Hi Isyaias,
Today I want to talk about ezine ads.
This is probably one of the most misunderstood forms of advertising that there are simply because of the misconceptions about ezine advertising. So I will try to clear some of them up.
For starters, ezine ads are not worthless as most people seem to think. Believe it or not, there are people who subscribe to these ezines who actually do read them for their content and THAT is the key to placing a solo ezine ad that actually brings result. You have to educate the prospect in the ad, as if it were an actual ezine issue, before you can make your pitch.
There is a perfect way to do this and I am surprised that most people don't figure it out or even try it if they do.
Many ezine owners are crying for content. They either don't have the time to create it themselves or the skill. This is where you, as a writer, come in.
The steps are simple.
1. Look up an ezine in the ezine directories online that matches your niche. Try to find one with a decent membership base. This is still a numbers game so if you're product converts at 2% or better, you should do fairly well as long as the ezine fits your niche and has a decent size membership.
2. Write to the ezine owner and offer to do a series of articles in exchange for a solo ad. Trust me, many will take you up on your offer.
3. Incorporate your "ad" into the last article in the series. This way it doesn't appear as a flat out sales pitch. You will be surprised at how many prospects will be responsive to this approach.
What this does is it gets you a solo ezine ad at no cost to you, plus it makes it more effective than if you just paid for an ad with no lead in. Think about it...with a series of articles...these people have gotten to know you already.
Try this method at least a few times. I am sure you will find that it gets great results. If it does, please write to me and let me know how you made out.
If you need a good Ezine Advertising source try these guys
==>> http://1minutemarketer.com/recommends/ezinepromo
In a couple of days I'm going to go over another very misunderstood form of advertising...FFA Hosting.
See you then.
Brian Dew