Thursday, August 28, 2008

StoreStacker: The Truly A Set It And Forget It Goldmine

Hi, Scott Trimble here. The following are quotes from users of the same software:

"A perfect piece of software."

"My affiliate revenue, has increased by more than double."

"My revenue was up, literally, at least 500% across the board."

"The revenue from my sites using StoreStacker is on track to beat some of my oldest, most successful sites built with other site builders."

"This is truly a set it and forget it goldmine."

"This is a well thought out affiliate tool that drastically reduces the time to market for any affiliate marketer."

*** What do all of these users have in common?

They're all using StoreStacker.

And it's re-opening to new customers tomorrow (Thursday, the 28th) at 12pm, noon EST.

StoreStacker is the web's most powerful affiliate store builder.
Pulling products from sources like eBay, Amazon, Clickbank, Overstock, and more, StoreStacker gives you the ability to build a complete, commission-ready, search engine optimized affiliate site/store in minutes.

StoreStacker even has the ability to pull and display targeted youtube videos and RSS articles from any source you want. So, you're able to deliver targeted articles, videos and purchasable products, ALL through the same website - literally turning you into an authority and one-stop-shop for any niche or market you want.

Since we opened, StoreStacker has gone through 2 major updates, including additions of a number of new features (free to all

- StoreStacker stores can be set to automatically update - making your sites more sticky and completely hands-free.
- Users can now create a StoreStacker widget that can be placed on any outside site they want, displaying products from their StoreStacker stores
- 12 site templates come with every purchase.
- 50+ page user manual that covers absolutely every facet of StoreStacker's setup and use.
- More search engine optimized with tag clouds for popular products on every page.
- Amazon's lowest price is displayed - resulting in higher clickthrough rates.
- You can choose any products to be 'featured', bringing more attention and eyeballs to the products you want.
- Plus, so much more has been added - way too much to list here.

The bottom line though - what you should take from this email if nothing else, is that StoreStacker users are making money RIGHT NOW. Their sites are getting more first-time/search engine traffic, more return traffic, longer visitor stays, and more affiliate commissions. They're able to build their sites faster, grow them bigger and become a true force to be reckoned with in any market they want.

We're opening up tomorrow at noon. Be there.


4803 SE Woodstock Blvd Ste #114, Portland, OR 97206, USA