Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Newbie Advice Round #2

Some more great information for those newbies.

Communications - Now some marketers love their auto-responders, and nothing wrong with them. Personally myself I prefer the old school way and send the emails when the notion hits me. Either way is fine though and you should try both ways to see what is best for you. Just remember when communicating with members or your list to send emails every so often that have nothing to do with sales of a product. Email them a normal hello how are you doing today email. Nothing says I care more than an email asking your members how they are doing, trust me it works wonders.

Profits - When you start making a profit make sure to always take a % of that and put it back into your site. Maybe purchase some advertising, or maybe do an upgrade of your site, add more fresh content to your site, and etc. It is very important for long term success to always take a certain % and set it aside for your site.

Pay It Forward - When you get stable and start generating a decent income then it is time to give a little back. In the last few months I have purchased a ceiling fan and shipped it to germany for someone, sent $55 to someone else by paypal, sent another person $200 by paypal, A little girl need school cloths and materials so I went to wal-mart picked up some stuff boxed it up and shipped it out, I have used a pre-paid credit card and purchased a 2 pizza's for 2 other people that live in another state because they was hungry. Now I dont say this to boast or anything, I am just a regular guy and nobody special. Point here is though to help out others when you are able to do so.

There are still many more things but it is my hopes that these advice post will help the newbies more.
