, July 10, 2009

Fast Mover Bonus - Get Yours Now

From Chris Cobb - read now...

Hey Isyaias,

This is just a quick and
final reminder for you to
check out the Proven System
website today...

And the reason for the
urgency is that I am going
to be removing the Fast
Movers Bonus in the next
few hours.

I've almost filled all of
the places for this.

So, if you want to find out
how all of this works and
even get a ready-made system
started today, go to this
page right now:

And I'll see you soon...

Best Wishes,

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Download Your FREE Data Entry Jobs & Earn Rs.50000/m.

Dear Isyaias,

Get FREE Data Entry Jobs e Book and Earn Rs.50000/m

Many peoples are already earning from our referral scheme.
You can also earn handsome income by referring your friends
and relatives to this website.

How to Refer ??

Just click below to know details,1,nta4t2


Facebook's Privacy Options

The privacy tools are there: the challenge is getting enthusiastic Facebookers to use them.

Facebook users -- and their managers -- who are concerned about keeping control of their information should get themselves over to the social network's Privacy Settings page without delay.

While Facebook has recently revamped its interface and provided new ways for users to filter information, the new options make it easier to control what you see from others, not what you reveal to them. The ways you control outgoing information -- the news you "publish" in new Facebook-speak -- haven't changed.

You get to them from the Settings --> Privacy Settings menu, which presents choices for Profile (who can see your personal and contact information, including videos and photographs you're tagged in); Search (what will be visible to Facebook's Search function); News Feeds and Wall (which of your posts and comments can be seen by other people); and Applications (what information will be available to Facebook applications you add).

The choices for most settings, in order of increased restrictiveness, are Everyone, My Networks and Friends, Friends of Friends or Only Friends.

If nothing else, you should carefully protect your Profile settings, since that's where malefactors can harvest data for use in identity theft or social engineering attacks.

The importance of the other settings depends on how you use Facebook: If you want to make lots of friends or are on Facebook primarily for business networking purposes, for example, you'll probably want to leave the Search settings fairly loose so people can find you. If you want to use Facebook primarily to communicate with a circle of trusted friends, you can tighten them up.

Similarly, if you mainly post promotional material for your business, you'll want to leave the News Feeds section loose -- the more viewers the better. But if you use Facebook for truly personal information -- to announce your plans to start looking for a new job or file for divorce -- you'll again want to restrict that information to Only Friends or, even more restrictive, only certain Friends Lists you've created.

Security vendor Sophos PLC has published its own Facebook best practice guide of recommended settings, which generally recommends the "Only Friends" settings.

The security-conscious can also become a fan of the Facebook Security page. Subscribing to its news feed will keep you abreast of new threats and scams and inform you about new security features as they're brought online.
By Jake Widman.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Hi Isyaias,
Welcome back to TOP POSTS from the 'HowTo' Internet Marketing
After a bit of a break we've hit our 250th edition this week and in
the spirit of celebration I'm going to share something fun with you
in just a moment...
But first welcome to Sebastian Fox
I want to introduce you to our latest HowToCorp contributor,
Sebastian Fox. Seb joins us to share the workload as we continue
to produce some of the Web's favorite online toolkits from HowToCorp.

Sebastian Fox is responsible for new product development and is also
active on our help desk at
A quick celebration
And now for that special 250th edition celebration I mentioned up
top.  You know how nowadays people think that Blogs are the way
to publish and communicate online. And it's true - Blogs are great!
But if you're actually interested in making money by setting up an online
community then Forums are actually even better. 
The difference between a Blog and Forum is that with a Blog you have
to be make posts from which others may comment.  But with a Forum
the whole set up revolves around others posting and starting
conversations and therefore running your community for you.
Now, if you happen to own the Forum in question then you can quite
easily monetize it in all sorts of ways...
Let's say that you run a popular Forum and then drop in a mention of
some product or service that you've used and like (via your own affiliate
link of course) and you'll suddenly find that people flock to pick up a
copy. It's the power of being the owner - and therefore being seen as
a guru - behind the subject matter of your Forum.
And the neat thing is that you can set up a Forum on absolutely any
niche subject under the sun. Really... I mean anything!
I've written all about this in my How To Start A Forum toolkit and to
celebrate the 250th edition of this TOP POSTS ezine - itself a spin off
from the popular 'How To' Internet Marketing forum - I'm extending
a discount for How To Start A Forum that you'll find it here all weekend.
Setting up your own Forum on a subject that interests you is not only
good fun, but can also be very profitable too. Check out where to start

And now for our TOP POSTS from the 'How To' Forum this week...
Forum poster 'psychocandy' is a newbie and wants to know what
every brand new internet marketer is interested in. Where on earth
should you start out if your objective is to make some cash online?
If you've got some ideas of your own for our poster or would like to
learn from others, then this is a great place to start >>>
Forum poster 'Aspiring_Online_Mogul' kicks off this thread where he (or
that could be she) asks what valuable lessons you've learned while
starting out as online markerters and which ones would you pass on?
Poster 'Slibit' provides 5 great tips and many others pile in with some
equally quality suggestions. Learn more and join in with your own advice
here >>>
Kelvin seeks guidance on how best to SEO his site, but has he really
understood what SEO involves? Fortunately experienced 'How To'
Forum moderators LetterMall and Wealthy have both joined others
to chip in with some great SEO advice that everyone can benefit
from. Check out how to apply their advice for yourself here or contribute
some of your own hints and tips here >>>
'Bumperboy' posts 5 great tips that you can use to create your own huge
following on twitter. All good common-sense stuff, with a couple of extras
that I've never heard before. Check out how to build your own super-size
twitter following and add your own tips to this great thread >>>
Until next week,
Michael Green

Monday, July 6, 2009

Putting A Syistem In Place


By putting an automated marketing system
in place, you can save yourself hundred
of hours of work in a month.

If you've been in business for very long, you already understand how difficult running your own business can be. There are employees to manage, customers to wow, and overhead to maintain.

What usually happens is small business owners get so caught up in running a day-to-day marathon that they don't take the time to put a system in place. However, without a system small businesses owners:

  • Must work harder
  • Must work longer
  • Lose potential sales
  • Often make mistakes

No matter what type of small business you own, implementing a system is critical to effectively manage your company. Think about how quickly fast food restaurants are able to serve their customers. Consider how smoothly employees at an amusement park get people through the lines and onto the rides.

When a business owner takes the time to put functional systems in place, they:

  • Work smarter
  • Work faster
  • Make more money
  • More accurately fulfill customer needs

Don't trudge through the chaos. Systemize your company and watch how easy managing your business becomes.


Clate Mask
CEO, Infusionsoft


Saturday, July 4, 2009


Hey Isyaias,

Last September you were signed up as an affiliate for
a promotion I ran where I gave away copies of my best
selling Traffic Tips Report and paid out $1.00 in
commissions for everyone that you referred.

I wanted you to be one of the first to know that we're
doing it again and it's bigger and better than ever!

This promotion starts next week and this time, I'm
giving away $100,000 in affiliate commissions and
over $5,000 in additional cash and prizes...

...And all you need to do is let people know about the
super valuable report I'm giving away and you'll get
$1.00 per signup and have a chance at a lot of really
cool prizes that are up for grabs.

You can signup and get the details at:

I'd love to have you on board again for this one - it
should be a very profitable and very fun promotion
for both of us!

I look forward to working with you again and if there's
anything I can do to help, just give me a shout.



Friday, July 3, 2009

You REALLY Need To Have Your Own Site

Hi Isyaias,

I wanted to make sure that things are going well for you and
that you're getting used to using the MyLinkGuard software.

One thing that you need to be aware of is that to use the
software properly, the files need to run off of a webserver.

So if you haven't already got your own site, you need to get
one. (In fact if you want to have any success online, you
REALLY need to have your own site)

I see so many people trying to make it online, but the
unfortunate thing is many people don't seem to realise
this is a business and if you want it to be "more than
a hobby" you need to treat it like such.

There are countless people who will spend hundreds of
dollars on the latest ebooks, dvds and courses but yet they
refuse to get their own site.

Perhaps it is because they feel they aren't technical
enough to use it properly?

The truth is, you don't need to be. With the MyLinkGuard
software, all you need to do is fill in a two blanks and
copy and paste a couple of files.

You can copy and paste, right? :-)

To help you out even more, there are also video tutorials
that show you EXACTLY what to do.

And there has never been a better time to get your own
site than now. I'm happy to be able to offer you a very
special deal to get you your first 3 months hosting at
no-cost to you - plus you get a free domain name for life.
(But shhhh, don't tell everyone!)

This is the easiest (and cheapest) way to get started
and all the hard work is done for you!

Which would you rather have ...

a) One McDonalds meal a month...


b) Your very own website, filled with as many different
affiliate programs and products as you can find, all
making you money 24 hours a day?

I know which one I'd go for :-)

It's really easy to get started too - you can be up
and running in minutes.

Simply login to the site with the link below and hit the
"Get Started" link for step-by-step instructions.

To your success,


PS - Everything is explained on the "Get Started" page
in the members area

Survey Results Inside

Hi Isyaias

Thank you to everyone who completed the survey.  The results seem to confirm my suspicions.

Q)Would you rather I spent the next few weeks emailing and blogging about online video marketing, or making money with affiliate programs?

Video Marketing = 16%
Affiliate Programs = 84%


Thank you also to everyone who left additional comments - my personal favourite being a rather blunt:

"Any fool can turn on a CAMERA!"

No prizes for guessing which option this person voted for - lol


So as promised, for the next couple of weeks, I'll turn my attention to affiliate programs.  In 1-2 days time, I'll start by revealing the action I took a couple of years back that has - I believe - had the most positive effect on my affiliate marketing.

In fact I'll go as far as to say that I suspect this is also true of many other successful online marketers.

Following on from that, I'll be discussing these affiliate issues:

  • The secret that is RARELY discussed (this is why so many lists remain unresponsive).
  • The most important skill to learn before anything else.
  • The consistent factor that differentiates my successful campaigns, and my failed campaigns, during the last 3-4 years.
  • The "T" word... Just how important is it?

I'm not going to claim to be the definitive expert in this subject, and I'll make it clear now that I'll only be discussing the areas of affiliate marketing in which I have first-hand experience (either through my own work, or in the study of someone elses).

It will be focussed on the lessons I've learned over the last few years that I feel are the MOST important.  In other words, the things I wish I'd known when I first started out.

Best wishes,

David Congreave