Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dave Last Course


"The devil's in the details"... he told Dave.

Dave looked at him like, "What?"

Dave had just presented my grand plan for the future
of our small CDO (community development organization).

It was a great plan! It was filled with brilliant ideas
and remarkeble strategies.

Everyone was so excited about our future! Nothing
could stop them...

After the meeting he congratulated Dave on a
wonderful presentation to the Board.

No one could deny that it was intoxicating -
the plan that was set out before them was agressive,
bold and most of all, needed by the community they served.

Dave shook hands as he was leaving and that's when
he said it, "The devil's in the details..."

You know... he was absolutely right.

As he said, "The devil's in the details".

The truth was Dave had great ideas but very little idea
exactly how he was going to implement the ideas.

"The devil's in the details"... how right he was.

Dave needed to act fast, because a year was not much
time to implement the ideas he presented so he created
something Dave's call "Idea Alchemy"...

Alchemists in the 1800's explored the nature of chemical substances
and processes. They had to rely on experimentation, traditional
know-how, rules of thumb and speculative thought in their
attempts to uncover the mysteries of the physical universe.

To the alchemists that "something" was generally being
conserved in chemical processes, even in the most dramatic
changes of physical state and appearance; that is, that
substances contained some "principles" that could be hidden
under many outer forms, and revealed by proper manipulation.

Due to Dave's 'Idea Alchemy' the Plan he presented to the board a
year earlier *worked* and it was one of the most important
accomplishments to my area's inner city in over 40 years!

In his online business Dave uses "Idea Alchemy" almost everyday. It
generated $200,000 for Dave in 2006 and over $500,000 in 2007.

Do you think a strategy like that, so simple, but so powerful could
help you earn more money too? And it is just so easy a child
could do it - and they often do ;-)

Sign up for Dave's Un-Stuck Seminar by Friday %DATE% and you'll see
just how powerful this money making tactic can be in Lesson 2,

That's all the news for now,

-Bzzzzz Rxxxxx