Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Procrastination and How To Kill it

Hi Isyaias,

Hope this email find you doing great!

I'm a little short of time this week
for the "Stu Sensei" lesson so instead
of the 5 minute lesson, this one is
going to be a 2 minute one.

Nevertheless, I think you'll get some
good info out of it.


Procrastination and How To Kill it!

Ever think of yourself as the world's
biggest procrastinator?

I hope you're not so bad as to procrastinate
procrastinating...if that's possible ??

Anyway, succeeding in business is all about
"getting things done".

It's about YOU taking action and following

If you don't do it, who will?

Basically, and I know this might sound almost
completely opposite of what every sales
letter and offer you see but....

...success takes hard work!

I watched "Million Dollar Baby" the Clint
Eastwood movie last night and I noticed
a sign that shows up in the movie saying...

"Winners are simply willing to do what
losers won't.

So relating this to 'winning' in the internet
business, it means that you have to go
that little bit a little more
than the regular marketer who struggles
to get by.

And the killer of "doing" is that P word -

Unfortunately, this is more of a battle
to your progress and success than most
beginners think.

It's a battle of your mind.

If you say to yourself, "I want to get a
website up and sell some ebooks...but I
don't know how to do it."...then you might
want to look a little deeper into that

Is the "how to" part really the problem?

Or is it an excuse?

If you really wanted to do it, you can
put in the time and "research" the info

If there is a guide for sale that contains
the answers...then your determination should
be enough to make the investment.

But humans as we are, out brains like to
make excuses that we like to hide behind.

Then this leads to procrastination.

(time out....I hope I'm not boring you here ;)

So let's cut to some practical ways we can
work on to beat the mind trap and beat
procrastination so we can get more things

1. Set a Deadline - If it wasn't for deadlines,
things would never get done.

2. Give yourself a LOT of work
to do - in
advance. If you think you have nothing then,
you'll putter around doing nothing.

3. Limit your time on the PC. This is like
the quote I told you about a few weeks ago.
Work expands to fill the time allotted. And
it works the other way - Work contracts to
fill the allotted time.

4. Avoid Perfectionism. This is a BIGGIE for
me. It's a massive time waster. When I write,
I find myself retyping sentences to make them
sound better but in the end, the sentence
says the exact same thing.

4.1 One more thing about perfectionism. There
are so many options and choices to make on a
daily basis with your internet business.
"What to write about", "what is the best
domain name to register", "what offer to
promote", "which site should I work on now"

4.2 Don't waste time sweating over what you
should do, and just bite the bullet and choose.
Of course you need to prioritize some work,
but for other things, you just need to make an
executive decision...and follow through with it.
"Just Do It!"

5. Give yourself a reward. Set out some
work for yourself and promise yourself
a reward for getting it done by a certain

Thanks for reading, I hope you were able to get
through this without your head falling on your

If you have any questions, don't hesitate
to hit the reply button or leave a comment
on my facebook wall.

All the best for a happy and safe weekend!

Stuart Stirling

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