Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Say Goodbye to Time-Wasters

Hi Nichers,

The true measure of success may be how much time you spend
doing exactly what you want. Never mind the money, if you
already have enough. How much of your time is spent doing
that which either aggravates you or wastes your time? Even
the very rich can find themselves caught up in stressful
situations that cry out for a solution. Most of the time,
eliminating them altogether is the best strategy.

The problem is one of habits. If you've always done things
a certain way, you may be creating a problem that can be
solved by a change in thinking, followed by a change in
acting. Are you checking your email more than 5 times a
day? More than 50? Why? Consider checking email twice a
day, at the most. If you warn people that you only check
email twice a day, you may find that those who depend on
you to respond immediately change how they behave towards

Another consideration is negative influences. You may have
a majority of customers that are a pleasure to deal with,
and a few that are nasty, negative and chew up most of your
time. Consider firing the troublemakers. That will make
room for more good customers and make sure your attitude
isn't negatively affected by dealing with people who
delight in making you miserable.

Cut yourself off from the "news". Television and newspapers
seldom serve up news that is actionable by you. When was
the last time a public official or government agency
contacted you regarding your take on the latest news
bulletin? For that matter, when was the last time you
missed something important in life that you didn't hear
about from a friend or neighbor? If the world is about to
blow up, I guarantee you'll find out about it without
resorting to the media. Eliminate daily news briefings. You
don't need the negative influence in your life.

Try outsourcing your chores. If you've automated your
business so you can spend more time on yard work,
housecleaning or maintenance, stop and think! How much will
it cost you to pay someone to mop your floors, mow your
lawn and clean your rain gutters? Unless you are a seasoned
professional at such labor, you'll probably get a better
result than if you keep doing it yourself. Even if you are
a seasoned professional at such labor, isn't the reason you
got into IM precisely to free yourself from daily drudgery?

Learn how to shut your mind tightly against negative
thinking and the negative influence of other people. You
can begin by practicing meditation, where you stop thinking
about your thoughts and simply remain quiet, in your mind.
With practice, you'll find it's easy and effortless to
break a train of thought you do not wish to encourage.
You'll also find it beneficial to cut out all the people
who want to dump their problems on you. You don't have to
be nasty or rude. Just stop allowing them to invade your
life with the things that they, themselves, are unwilling
to deal with. It is not your duty to hear other people
whine about their life.

There are troubles and duties we all must deal with. I'm
not suggesting you drop your responsibilities and slack off
on what you know you must do. Just take the time to
question all of your assumptions regarding duty and
responsibility. Figure out how much of your life is spent
doing things that you really don't have to be doing. Get
rid of all the old, bad habits that cause unnecessary
aggravation and eliminate them from your life.

See you again tomorrow with a whole new NicheADay.

Yours in profits,

Scot Standke - Founder

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