Hello Isyaias,
We are happy to announce the launch of our newest feature LinkSets
LinkSets allow you to create an unlimited number of URL/Link Text combinations inside of your opportunities. The LinkSets system will then automatically handle assigning those links to bloggers as you purchase reviews.
LinkSets will allow you to do the following:
Easily Build Links to Dozens/Hundreds of URL’s on your site
Easily rotate though Link Text in order to focus on more keywords
Build a specific number of Links to a given URL or Link Text automatically
Manually assign a blogger a specific LinkSet. This is especially useful for aligning your Links to the specific subject matter of particular blogger.
If you haven’t used our system in a while your missing out. We have been busy adding new features and tons of new bloggers.
Over 23,000 Registered Bloggers ready to Link to your Sites!
New Filters to Quickly find the Best Bloggers, including: Google Pagerank, Google Cache, Compete Estimated Traffic, Yahoo Backlinks, Country etc.. etc..
New Favoriting and Tagging system Helps you find your favorite bloggers quickly.
Over 10,000 user ratings to help you find the best blogs.
Only at LinkSets at SR
To yours.....
My In Box Today is a place to paste the top email from my mailbox. It's REAL EXAMPLES how to do REAL MARKETING from REAL MARKETERS. You may read it and take a profit from it. I just do what I want to do with my full mailbox. How about you?
Saturday, January 31, 2009
No Cost Software Creates Bonus Pages on the Fly
Hey Isyaias
I've added a significant amount of revenue to my bottom
line just by adding other marketer's products to my
thank you pages, download pages, and unadvertised bonus
pages loaded with my affiliate links.
The only problem was that it was a
pain in the "you-know-what" to set up.
It usually always ended up taking me at least an hour to:
- set up my account with the product I wanted to offer as a bonus
- design an ad
- then put it on my site.
But I did it because it was worth it and those bonuses I added
months and even years ago are still earning me money.
Luckily for YOU, there's a new software that was created which
And, the best part is you can start using it RIGHT NOW for Free
This is the easiest way to add a few hundred dollars to your
monthly income.
Get INSTANT access to this awesome new tool here:
Click Here For Your Free Instant Bonus Page Creator Software
Talk soon,
Jason Dinner
I've added a significant amount of revenue to my bottom
line just by adding other marketer's products to my
thank you pages, download pages, and unadvertised bonus
pages loaded with my affiliate links.
The only problem was that it was a
pain in the "you-know-what" to set up.
It usually always ended up taking me at least an hour to:
- set up my account with the product I wanted to offer as a bonus
- design an ad
- then put it on my site.
But I did it because it was worth it and those bonuses I added
months and even years ago are still earning me money.
Luckily for YOU, there's a new software that was created which
And, the best part is you can start using it RIGHT NOW for Free
This is the easiest way to add a few hundred dollars to your
monthly income.
Get INSTANT access to this awesome new tool here:
Click Here For Your Free Instant Bonus Page Creator Software
Talk soon,
Jason Dinner
Friday, January 30, 2009
About Product Creation
Hi Isyaias,
Michael Rasmussen here and it's time to answer another
set of questions from my readers. You're in that group,
so you get the benefit of the great questions your
peers ask me.
A lot of people wonder why I do this. There are really
three big reasons...
First, I care about whether you succeed or not.
Internet marketing really isn't rocket science...once
you know what you're doing. Before you "get it",
though, it helps a ton to have somebody actually
answer real questions that real people ask along the way.
Second, even after you're an "expert", it's great to
get new ideas from other people. You never know when
an answer to a question will press just right button
in your brain...and boost your profits.
Third, I get literally thousands of emails every week,
and it's impossible to answer them all. So I set up
this system to help me manage email better, while
still giving you the information you need.
So read on, and I hope you enjoy the learning.
CURRENT ISSUE -------------
In the past couple of years, people have been exposed
to a large number of products about product creation.
There are courses about it, seminars on the topic, and
countless articles about various aspects of creating
I know I get literally hundreds of questions about
product creation every time I launch a product of my
own. Here are some recent questions I think will help
you know the answers to.
1) It seems like I've been working on several products
for the longest time. I can't ever seem to get them
done, and they all seem important. Any advice? (asked
by Kelly Berkholz)
ANSWER: I know they all seem important, and they
probably are, but the advice I'll give you is exactly
what I would tell anybody else who is creating
First, choose one product to focus on first. If they
all seem like "the" product to you, just pick one!
This will let you focus on one product instead of
overworking your brain trying to think about more than
one at a time.
Second, focus on that product until it's done. I mean
REALLY done. Working on something else will distract
you, and you'll stay in the "nothing's finished" spot
you're in now.
Third, launch that product. Having a bunch of products
done but just sitting there doesn't do anything for
you. Finish the product and launch it to start
accomplishing your intended goal with it, whatever
that goal is (selling it for a profit, building a
list, etc.)
Fourth, keep your focus on that product until it's
solidly accomplishing your goal. Don't just kick off
the process and turn your back on it. Work on it until
it's working well for you.
THEN move on to the next product.
Why do it this way? Because nothing beats the power of
focus. You have to focus to finish. Without finishing,
you'll never benefit from the product creation work
you do.
2) I don't have a problem creating products...but I
can't seem to launch them! They sit around doing
nothing after I worked so hard on them. What should I
do? (asked by Guy Won)
ANSWER: Okay, you're following the first part of the
advice I gave in the previous answer. Now keep going!
But I won't leave you hanging. Here are some specific
steps to take. It's a simple launch procedure you can
use for any product you already have:
* Pick one product to launch first. Just like I
mentioned earlier, you have to choose. If you try to
launch them all at once, you'll go crazy, and it
probably won't work. You have to start somewhere.
* Write down a specific launch plan. This includes
what your target market will be, the components your
product will include, what your price point will be,
your target launch date, and who you'll contact to
promote for you (and how you'll find new people, if
you don't already have a network to dig into).
* Set a deadline when you MUST start your promotion
plan. This will light a fire under you. You've done
the hard part (creating the product), so decide you're
going to DO something with it now.
I don't want to be too simplistic here, but that's
really all there is to it. Not launching your product
probably means one of two things...
Either you're scared to launch, which is very common
for people without a lot of experience, or you haven't
really thought about the stuff in the second step I
just gave you.
In particular, if fear is your problem, you need to
break through it. Forcing yourself to take action and
launch is one of the best strategies for breaking
A great place to start is with that marketing plan.
There are what's called the "5 P's" of marketing:
* Product
* Place
* Price
* People (your market)
* Promotion
If you're stuck on knowing what you have to think
about, there's your list. You need to know what you'll
sell, to whom, how, where and for what price. When you
know all of that, all that's left is executing your
You'll be surprised how energizing it is to get your
product actually out there selling. You'll want to do
it again.
3) I just created a new product, but I'm brand new to
Internet marketing and nobody knows who I am. Why
would anybody want to buy my product? Have I just
wasted my time? (asked by Allan Deveaux)
ANSWER: Heck no you haven't wasted your time! Be proud
you got your product done. Lots of people never
finish. Here's how to get people interested in it.
First, though, you need to remember that there are TWO
groups of people you need to get interested in your
product. The first group is potential buyers, and the
second group is potential promotion partners. Both
have to think your product is good enough to act on
(meaning buying it or promoting it).
Now I'll cheat a little bit and tell you how to get
both groups interested by targeting only ONE of those
groups first.
If you get potential promotion partners interested in
your product, they'll help you get potential buyers
interested in it. That might mean they'll suggest
changes that will increase the perceived value of your
product, or maybe they'll suggest some sales copy
changes. Then again, they may say your product is
great already and simply get their lists excited about
So I suggest focusing on getting partners interested
first. Here's short cut for how to do it, especially
if you don't have a big name yet.
Partner with someone who has a bigger name than yours.
Get them interested in working with you to make the
product even better. You'll have to entice them to do
this, so make it worth their while by offering things
like this:
* Give the person a cut of the profits when the
product launches (this should be a given, and be
* Offer to do most of the grunt work to get the
product ready, if the other person will bring their
marketing expertise and existing JV partners to the
You don't have to be famous to find people willing to
work with you, because here's a little secret...most
people don't want to create their own products,
because it's a lot of work. If you offer to do most of
the work, a potential partner might jump at it.
Once you've identified your partner, knock yourself
out to deliver on your part of the deal. Do a great
job, ask questions, and learn as much as you can. Then
you'll not only have a partner for this product, but
you'll also have an enthusiastic contact for your next
4) I've got a product, and I know I need JV partners
to help me launch it if I want to make serious profit.
But how do I find these people if I can't afford to
spend thousands of dollars on seminars and marketing
events? (asked by Selena Coppa)
ANSWER: This is a classic question. Here's how to find
JV partners when you don't feel like you know anybody:
* Hang out in marketing forums and develop
relationships. When you find a good prospect, send him
a private message to introduce yourself and pitch your
* Use JV networks to get your proposals in front of
lots of people you don't know...then do a great job
with your partners so you'll be able to get them on
board much easier next time.
* Look at the email lists you already subscribe to. Do
you really like the style of one of the marketers? If
so, strike up a relationship with that person through
email, or on their blog. This isn't an overnight
thing, but it's worth the effort. You can certainly
pitch a JV right away, but it's usually better to
develop some relationship first.
* Find contacts in sales letter testimonials. This
works great. Sure, some of the really big names won't
give you the time of day, but some might if you make a
good proposal that has a lot in it for them.
The bottom line for finding partners is really simple.
You might not think you know anybody right now, but
you almost certainly can develop contacts with lots of
people in lots of different ways. That's where
relationships come from, and some of those product
great JVs.
PREVIOUS ISSUE -------------
And here's a link to the previous issue in case you
missed it. In the previous issue I covered questions
related to time management, and ways to increase
productivity so you can get more stuff done.
All right, that wraps it up for this time.
If you like getting answers to questions like this,
ask your own question! You can submit your question by
filling out the simple form at:
Every so often, I'll go through the questions and pick
out 5-6 to answer in an email to people on my lists.
Your questions are what will make this email helpful,
so please keep them coming. I can't guarantee I'll
answer your question, but if the same question gets
asked several times, I'll try to answer that one. So
don't think, "Somebody's probably asked that already."
Maybe so, but it's worth asking anyway.
All the best,
Michael Rasmussen
Michael Rasmussen here and it's time to answer another
set of questions from my readers. You're in that group,
so you get the benefit of the great questions your
peers ask me.
A lot of people wonder why I do this. There are really
three big reasons...
First, I care about whether you succeed or not.
Internet marketing really isn't rocket science...once
you know what you're doing. Before you "get it",
though, it helps a ton to have somebody actually
answer real questions that real people ask along the way.
Second, even after you're an "expert", it's great to
get new ideas from other people. You never know when
an answer to a question will press just right button
in your brain...and boost your profits.
Third, I get literally thousands of emails every week,
and it's impossible to answer them all. So I set up
this system to help me manage email better, while
still giving you the information you need.
So read on, and I hope you enjoy the learning.
CURRENT ISSUE -------------
In the past couple of years, people have been exposed
to a large number of products about product creation.
There are courses about it, seminars on the topic, and
countless articles about various aspects of creating
I know I get literally hundreds of questions about
product creation every time I launch a product of my
own. Here are some recent questions I think will help
you know the answers to.
1) It seems like I've been working on several products
for the longest time. I can't ever seem to get them
done, and they all seem important. Any advice? (asked
by Kelly Berkholz)
ANSWER: I know they all seem important, and they
probably are, but the advice I'll give you is exactly
what I would tell anybody else who is creating
First, choose one product to focus on first. If they
all seem like "the" product to you, just pick one!
This will let you focus on one product instead of
overworking your brain trying to think about more than
one at a time.
Second, focus on that product until it's done. I mean
REALLY done. Working on something else will distract
you, and you'll stay in the "nothing's finished" spot
you're in now.
Third, launch that product. Having a bunch of products
done but just sitting there doesn't do anything for
you. Finish the product and launch it to start
accomplishing your intended goal with it, whatever
that goal is (selling it for a profit, building a
list, etc.)
Fourth, keep your focus on that product until it's
solidly accomplishing your goal. Don't just kick off
the process and turn your back on it. Work on it until
it's working well for you.
THEN move on to the next product.
Why do it this way? Because nothing beats the power of
focus. You have to focus to finish. Without finishing,
you'll never benefit from the product creation work
you do.
2) I don't have a problem creating products...but I
can't seem to launch them! They sit around doing
nothing after I worked so hard on them. What should I
do? (asked by Guy Won)
ANSWER: Okay, you're following the first part of the
advice I gave in the previous answer. Now keep going!
But I won't leave you hanging. Here are some specific
steps to take. It's a simple launch procedure you can
use for any product you already have:
* Pick one product to launch first. Just like I
mentioned earlier, you have to choose. If you try to
launch them all at once, you'll go crazy, and it
probably won't work. You have to start somewhere.
* Write down a specific launch plan. This includes
what your target market will be, the components your
product will include, what your price point will be,
your target launch date, and who you'll contact to
promote for you (and how you'll find new people, if
you don't already have a network to dig into).
* Set a deadline when you MUST start your promotion
plan. This will light a fire under you. You've done
the hard part (creating the product), so decide you're
going to DO something with it now.
I don't want to be too simplistic here, but that's
really all there is to it. Not launching your product
probably means one of two things...
Either you're scared to launch, which is very common
for people without a lot of experience, or you haven't
really thought about the stuff in the second step I
just gave you.
In particular, if fear is your problem, you need to
break through it. Forcing yourself to take action and
launch is one of the best strategies for breaking
A great place to start is with that marketing plan.
There are what's called the "5 P's" of marketing:
* Product
* Place
* Price
* People (your market)
* Promotion
If you're stuck on knowing what you have to think
about, there's your list. You need to know what you'll
sell, to whom, how, where and for what price. When you
know all of that, all that's left is executing your
You'll be surprised how energizing it is to get your
product actually out there selling. You'll want to do
it again.
3) I just created a new product, but I'm brand new to
Internet marketing and nobody knows who I am. Why
would anybody want to buy my product? Have I just
wasted my time? (asked by Allan Deveaux)
ANSWER: Heck no you haven't wasted your time! Be proud
you got your product done. Lots of people never
finish. Here's how to get people interested in it.
First, though, you need to remember that there are TWO
groups of people you need to get interested in your
product. The first group is potential buyers, and the
second group is potential promotion partners. Both
have to think your product is good enough to act on
(meaning buying it or promoting it).
Now I'll cheat a little bit and tell you how to get
both groups interested by targeting only ONE of those
groups first.
If you get potential promotion partners interested in
your product, they'll help you get potential buyers
interested in it. That might mean they'll suggest
changes that will increase the perceived value of your
product, or maybe they'll suggest some sales copy
changes. Then again, they may say your product is
great already and simply get their lists excited about
So I suggest focusing on getting partners interested
first. Here's short cut for how to do it, especially
if you don't have a big name yet.
Partner with someone who has a bigger name than yours.
Get them interested in working with you to make the
product even better. You'll have to entice them to do
this, so make it worth their while by offering things
like this:
* Give the person a cut of the profits when the
product launches (this should be a given, and be
* Offer to do most of the grunt work to get the
product ready, if the other person will bring their
marketing expertise and existing JV partners to the
You don't have to be famous to find people willing to
work with you, because here's a little secret...most
people don't want to create their own products,
because it's a lot of work. If you offer to do most of
the work, a potential partner might jump at it.
Once you've identified your partner, knock yourself
out to deliver on your part of the deal. Do a great
job, ask questions, and learn as much as you can. Then
you'll not only have a partner for this product, but
you'll also have an enthusiastic contact for your next
4) I've got a product, and I know I need JV partners
to help me launch it if I want to make serious profit.
But how do I find these people if I can't afford to
spend thousands of dollars on seminars and marketing
events? (asked by Selena Coppa)
ANSWER: This is a classic question. Here's how to find
JV partners when you don't feel like you know anybody:
* Hang out in marketing forums and develop
relationships. When you find a good prospect, send him
a private message to introduce yourself and pitch your
* Use JV networks to get your proposals in front of
lots of people you don't know...then do a great job
with your partners so you'll be able to get them on
board much easier next time.
* Look at the email lists you already subscribe to. Do
you really like the style of one of the marketers? If
so, strike up a relationship with that person through
email, or on their blog. This isn't an overnight
thing, but it's worth the effort. You can certainly
pitch a JV right away, but it's usually better to
develop some relationship first.
* Find contacts in sales letter testimonials. This
works great. Sure, some of the really big names won't
give you the time of day, but some might if you make a
good proposal that has a lot in it for them.
The bottom line for finding partners is really simple.
You might not think you know anybody right now, but
you almost certainly can develop contacts with lots of
people in lots of different ways. That's where
relationships come from, and some of those product
great JVs.
PREVIOUS ISSUE -------------
And here's a link to the previous issue in case you
missed it. In the previous issue I covered questions
related to time management, and ways to increase
productivity so you can get more stuff done.
All right, that wraps it up for this time.
If you like getting answers to questions like this,
ask your own question! You can submit your question by
filling out the simple form at:
Every so often, I'll go through the questions and pick
out 5-6 to answer in an email to people on my lists.
Your questions are what will make this email helpful,
so please keep them coming. I can't guarantee I'll
answer your question, but if the same question gets
asked several times, I'll try to answer that one. So
don't think, "Somebody's probably asked that already."
Maybe so, but it's worth asking anyway.
All the best,
Michael Rasmussen
Read This If You Want To Get Massive Amounts Of Free Traffic From SEO...
Hey Isyaias, this is a quick and simple email...
If you want to learn how to get top 10 search engine results on Google for your business (which = TONS of free traffic for lead generation), then I HIGHLY recommend you watch this free training video posted by the two guys who do all of MY personal SEO... (Yes, I actually pay them for consulting every month, and they are talking on a very small number of new clients and students right now in case you're wondering).
If this is a marketing tactic you want to learn and take advantage of, then I can't recommend their work more... They put out the best FREE training on the market, as you'll see once you watch these...
Click to watch them now:
Talk to you soon
If you want to learn how to get top 10 search engine results on Google for your business (which = TONS of free traffic for lead generation), then I HIGHLY recommend you watch this free training video posted by the two guys who do all of MY personal SEO... (Yes, I actually pay them for consulting every month, and they are talking on a very small number of new clients and students right now in case you're wondering).
If this is a marketing tactic you want to learn and take advantage of, then I can't recommend their work more... They put out the best FREE training on the market, as you'll see once you watch these...
Click to watch them now:
Talk to you soon
Claim Your Self Improvement Gifts
Here is your personal link to get your hands on the largest
selection of Self Improvement Gifts that you will find
The line up of gifts already available for download are some of
the most powerful Self Improvement products on the market today!
You'll be able to grab 1000s of dollars worth of products, services,
ebooks, audio, video, memberships, courses and more - all geared
toward improving your life and helping you reach your goals heading
into 2009.
Go Here Now to Download all of your favorite products:
Some of the hundreds of gifts you'll be able to get your hands on
if you act fast:
* 7 Goal Setting Tricks
* Mind Power Evolution Kit
* Personal Development Tips
* Exclusive Interviews and Live Teleseminars
* Life Transformation Secrets eCourse
* The Classic Law of Attraction Collection
* Soul Song of 2009
* Secrets of Successful Self-Promotion
* Hypnosis Power
* Time Management Essentials for Busy People
* I Am a Great Leader MP3
* Free Lifetime Site Memberships
And the best part?
It's all F.R.E.E.!
P.S. Drop everything right now and GRAB
your gifts immediately.
Visit: http://www.davidbreth.net/SelfImprovementProductsFREE
selection of Self Improvement Gifts that you will find
The line up of gifts already available for download are some of
the most powerful Self Improvement products on the market today!
You'll be able to grab 1000s of dollars worth of products, services,
ebooks, audio, video, memberships, courses and more - all geared
toward improving your life and helping you reach your goals heading
into 2009.
Go Here Now to Download all of your favorite products:
Some of the hundreds of gifts you'll be able to get your hands on
if you act fast:
* 7 Goal Setting Tricks
* Mind Power Evolution Kit
* Personal Development Tips
* Exclusive Interviews and Live Teleseminars
* Life Transformation Secrets eCourse
* The Classic Law of Attraction Collection
* Soul Song of 2009
* Secrets of Successful Self-Promotion
* Hypnosis Power
* Time Management Essentials for Busy People
* I Am a Great Leader MP3
* Free Lifetime Site Memberships
And the best part?
It's all F.R.E.E.!
P.S. Drop everything right now and GRAB
your gifts immediately.
Visit: http://www.davidbreth.net/SelfImprovementProductsFREE
Very Inspiring - Results From My New Private Adsense System
Hi Isyaias
Over the past few months, I've been finishing a new blogging
and Adsense system that's literally 'set-it-and-forget-it' .
I've personally been using the beta version of this for about a year
to bring in passive income for ALL of my blogs. (see some results
here: http://www.bloggerapps.com/private )
The reason I waited a full year before giving it away to members
is really pretty simple... I wanted to make sure the system was
REALLY going to work for ANYONE. So I've been using it for the past
12 months and after only about 1 month of using it I started to see
some good results, and steady money PASSIVELY coming in.
When I say "passively", I mean that I put in a total of
only a couple hours when I first set up a new site, and then
literally haven't touched a thing since the initial startup. You
can see some of the results I've been getting here:
I just finished beta testing, tweaking the kinks, making it look
'pretty', and fixing any minor issues... And it's now all set up and
ready for release... sort of.
Initially, I'm only opening the doors for my current subscribers and
members so that you can benefit from it before we have our larger
public release. And.. I don't want price to be a constraint. So
for a limited time I'm going to open it up to you for an 85% Discount!
I'm currently ONLY allowing 500 total people in the doors. So I
wanted to give you first dibs before our JV's start mailing out
to their lists.
Here's the private access link where you can check our some of
my case study results, and get backdoor access before we open
it to the public:
==> http://www.bloggerapps.com/private/
For all new members who grab the software via this private link,
I'm also giving you a special bonus access to one of my best
selling article marketing services.
You can read all the details at the link above.
Like I said in my last email to you... one of my goals for 2009 is to
be more transparent with my members. So I'll be upfront and real
with you... This isn't about building a $100,000 a month business.
This is about helping you get to the point of being able to replace
your current income, and give you the CHOICE of what you want
to do with your time.
This new system one of the easiest things to learn, implement, and
repeat over and over again once you've got the proven strategy to
work with and follow. I think you'll agree when you check it out
for yourself.
==> http://www.bloggerapps.com/private/
All the best,
Matt Callen
iNet Innovation
P.S. I'm only keeping the doors open for the first 500 people, and
we currently have over 350 happy members already! Once 500 is
reached, I'll be closing the doors immediately. So be one of the
early-access members to reserve your spot for 85% off.
==> http://www.bloggerapps.com/private/
Over the past few months, I've been finishing a new blogging
and Adsense system that's literally 'set-it-and-forget-it' .
I've personally been using the beta version of this for about a year
to bring in passive income for ALL of my blogs. (see some results
here: http://www.bloggerapps.com/private )
The reason I waited a full year before giving it away to members
is really pretty simple... I wanted to make sure the system was
REALLY going to work for ANYONE. So I've been using it for the past
12 months and after only about 1 month of using it I started to see
some good results, and steady money PASSIVELY coming in.
When I say "passively", I mean that I put in a total of
only a couple hours when I first set up a new site, and then
literally haven't touched a thing since the initial startup. You
can see some of the results I've been getting here:
I just finished beta testing, tweaking the kinks, making it look
'pretty', and fixing any minor issues... And it's now all set up and
ready for release... sort of.
Initially, I'm only opening the doors for my current subscribers and
members so that you can benefit from it before we have our larger
public release. And.. I don't want price to be a constraint. So
for a limited time I'm going to open it up to you for an 85% Discount!
I'm currently ONLY allowing 500 total people in the doors. So I
wanted to give you first dibs before our JV's start mailing out
to their lists.
Here's the private access link where you can check our some of
my case study results, and get backdoor access before we open
it to the public:
==> http://www.bloggerapps.com/private/
For all new members who grab the software via this private link,
I'm also giving you a special bonus access to one of my best
selling article marketing services.
You can read all the details at the link above.
Like I said in my last email to you... one of my goals for 2009 is to
be more transparent with my members. So I'll be upfront and real
with you... This isn't about building a $100,000 a month business.
This is about helping you get to the point of being able to replace
your current income, and give you the CHOICE of what you want
to do with your time.
This new system one of the easiest things to learn, implement, and
repeat over and over again once you've got the proven strategy to
work with and follow. I think you'll agree when you check it out
for yourself.
==> http://www.bloggerapps.com/private/
All the best,
Matt Callen
iNet Innovation
P.S. I'm only keeping the doors open for the first 500 people, and
we currently have over 350 happy members already! Once 500 is
reached, I'll be closing the doors immediately. So be one of the
early-access members to reserve your spot for 85% off.
==> http://www.bloggerapps.com/private/
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
No-Brain Idiots Guide To "Make Money Online"
Hi Isyaias,
Who said making money online is "hard"?
Read carefully, because there is a new set of
bargain ebooks that completely takes ALL the
hard work out making money online.
You really have to see this Isyaias!
=> http://10-idiot-proof-ways-2-money.isyai.com
Even if you've never made a single penny online
before, now you CAN!
Making money online is a mystery for 90% of
people online for some reason.
But now with my friend Stuart Stirling's new
ebooks called "No Brain Cash", making money
online has literally become child's play.
** No Website? OK!
** No Experience? OK!
** No Technical Ability? OK!
** No Time? No Problem!
There are 10 methods in all that you can follow
in the "No Brain Cash" reports...10 of the
EASIEST methods you've ever seen.
But you should hurry because if you download
your copy before January 30th, you can get a
$10 discount.
=> http://10-idiot-proof-ways-2-money.isyai.com
Best wishes,
ps. Now you don't even need to "think" about
how to cash in online!
Check it out before you do anything else...
=> http://10-idiot-proof-ways-2-money.isyai.com
...because anything else is just too much
"hard work" :)
Who said making money online is "hard"?
Read carefully, because there is a new set of
bargain ebooks that completely takes ALL the
hard work out making money online.
You really have to see this Isyaias!
=> http://10-idiot-proof-ways-2-money.isyai.com
Even if you've never made a single penny online
before, now you CAN!
Making money online is a mystery for 90% of
people online for some reason.
But now with my friend Stuart Stirling's new
ebooks called "No Brain Cash", making money
online has literally become child's play.
** No Website? OK!
** No Experience? OK!
** No Technical Ability? OK!
** No Time? No Problem!
There are 10 methods in all that you can follow
in the "No Brain Cash" reports...10 of the
EASIEST methods you've ever seen.
But you should hurry because if you download
your copy before January 30th, you can get a
$10 discount.
=> http://10-idiot-proof-ways-2-money.isyai.com
Best wishes,
ps. Now you don't even need to "think" about
how to cash in online!
Check it out before you do anything else...
=> http://10-idiot-proof-ways-2-money.isyai.com
...because anything else is just too much
"hard work" :)
Friday, January 23, 2009
Subscription-Free TV
Good Morning Isyaias --
This is Trent Steele with an offer you really need to watch out for!

Want the TRUE power of TV -- when YOU want it?
Imagine being able to:
Enjoy your favorite movies on demand!
Watch breaking news as it happens across the globe!
View the latest sports action, without paying a subscription fee!
Then, imagine tuning in to your favorite TV shows - when YOU want to watch them.
No matter where you are in the world!
That's the power of Watch TV on Your PC.
It streams 1000s of channels (including $$$$ premium channels!) direct to YOUR PC -- without the need for plug-in computer cards or subscription payments.
Just download, install & click!
Want to find out more?
Get the power for yourself TODAY by visiting the site at:
Subscription-Free TV
Thanks for reading and see you next time --
Trent Steele, Site Manager
This is Trent Steele with an offer you really need to watch out for!

Want the TRUE power of TV -- when YOU want it?
Imagine being able to:
Enjoy your favorite movies on demand!
Watch breaking news as it happens across the globe!
View the latest sports action, without paying a subscription fee!
Then, imagine tuning in to your favorite TV shows - when YOU want to watch them.
No matter where you are in the world!
That's the power of Watch TV on Your PC.
It streams 1000s of channels (including $$$$ premium channels!) direct to YOUR PC -- without the need for plug-in computer cards or subscription payments.
Just download, install & click!
Want to find out more?
Get the power for yourself TODAY by visiting the site at:
Subscription-Free TV
Thanks for reading and see you next time --
Trent Steele, Site Manager
Internet Marketing With A Laid Out Strategy
Hi Isyaias,
A lot of internet marketers run some unprofitable websites
or businesses with no short or long term strategies. Some
people do not have any goals, while some seem to jump from
one 'business opportunity' to another.
Some internet marketers treat their internet marketing business
like a hobby, and yet expect to earn some good checks from it.
To succeed in internet marketing, you need to apply some
strategic internet marketing techniques.
Depending on your internet marketing interests; it is a good
idea to engage in a business that has a long term
potential, which means that you will need to have long term
goals with the business.
Strategic internet marketing is not randomly buying some
cheap recycled 300,000 email leads or guaranteed hits.
Strategic internet marketing is also not about pointlessly
placing banner ads all over the internet.
Strictly relying on free classified ads or surfing for traffic
will also not bring you any guaranteed success for your internet
marketing business. Yes, these marketing tactics mentioned
above may work in some instances for some business types;
but they can't be considered as strategic internet
marketing campaigns just by themselves.
So, what is strategic internet marketing?
Strategic internet marketing is basically about having a
promotion plan that employs effective and proven marketing
devices to get high converting results for your internet
marketing business.
You mast use a list of selected marketing plans that are
effective; and you must make sure that you perfect your
skills in these strategies in order to make them effective.
The first thing you will need to do is to establish your
advertising budget. You must establish how much can you
spend per week or per month.
Every promotion for your internet marketing business must
have a purpose and it is critical to track the results of
each and every advertisement. Tracking your ads means that
you can then identify the strategies that are bringing the
best results for your advertising dollar.
After you have identified the ads that are working, you can
allocate more money towards those. By tracking your ads, you
can also find out which ads are not working, or which ones
need adjusting.
The key to strategic internet marketing is to constantly
improve your marketing strategies, by making them more
If you do not track your marketing campaigns and ads -
you are simply 'operating in the dark' and
this will not bring you any success in internet marketing.
You are simply throwing your money away.
So, which marketing strategies actually work?
There are proven marketing strategies that can guarantee you
success in internet marketing if you apply them
1) Writing and submitting articles
A very effective and cheap way of promoting your business.
Writing articles builds your credibility and also drive
plenty of targeted traffic to your site, all for free.
2) Pay per Click Advertising (PPC)
PPC is the fastest way to get traffic to your internet marketing
business' website. However, to make this strategy
successful and cost effective for your internet marketing
business, you must educate yourself about keyword selection
and bidding for your keywords.
3) Start Your Own Ezine
This is most likely the most powerful marketing technique on
the internet. Having your own list of subscribers to send a
newsletter to on a regular basis is a powerful way of expanding
your internet marketing business.
4) Viral Marketing
Another very popular and effective marketing strategy for your
internet marketing business. You can give 'stuff' away that
people can use and put links to your web site in it.
Information is a powerful tool in marketing. Give people
rights to share the 'stuff' with their friends and email lists.
In the long term, this will build a lot of traffic to your website.
5) Linking
One way or reciprocal linking is critical to your online success.
This tactic takes time to develop, but it is well worth your
effort. Search engines assess the importance of your web site
by the number of incoming links pointing to your site. You can
build one way links by articles writing and submitting and also
participating in relevant forums etc.
6) Search Engine Optimization
This is another long term marketing tactic for your internet
marketing business. Your pages must be fully optimized for the
search engines. The most inexpensive and targeted traffic you
can receive will come from high search engine rankings.
Stop taking your internet marketing business aimless and start
to apply a solid strategy that will guarantee you success and wealth.
A lot of internet marketers run some unprofitable websites
or businesses with no short or long term strategies. Some
people do not have any goals, while some seem to jump from
one 'business opportunity' to another.
Some internet marketers treat their internet marketing business
like a hobby, and yet expect to earn some good checks from it.
To succeed in internet marketing, you need to apply some
strategic internet marketing techniques.
Depending on your internet marketing interests; it is a good
idea to engage in a business that has a long term
potential, which means that you will need to have long term
goals with the business.
Strategic internet marketing is not randomly buying some
cheap recycled 300,000 email leads or guaranteed hits.
Strategic internet marketing is also not about pointlessly
placing banner ads all over the internet.
Strictly relying on free classified ads or surfing for traffic
will also not bring you any guaranteed success for your internet
marketing business. Yes, these marketing tactics mentioned
above may work in some instances for some business types;
but they can't be considered as strategic internet
marketing campaigns just by themselves.
So, what is strategic internet marketing?
Strategic internet marketing is basically about having a
promotion plan that employs effective and proven marketing
devices to get high converting results for your internet
marketing business.
You mast use a list of selected marketing plans that are
effective; and you must make sure that you perfect your
skills in these strategies in order to make them effective.
The first thing you will need to do is to establish your
advertising budget. You must establish how much can you
spend per week or per month.
Every promotion for your internet marketing business must
have a purpose and it is critical to track the results of
each and every advertisement. Tracking your ads means that
you can then identify the strategies that are bringing the
best results for your advertising dollar.
After you have identified the ads that are working, you can
allocate more money towards those. By tracking your ads, you
can also find out which ads are not working, or which ones
need adjusting.
The key to strategic internet marketing is to constantly
improve your marketing strategies, by making them more
If you do not track your marketing campaigns and ads -
you are simply 'operating in the dark' and
this will not bring you any success in internet marketing.
You are simply throwing your money away.
So, which marketing strategies actually work?
There are proven marketing strategies that can guarantee you
success in internet marketing if you apply them
1) Writing and submitting articles
A very effective and cheap way of promoting your business.
Writing articles builds your credibility and also drive
plenty of targeted traffic to your site, all for free.
2) Pay per Click Advertising (PPC)
PPC is the fastest way to get traffic to your internet marketing
business' website. However, to make this strategy
successful and cost effective for your internet marketing
business, you must educate yourself about keyword selection
and bidding for your keywords.
3) Start Your Own Ezine
This is most likely the most powerful marketing technique on
the internet. Having your own list of subscribers to send a
newsletter to on a regular basis is a powerful way of expanding
your internet marketing business.
4) Viral Marketing
Another very popular and effective marketing strategy for your
internet marketing business. You can give 'stuff' away that
people can use and put links to your web site in it.
Information is a powerful tool in marketing. Give people
rights to share the 'stuff' with their friends and email lists.
In the long term, this will build a lot of traffic to your website.
5) Linking
One way or reciprocal linking is critical to your online success.
This tactic takes time to develop, but it is well worth your
effort. Search engines assess the importance of your web site
by the number of incoming links pointing to your site. You can
build one way links by articles writing and submitting and also
participating in relevant forums etc.
6) Search Engine Optimization
This is another long term marketing tactic for your internet
marketing business. Your pages must be fully optimized for the
search engines. The most inexpensive and targeted traffic you
can receive will come from high search engine rankings.
Stop taking your internet marketing business aimless and start
to apply a solid strategy that will guarantee you success and wealth.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Free Access to the Internet Marketing Elite Club ($497.00 value)
Hi Isyaias,
Great news - I have a valuable gift for you today:
I've arranged *special permission* for my subscribers to get
free VIP access to Martin Franzen's new password protected
Internet Marketing Elite site - letting you bypass the
official $497.00 order link. (A very good deal.)
Go to: http://internetmarketing.isyai.com
What do you get in this package?
To sum it up, the site reveals some of the fastest and easiest
ways to set up your own automated, profitable business online
while working with something you love. It's a great resource
and I recommend it highly.
Take a look at this:
Martin Franzen is a marketing expert who has been doing
business online for the last 9 years. His regular consulting
fee is $1,000 an hour - but today he's agreed to give my
subscribers free access to some of his most powerful ideas.
You'll get some of the best techniques from Martin's big
$1,497 home study course, "The Internet Marketing Master
Plan: How To Turn Your Passion Or Hobby Into A Profitable
Automated Business On The Internet".
The VIP membership is officially priced at $497.00 so it's
a generous offer. He's only doing this as a limited campaign
while working on a new version of the home study course.
In other words, it's a good idea to reserve your complimentary
account while it's available. Here's the special link:
Here's what you can expect:
Inside the password protected site, you'll discover complete
business models and little-known marketing strategies that
you can implement right away. Advanced ideas, made simple.
The focus is on big picture stuff - generating passive
streams of income so you get the freedom to take a step back
and enjoy life, instead of being a slave to your business.
Are you fed up with wasting your time and money on
techniques that don't work? Tired of having a thousand
things to do and getting lost in the process?
Then you really need to see this, because Martin's info can
help you get rid of those problems, for good. The offer is
perfect for anyone interested in doing business online.
Are you interested in running your own automated Internet
business, and making it as profitable as possible?
Then I *highly* recommend reserving your complimentary VIP
account right away. It can really open your eyes...
Just go to this special "back door" page to bypass the regular
$497.00 order link and get free access to the site:
=> http://internetmarketing.isyai.com
Best regards,
P.S. When a $1,000 an hour marketing consultant offers to
share his strategies with you for free, it's smart to take
advantage of it. Remember, you can completely bypass the
official $497.00 order link and get free access through the
special page above. Don't miss this!
Great news - I have a valuable gift for you today:
I've arranged *special permission* for my subscribers to get
free VIP access to Martin Franzen's new password protected
Internet Marketing Elite site - letting you bypass the
official $497.00 order link. (A very good deal.)
Go to: http://internetmarketing.isyai.com
What do you get in this package?
To sum it up, the site reveals some of the fastest and easiest
ways to set up your own automated, profitable business online
while working with something you love. It's a great resource
and I recommend it highly.
Take a look at this:
Martin Franzen is a marketing expert who has been doing
business online for the last 9 years. His regular consulting
fee is $1,000 an hour - but today he's agreed to give my
subscribers free access to some of his most powerful ideas.
You'll get some of the best techniques from Martin's big
$1,497 home study course, "The Internet Marketing Master
Plan: How To Turn Your Passion Or Hobby Into A Profitable
Automated Business On The Internet".
The VIP membership is officially priced at $497.00 so it's
a generous offer. He's only doing this as a limited campaign
while working on a new version of the home study course.
In other words, it's a good idea to reserve your complimentary
account while it's available. Here's the special link:
Here's what you can expect:
Inside the password protected site, you'll discover complete
business models and little-known marketing strategies that
you can implement right away. Advanced ideas, made simple.
The focus is on big picture stuff - generating passive
streams of income so you get the freedom to take a step back
and enjoy life, instead of being a slave to your business.
Are you fed up with wasting your time and money on
techniques that don't work? Tired of having a thousand
things to do and getting lost in the process?
Then you really need to see this, because Martin's info can
help you get rid of those problems, for good. The offer is
perfect for anyone interested in doing business online.
Are you interested in running your own automated Internet
business, and making it as profitable as possible?
Then I *highly* recommend reserving your complimentary VIP
account right away. It can really open your eyes...
Just go to this special "back door" page to bypass the regular
$497.00 order link and get free access to the site:
=> http://internetmarketing.isyai.com
Best regards,
P.S. When a $1,000 an hour marketing consultant offers to
share his strategies with you for free, it's smart to take
advantage of it. Remember, you can completely bypass the
official $497.00 order link and get free access through the
special page above. Don't miss this!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Good News For You
Hey Isyaias,
Do you suck at making money?
I used to--until a good buddy of mine showed me how to
make money giving away products for nothing.
Check it out here:
Best part is that it works! ...even in today's economy.
This method was discovered by my good buddy, Russell Brunson
and he's turned it into a short cartoon called, "Zoobie the
Internet Marketing Newbie" to show you how you don't have to
suck at making money!
He'll show you how to forget about selling products and
just give them away for FREE!
(No, this is not give away free products with tons of
affiliate links. This is MUCH, MUCH more effective)
Don't worry, you'll STILL get paid! Because this
simple 3-step system shows you how to earn even MORE
money than if you actually sold the product.
I have to warn you though, Zoobie is only letting 2000
copies out the door. And when they're gone, they're
GONE for good!
So get your 100% FREE copy here:
When you sign up, send Chaunna an email at sitefling@gmail.com
for a killer bonus that shows you how to make $700 with three
500-word articles.
Go Bigger,
Do you suck at making money?
I used to--until a good buddy of mine showed me how to
make money giving away products for nothing.
Check it out here:
Best part is that it works! ...even in today's economy.
This method was discovered by my good buddy, Russell Brunson
and he's turned it into a short cartoon called, "Zoobie the
Internet Marketing Newbie" to show you how you don't have to
suck at making money!
He'll show you how to forget about selling products and
just give them away for FREE!
(No, this is not give away free products with tons of
affiliate links. This is MUCH, MUCH more effective)
Don't worry, you'll STILL get paid! Because this
simple 3-step system shows you how to earn even MORE
money than if you actually sold the product.
I have to warn you though, Zoobie is only letting 2000
copies out the door. And when they're gone, they're
GONE for good!
So get your 100% FREE copy here:
When you sign up, send Chaunna an email at sitefling@gmail.com
for a killer bonus that shows you how to make $700 with three
500-word articles.
Go Bigger,
How I Doubled My Revenue (2008)
In 2008 I used a very simple strategy
to nearly double my revenue.
In 2009, we're going full-steam with
the strategy and expect to TRIPLE our
revenue (not exaggerating).
I can't take credit for the idea though,
I saw and modeled after a friend. Actually,
I flat out copied him (he didn't mind).
Funny thing, he's teaching exactly what
he taught me through a CARTOON. It's sad
to think that the BIGGEST and LATEST
secret of my business is now being given
away by a CARTOON.
He's giving it away for free and I
HIGHLY recommend it:
Let me give you a clue:
I basically SLASHED all my product
prices by a LOT. I even made some
of them F.R.E.E.
Think about that...how did I DOUBLE
my revenue by giving my products away
for free?
It's really amazing stuff, check it out
and learn from internet marketing's first
See you there!
Anik Singal
Affiliate Classroom, Inc.
to nearly double my revenue.
In 2009, we're going full-steam with
the strategy and expect to TRIPLE our
revenue (not exaggerating).
I can't take credit for the idea though,
I saw and modeled after a friend. Actually,
I flat out copied him (he didn't mind).
Funny thing, he's teaching exactly what
he taught me through a CARTOON. It's sad
to think that the BIGGEST and LATEST
secret of my business is now being given
away by a CARTOON.
He's giving it away for free and I
HIGHLY recommend it:
Let me give you a clue:
I basically SLASHED all my product
prices by a LOT. I even made some
of them F.R.E.E.
Think about that...how did I DOUBLE
my revenue by giving my products away
for free?
It's really amazing stuff, check it out
and learn from internet marketing's first
See you there!
Anik Singal
Affiliate Classroom, Inc.
How to Get More Traffic to Your Sites
Hi Isyaias,
Video Marketing is huge and if you follow
this step-by-step video series and put these
traffic-building methods into action, you will
see how easy it is to drive traffic to your
website or blog in the next 24 hours.
If you're not using video in your marketing,
then you need to start now, because every
minute you wait could cost you thousands
of potential visitors.
But if you don't know where to start and the
technical stuff is holding you back, then
How To Market Your Videos is just what the
doctor ordered.
Here's why...
You don't have to create your own videos
- you'll be shown how to brand private
label videos and make money as an affiliate.
You don't have to buy any complicated software
- you'll be shown how to use the free software
that's already on your computer
You don't have spend hours uploading videos
- you'll be shown how to automate the entire
process with just a few clicks.
Go here right now for details:
Warm Regards,
Video Marketing is huge and if you follow
this step-by-step video series and put these
traffic-building methods into action, you will
see how easy it is to drive traffic to your
website or blog in the next 24 hours.
If you're not using video in your marketing,
then you need to start now, because every
minute you wait could cost you thousands
of potential visitors.
But if you don't know where to start and the
technical stuff is holding you back, then
How To Market Your Videos is just what the
doctor ordered.
Here's why...
You don't have to create your own videos
- you'll be shown how to brand private
label videos and make money as an affiliate.
You don't have to buy any complicated software
- you'll be shown how to use the free software
that's already on your computer
You don't have spend hours uploading videos
- you'll be shown how to automate the entire
process with just a few clicks.
Go here right now for details:
Warm Regards,
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The NEW Biz24
Exciting News Isyaias,
Biz24.com has been completely updated and we are pre-launching the new "Internet Marketing Success Store" today!
If you're a Gold Member, simply sign into your account and activate your own personal Internet Marketing Success Store. You keep 100% of all the money from all sales that occur in your store! There is NO waiting for commission -- when a customer buys something, the FULL payment goes directly to your PayPal account and you keep the entire amount, every time! How cool is that?
Every month we add new products to your store automatically. You never have to handle any of the products. Simply promote your store, and collect the money. Your customer downloads his or her product immediately after purchase.
If you are not yet a Gold Member, it's time to really check it out and see what you're missing. As a Gold Member, not only do you get 100% of every sale from your store, but you can also promote the Gold Membership itself and earn 50% residual income!
We are currently in pre-launch. We'd like you to look around the site and let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns. Once you have a chance to investigate and explore the new Biz24.com, we'll adjust anything that needs adjusting based on your feedback, and we will do the full public launch on February 1, 2009!
Yes, the free product of the day is still alive. Now, there is no need to login to your account to get it. It will always be right there on the mainpage to download directly! Once you are a Gold Member, this is a really slick way to attract people to your store -- they'll want to come back again and again to download each new free product of the day!
So please -- have a look around and use the HelpDesk to leave any comments or suggestions so we can tweak the site and make it as perfect as possible for the February 1st launch! However, you may begin using and promoting your personal store and earning great money immediately!
We look forward to hearing from you,
Gene Pimentel
Roy Babineaux
Biz24.com has been completely updated and we are pre-launching the new "Internet Marketing Success Store" today!
If you're a Gold Member, simply sign into your account and activate your own personal Internet Marketing Success Store. You keep 100% of all the money from all sales that occur in your store! There is NO waiting for commission -- when a customer buys something, the FULL payment goes directly to your PayPal account and you keep the entire amount, every time! How cool is that?
Every month we add new products to your store automatically. You never have to handle any of the products. Simply promote your store, and collect the money. Your customer downloads his or her product immediately after purchase.
If you are not yet a Gold Member, it's time to really check it out and see what you're missing. As a Gold Member, not only do you get 100% of every sale from your store, but you can also promote the Gold Membership itself and earn 50% residual income!
We are currently in pre-launch. We'd like you to look around the site and let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns. Once you have a chance to investigate and explore the new Biz24.com, we'll adjust anything that needs adjusting based on your feedback, and we will do the full public launch on February 1, 2009!
Yes, the free product of the day is still alive. Now, there is no need to login to your account to get it. It will always be right there on the mainpage to download directly! Once you are a Gold Member, this is a really slick way to attract people to your store -- they'll want to come back again and again to download each new free product of the day!
So please -- have a look around and use the HelpDesk to leave any comments or suggestions so we can tweak the site and make it as perfect as possible for the February 1st launch! However, you may begin using and promoting your personal store and earning great money immediately!
We look forward to hearing from you,
Gene Pimentel
Roy Babineaux
3 Dead Serious, Free Internet Business Ideas
Hi there Isyaias.
Are you looking for free internet business ideas?
When most of us start our internet business career
we have somewhere between zero and zero dollars to
get started.
I'm about to give you the real nuts and bolts that
are the bases of most successful internet businesses.
The free internet business ideas that I am going to
talk about in this article are used by some of the
"big fish" in the internet marketing pond to earn
six figures each year.
1.) Affiliate Marketing
Information is the number one product that is sold
on the internet.
Affiliate marketing is one of be best free internet
business ideas for those just starting out.
You need no product of your own.
All you have to do is go to ClickBank or one of the
other affiliate networks and sign up.
It's simple and easy to do.
Once you have signed up pick a product that you want
to market.
Use free advertising methods to promote that product
such as article marketing and you are on the way.
Why does affiliate marketing hit number one in my list
of free internet business ideas?
There are actually professional marketers who do noting
but this type of marketing and they are quite successful.
Some earn millions of dollars per year. Why not you?
2.) Freelance Work
Freelancing is one of the top three free internet
business ideas because of the potential for easy profit.
There are two ways to handle freelance work.
First you could put your talents to use at Elance or
one of the other freelance sites and provide writing
services for others.
This is an easy way to make some very good money in a
very short time.
Second, after you've earned a bit of money you can use
this free internet business idea to turn yourself into
a "broker."
You do nothing but bid on various jobs and then outsource
them to other freelancers and they complete them for you.
All that you do is place bids, distribute work, pay your
freelancers, and collect money.
3.) Blogging
Blogging is another of the great free internet business
These things are hot and people love to read them.
This in itself makes blogging a very lucrative means of
starting an internet business on a shoe string.
This is one of the easiest ways to start a business on
the internet.
You can get a free blog from Blogger or WordPress, all
you have to do is go to their sites, join up (it's free),
click a few links, choose colors and a layout and you are
done creating your new blog.
Monetize your blog with Google AdSense, affiliate products,
or sell ad space and you have a brand new internet business
that cost you absolutely zero dollars to start.
There are many free internet business ideas floating around
but which ones truly work?
I've given you the 3 best in this article because I want you
to succeed.
These ideas are tried and true.
If you put in the effort required and learn everything that
you can you will succeed.
Talk soon,
Are you looking for free internet business ideas?
When most of us start our internet business career
we have somewhere between zero and zero dollars to
get started.
I'm about to give you the real nuts and bolts that
are the bases of most successful internet businesses.
The free internet business ideas that I am going to
talk about in this article are used by some of the
"big fish" in the internet marketing pond to earn
six figures each year.
1.) Affiliate Marketing
Information is the number one product that is sold
on the internet.
Affiliate marketing is one of be best free internet
business ideas for those just starting out.
You need no product of your own.
All you have to do is go to ClickBank or one of the
other affiliate networks and sign up.
It's simple and easy to do.
Once you have signed up pick a product that you want
to market.
Use free advertising methods to promote that product
such as article marketing and you are on the way.
Why does affiliate marketing hit number one in my list
of free internet business ideas?
There are actually professional marketers who do noting
but this type of marketing and they are quite successful.
Some earn millions of dollars per year. Why not you?
2.) Freelance Work
Freelancing is one of the top three free internet
business ideas because of the potential for easy profit.
There are two ways to handle freelance work.
First you could put your talents to use at Elance or
one of the other freelance sites and provide writing
services for others.
This is an easy way to make some very good money in a
very short time.
Second, after you've earned a bit of money you can use
this free internet business idea to turn yourself into
a "broker."
You do nothing but bid on various jobs and then outsource
them to other freelancers and they complete them for you.
All that you do is place bids, distribute work, pay your
freelancers, and collect money.
3.) Blogging
Blogging is another of the great free internet business
These things are hot and people love to read them.
This in itself makes blogging a very lucrative means of
starting an internet business on a shoe string.
This is one of the easiest ways to start a business on
the internet.
You can get a free blog from Blogger or WordPress, all
you have to do is go to their sites, join up (it's free),
click a few links, choose colors and a layout and you are
done creating your new blog.
Monetize your blog with Google AdSense, affiliate products,
or sell ad space and you have a brand new internet business
that cost you absolutely zero dollars to start.
There are many free internet business ideas floating around
but which ones truly work?
I've given you the 3 best in this article because I want you
to succeed.
These ideas are tried and true.
If you put in the effort required and learn everything that
you can you will succeed.
Talk soon,
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Contest Training - An Update
Hey Isyaias Sawing
We've had a lot of people asking when the next contest training is...
I had planned on doing a few this week, but with our product launching next week and also the workshop we had here in Boise yesterday (thanks to lot of you guys for coming up) - I haven't been able to.
The new product is launching Tuesday, and after that things will slow down and we'll do a few trainings...
I want to make sure you realize that the BEST training you can get is by watching what others are doing. I hope that you are spying on what I'm doing and getting ideas...
If you haven't been following it yet, you can check it all out here:
and here's another cool page:
Hope this helps - and I'll talk to you guys early next week!
Thanks again
Russell Brunson
We've had a lot of people asking when the next contest training is...
I had planned on doing a few this week, but with our product launching next week and also the workshop we had here in Boise yesterday (thanks to lot of you guys for coming up) - I haven't been able to.
The new product is launching Tuesday, and after that things will slow down and we'll do a few trainings...
I want to make sure you realize that the BEST training you can get is by watching what others are doing. I hope that you are spying on what I'm doing and getting ideas...
If you haven't been following it yet, you can check it all out here:
and here's another cool page:
Hope this helps - and I'll talk to you guys early next week!
Thanks again
Russell Brunson
Friday, January 16, 2009
Free Affiliate Training Signup
It's finally ready...
Free Affiliate Marketing Training
I'll also be selecting 10 students
to help personally...details are
coming soon!
See You At The Top!
Ken Reno
P.S. We're still working on a few
last details, but get registered
and started right now - it doesn't
cost a dime!
Free Affiliate Marketing Training
I'll also be selecting 10 students
to help personally...details are
coming soon!
See You At The Top!
Ken Reno
P.S. We're still working on a few
last details, but get registered
and started right now - it doesn't
cost a dime!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Got Traffic?
Hey Isyaias,
it's the single biggest problem most
marketers just starting out face.
watch these videos to solve it.
it's the single biggest problem most
marketers just starting out face.
watch these videos to solve it.
Great News If You're Freaked Out About the Economy
Dear Isyaias,
I just got some exciting news from my friends Tom
Murasso and Andrea Conway. They're two Law of
Attraction experts (as in "The Secret") I really respect.
Remember Tom of The Gratitude Project with all
the wonderful free gifts? This is THAT Tom. Yes;
if you missed it, it's still there at
Global Money Meltdown? Or Shift to Abundance?
They told me they've decided to do something
positive to shift all the negative energy and fear around
money and the economy. When I heard what they have
in mind, I couldn't wait to tell you about it.
Andrea and Tom have created a powerful 90-minute
teleclass designed to break through the collective fear
around money so you can discover peace and absolute
acceptance of your own abundance -- right now.
No matter what your financial situation is.
It's called "Global Money Meltdown? Or Shift to
The information they plan to share is a complete
180 from all the scary, negative stuff we've been hearing.
What they're talking about is totally different and
very inspiring.
If you've been nearly paralyzed by worry and
fear, if you've been expecting the worst for yourself
financially, even if you're just wondering what the
heck is going on with this worldwide economic
meltdown -- you must get to this class!
This is a one-time only deal on January 28. If
you can't attend live, register anyway and listen to the
audio or read the transcript later -- both are included
with your registration.
Enough said. I'll keep this short so you can
check out the details here:
May you and your business shine in 2009,
Patricia Weber
P.S. Tom and Andrea have some terrific bonus
e-reports for you when you sign up now.
Again that link:
Professional Strategies Inc
I just got some exciting news from my friends Tom
Murasso and Andrea Conway. They're two Law of
Attraction experts (as in "The Secret") I really respect.
Remember Tom of The Gratitude Project with all
the wonderful free gifts? This is THAT Tom. Yes;
if you missed it, it's still there at
Global Money Meltdown? Or Shift to Abundance?
They told me they've decided to do something
positive to shift all the negative energy and fear around
money and the economy. When I heard what they have
in mind, I couldn't wait to tell you about it.
Andrea and Tom have created a powerful 90-minute
teleclass designed to break through the collective fear
around money so you can discover peace and absolute
acceptance of your own abundance -- right now.
No matter what your financial situation is.
It's called "Global Money Meltdown? Or Shift to
The information they plan to share is a complete
180 from all the scary, negative stuff we've been hearing.
What they're talking about is totally different and
very inspiring.
If you've been nearly paralyzed by worry and
fear, if you've been expecting the worst for yourself
financially, even if you're just wondering what the
heck is going on with this worldwide economic
meltdown -- you must get to this class!
This is a one-time only deal on January 28. If
you can't attend live, register anyway and listen to the
audio or read the transcript later -- both are included
with your registration.
Enough said. I'll keep this short so you can
check out the details here:
May you and your business shine in 2009,
Patricia Weber
P.S. Tom and Andrea have some terrific bonus
e-reports for you when you sign up now.
Again that link:
Professional Strategies Inc
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
3 Websites Critical to Your Success
Hi Isyaias,
Just dropping by to share another tip!
I also have some information on proven case studies.
It is one thing to say your "system" works - it is quite another to have people use it and then share their results. This is some information that you can take to the bank - don't miss the link for these case studies.
Hope you are doing well! - Have your 2009 goals set? and Written down? - Goals work when you write them down and read them everyday......
Today I want to share with you three places that you will want to make sure that your website is registered. The bulk of all website searches are performed either by google, Yahoo, or MSN. If you want any chance of receiving traffic from these three giants, you need to included within their listings.
First off, you will want to check and see if you are currently listed or indexed as it is called. You can use our SEO tool
http://www.traffictacticsgold.com/seo-tools/ or you can simply go to each of the 3 main search engines and do a search for your domain name: mybecause.com or wrprofit.com, for example.
If you are indexed - your domain name should appear as the number one listing. If you are not indexed - then you will want to submit your website to the search engines that do not show your listing.
Anytime I build a new website - the first place I go after my website is complete - is to the following three websites and I submit my url. In many cases I have seen my website indexed within 48 hours - in fact I have seen it appear in less then 24 hours more than once.
For google submission go here:
For Yahoo submission, go here:
For MSN (Live Search) submit your website here:
This process works for submitting your own domain, not for submitting affiliate links.
There are a few other search engines you can submit to such as: Scrub the Web:
Don't waste your time or money submitting to these outfits that claim to be submitting your website to 75,000 search engines or
some other number. Any traffic you receive from these types of submissions will not be worth the money spent - you would do better
to purchase pay per click traffic that you know is targeted.
Some of you have emailed me asking about the dog in the picture at the top of the email. Zypher is one of sixteen sled dogs we have at our home in the mountains of Montana.
Zypher is very intelligent - but not much of a lead dog. He is like a Uncle to many of our pups and acts like he is a puppy himself. My wife is the recreational musher in the family and it keeps her busy full-time.
We live our dream - which is living in Montana and enjoying the great outdoors.
Mark Twain once said, "The secret to success in
life is to make your vocation your vacation."
In other words if you love what you do - it will not seem like
work. We vacationed in Montana for 20+ years before we decided - heck, let's just move there and live our vacation. My only regret I did not make the move twenty years earlier.....
Watch for the next email where I will show you ten steps to a search engine friendly and optimized website.
See you soon!
Just dropping by to share another tip!
I also have some information on proven case studies.
It is one thing to say your "system" works - it is quite another to have people use it and then share their results. This is some information that you can take to the bank - don't miss the link for these case studies.
Hope you are doing well! - Have your 2009 goals set? and Written down? - Goals work when you write them down and read them everyday......
Today I want to share with you three places that you will want to make sure that your website is registered. The bulk of all website searches are performed either by google, Yahoo, or MSN. If you want any chance of receiving traffic from these three giants, you need to included within their listings.
First off, you will want to check and see if you are currently listed or indexed as it is called. You can use our SEO tool
http://www.traffictacticsgold.com/seo-tools/ or you can simply go to each of the 3 main search engines and do a search for your domain name: mybecause.com or wrprofit.com, for example.
If you are indexed - your domain name should appear as the number one listing. If you are not indexed - then you will want to submit your website to the search engines that do not show your listing.
Anytime I build a new website - the first place I go after my website is complete - is to the following three websites and I submit my url. In many cases I have seen my website indexed within 48 hours - in fact I have seen it appear in less then 24 hours more than once.
For google submission go here:
For Yahoo submission, go here:
For MSN (Live Search) submit your website here:
This process works for submitting your own domain, not for submitting affiliate links.
There are a few other search engines you can submit to such as: Scrub the Web:
Don't waste your time or money submitting to these outfits that claim to be submitting your website to 75,000 search engines or
some other number. Any traffic you receive from these types of submissions will not be worth the money spent - you would do better
to purchase pay per click traffic that you know is targeted.
Some of you have emailed me asking about the dog in the picture at the top of the email. Zypher is one of sixteen sled dogs we have at our home in the mountains of Montana.
Zypher is very intelligent - but not much of a lead dog. He is like a Uncle to many of our pups and acts like he is a puppy himself. My wife is the recreational musher in the family and it keeps her busy full-time.
We live our dream - which is living in Montana and enjoying the great outdoors.
Mark Twain once said, "The secret to success in
life is to make your vocation your vacation."
In other words if you love what you do - it will not seem like
work. We vacationed in Montana for 20+ years before we decided - heck, let's just move there and live our vacation. My only regret I did not make the move twenty years earlier.....
Watch for the next email where I will show you ten steps to a search engine friendly and optimized website.
See you soon!
New Hosting Provider
Hello Isyaias
We have now changed the hosting provider from the one we sourced last week. We found a better one that allows payment monthly which in my personal opinion is far better since in the current climate people like to pay monthly rather than for a year upfront.
You can view the new hosting and domain names from this URL
We have had a very busy week with alot of people buying the subscription based advertising before we put the prices slightly up in January. All orders will be processed and login details emailed within the next 24 hours.
The bonus board will also be updated in the next 24 hours, my apologies for the delay. It has been a hectic week!
Kind Regards
Richard Tindale
We have now changed the hosting provider from the one we sourced last week. We found a better one that allows payment monthly which in my personal opinion is far better since in the current climate people like to pay monthly rather than for a year upfront.
You can view the new hosting and domain names from this URL
We have had a very busy week with alot of people buying the subscription based advertising before we put the prices slightly up in January. All orders will be processed and login details emailed within the next 24 hours.
The bonus board will also be updated in the next 24 hours, my apologies for the delay. It has been a hectic week!
Kind Regards
Richard Tindale
Monday, January 12, 2009
Earn From Your Daily Searching!
Earn from your searching!
There seems to have been a reduction in your search activity through Homepages-Friends in recent times, and we just wanted to drop you a note to see if there was anything we could do to re-motivate you!
As you know, searching with Homepages-Friends gives you the normal full Yahoo! search results, the same results as accessing Yahoo! from anywhere else.
Your homepage:
As well as searching from your homepage (as above) you can even set your browser's search box to use your Homepages-Friends search service from there.
To do this, plus to look at your results and to generally manage your account:
Please Login by clicking here.
You can also increase your earnings by recommending Homepages Friends to your friends. When they sign up with us you get 10% of all the revenue we earn from their searches (without any reduction in their earnings) and even more if they pass it on! To see how you can refer a friend and earn more click here
If you're having problems with your account, or if you have any further questions please visit our FAQs page or contact us on info@homepages-friends.com
Thanks for becoming a Homepages Friend - happy searching!
There seems to have been a reduction in your search activity through Homepages-Friends in recent times, and we just wanted to drop you a note to see if there was anything we could do to re-motivate you!
As you know, searching with Homepages-Friends gives you the normal full Yahoo! search results, the same results as accessing Yahoo! from anywhere else.
Your homepage:
As well as searching from your homepage (as above) you can even set your browser's search box to use your Homepages-Friends search service from there.
To do this, plus to look at your results and to generally manage your account:
Please Login by clicking here.
You can also increase your earnings by recommending Homepages Friends to your friends. When they sign up with us you get 10% of all the revenue we earn from their searches (without any reduction in their earnings) and even more if they pass it on! To see how you can refer a friend and earn more click here
If you're having problems with your account, or if you have any further questions please visit our FAQs page or contact us on info@homepages-friends.com
Thanks for becoming a Homepages Friend - happy searching!
Free Revolutionary Keyword Tool
Hi Isyaias,
What do successful sites have that unsuccessful one's don't?
The right keywords.
The bottom line is that without the right keywords, nobody will
ever find your site.
Now you can get a revolutionary free tool that will finally show the EXACT
keywords your successful competitors use.
Do you want your website to be on page 1 of Google?
It's up to you to decide...
What do successful sites have that unsuccessful one's don't?
The right keywords.
The bottom line is that without the right keywords, nobody will
ever find your site.
Now you can get a revolutionary free tool that will finally show the EXACT
keywords your successful competitors use.
Do you want your website to be on page 1 of Google?
It's up to you to decide...
Friday, January 9, 2009
Is AdSense Really Dead?
Hi Isyaias,
This is Edmund Loh and I want to share an insight with
you about Adsense today.
You probably heard about "the death of Adsense" being
echoed everywhere. I used to think that way too, and
that was why I hadn't thought of pursuing it.
But a friend changed my mind by 'accident' one day.
I was helping her out with some bank errands and just
do her a favor by dropping her check at the bank in
Singapore. And when I saw the Adsense check, it was
printed more than $6400+!
Wow, that sure is a lot of money in a month for an
Adsense check. And she's been getting checks like this
every month!
I met with yet another person whom I quickly became
friends with last year at Bali, Indonesia. Jimmy Chen
"The Adsense King" was telling me about his Adsense
adventure and how he's got sites making $100/month.
Now I'm excited about $100 a month (who is?) but here
are the key things:
* He takes less than a week to make one Adsense site,
* The site makes $100 a month, every month,
* He then forgets about it and goes on with the next!
+ When he wants some extra cash, he flips and sells a
site for 10 times the amount. So he makes an easy $1000
- 1200 per site!
If you can make one Adsense site that pulls in $100 a
month, and do one a week, how many sites will you make?
The school of thought is to build Adsense sites in
quicker succession and follow a certain formula, or a
It's about building static websites that have
information that stands the test of time, and cannot
die out because it's not a fad.
When you can build sites like this quickly and cheap,
you can do it in volumes. And repeat it in any niche.
You don't have to necessarily be an expert, or write
the content yourself for that matter.
Jimmy's private study course shows it all:
=> http://adsenseking.com/
This is the same course I personally followed with
Jimmy's guide. And this is why I'm sharing this with
you today. The private study course is detailed and to
the dot. And Jimmy is around to answer questions too if
you need his help.
If you are in Adsense site building, or want to
contemplate another income stream that:
* You can do in your spare time,
* Supplement your current income,
Then I recommend taking up Jimmy private study course -
full details here:
=> http://adsenseking.com/
Here’s to your success in 2009!
Warm Regards,
Edmund Loh
This is Edmund Loh and I want to share an insight with
you about Adsense today.
You probably heard about "the death of Adsense" being
echoed everywhere. I used to think that way too, and
that was why I hadn't thought of pursuing it.
But a friend changed my mind by 'accident' one day.
I was helping her out with some bank errands and just
do her a favor by dropping her check at the bank in
Singapore. And when I saw the Adsense check, it was
printed more than $6400+!
Wow, that sure is a lot of money in a month for an
Adsense check. And she's been getting checks like this
every month!
I met with yet another person whom I quickly became
friends with last year at Bali, Indonesia. Jimmy Chen
"The Adsense King" was telling me about his Adsense
adventure and how he's got sites making $100/month.
Now I'm excited about $100 a month (who is?) but here
are the key things:
* He takes less than a week to make one Adsense site,
* The site makes $100 a month, every month,
* He then forgets about it and goes on with the next!
+ When he wants some extra cash, he flips and sells a
site for 10 times the amount. So he makes an easy $1000
- 1200 per site!
If you can make one Adsense site that pulls in $100 a
month, and do one a week, how many sites will you make?
The school of thought is to build Adsense sites in
quicker succession and follow a certain formula, or a
It's about building static websites that have
information that stands the test of time, and cannot
die out because it's not a fad.
When you can build sites like this quickly and cheap,
you can do it in volumes. And repeat it in any niche.
You don't have to necessarily be an expert, or write
the content yourself for that matter.
Jimmy's private study course shows it all:
=> http://adsenseking.com/
This is the same course I personally followed with
Jimmy's guide. And this is why I'm sharing this with
you today. The private study course is detailed and to
the dot. And Jimmy is around to answer questions too if
you need his help.
If you are in Adsense site building, or want to
contemplate another income stream that:
* You can do in your spare time,
* Supplement your current income,
Then I recommend taking up Jimmy private study course -
full details here:
=> http://adsenseking.com/
Here’s to your success in 2009!
Warm Regards,
Edmund Loh
Happy New Year Isyaias, sure I know I am a bit late and
that was by design. I wanted to send you a *new year*
message after all the hoopla of the new year
had died down a bit.
Personally I felt as if I need a bit of a breather
during the holiday's from marketing and I am sure
you had felt the same.
I hope 2008 was a fantastic year for yourself, however
today's email will focus on the future.
>> Your Future Isyaias ...
What are your goals, have you made any plans and what
will you be focusing on in the new year that is now
upon us?
I have three major goals in 09, two business and one
personal goal. Last year was the year I decided to
come out with my own product, that was the plan anyway.
By years end I had launched three, two in the
internet marketing / make money sector and one in
a dog related market.
If your just getting started with Internet Marketing
I would recommend you do several things in 2009 as
- Choose One Marketing Method & Focus
Maybe you want to create squidoo pages online, learn ppc,
focus on seo and launching your own niche sites or possibly
create video content to make money.
These are just some of the many ways in which you
can start earning money online.
Make this decision now yourself, do some research and take a
look at your internet marketing skill set.
With so much *marketing noise* one can get easily distracted,
heck just how many emails do you get from notable online marketers?
Decide now how you want to spend your time with
your online business in 09.
Write it down .... make a plan ..... and focus.
Also know and understand that your journey will
be filled with many bumps in the road, online marketing
certainly is NOT smooth sailing.
However, the more you focus and practice one aspect
of internet marketing the easier it gets. Several years ago
I wanted to get involved with video. I knew it would be
important moving forward, I also wanted to be able to tell stories
via video to get various messages across.
Starting out with video was time consuming and took lots of
effort, several camcorders, two software editing programs
and effort.
However, today I can create very nice video online, heck I even
released a three hour dvd (based on the dog niche marketing
I mentioned earlier).
Lastly Isyaias, know in your heart you can achieve
your goals online if your willing to put in the effort
and don't give up.
2009 is here now ... what will you do this week
to achieve your goals online?
To Your Success,
Brian J.
that was by design. I wanted to send you a *new year*
message after all the hoopla of the new year
had died down a bit.
Personally I felt as if I need a bit of a breather
during the holiday's from marketing and I am sure
you had felt the same.
I hope 2008 was a fantastic year for yourself, however
today's email will focus on the future.
>> Your Future Isyaias ...
What are your goals, have you made any plans and what
will you be focusing on in the new year that is now
upon us?
I have three major goals in 09, two business and one
personal goal. Last year was the year I decided to
come out with my own product, that was the plan anyway.
By years end I had launched three, two in the
internet marketing / make money sector and one in
a dog related market.
If your just getting started with Internet Marketing
I would recommend you do several things in 2009 as
- Choose One Marketing Method & Focus
Maybe you want to create squidoo pages online, learn ppc,
focus on seo and launching your own niche sites or possibly
create video content to make money.
These are just some of the many ways in which you
can start earning money online.
Make this decision now yourself, do some research and take a
look at your internet marketing skill set.
With so much *marketing noise* one can get easily distracted,
heck just how many emails do you get from notable online marketers?
Decide now how you want to spend your time with
your online business in 09.
Write it down .... make a plan ..... and focus.
Also know and understand that your journey will
be filled with many bumps in the road, online marketing
certainly is NOT smooth sailing.
However, the more you focus and practice one aspect
of internet marketing the easier it gets. Several years ago
I wanted to get involved with video. I knew it would be
important moving forward, I also wanted to be able to tell stories
via video to get various messages across.
Starting out with video was time consuming and took lots of
effort, several camcorders, two software editing programs
and effort.
However, today I can create very nice video online, heck I even
released a three hour dvd (based on the dog niche marketing
I mentioned earlier).
Lastly Isyaias, know in your heart you can achieve
your goals online if your willing to put in the effort
and don't give up.
2009 is here now ... what will you do this week
to achieve your goals online?
To Your Success,
Brian J.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Number One Prediction of 2009. This isn’t a Fad
Hey Isyaias
Over the holidays, my brother Brad and I were talking about things
we could do better to help build our businesses WHILE helping others
at the same time.
And after listening to the latest Prediction Call teleseminar, it
was a no brainer what I needed to do... be more open and transparent
to others.
I've always taught how important it is to build a relationship with
your lists, members, subscribers, and customers. And the absolute
best way to do that is to be personal with them. Be real. There's
no gain in being that "salesperson" who hides behind their website.
So... that's why I've recently set up a Twitter account (if you're
not sure what it is, Google it), and I'm trying to actively get to
know more about you as you learn what I'm doing too. Knowing
someone and building a relationship with that person can't just be
one sided. It has to be a 2-way deal.
All you need to do is go to the following page,
http://twitter.com/mattcallen and you'll be able to hear what
I'm doing each hour, see what audios, books, and courses I'm
learning from, check out some personal pics, and see what I'm up to
with future projects.
Here's the page: http://twitter.com/mattcallen
I really recommend you spend some time learning the power of
Twitter and how it can help you build your business and
relationships with your customers and subscribers.
If you don't have a Twitter account, you really should get one,
because Twitter is honestly the next big thing. Don't miss out
on this one while it's still new.
Before I let you go, here's the link to the Prediction Call that I
recently listened to and mentioned above. It's an awesome audio
package that rocked my world after listening to it. You're going
to love it.
(this is NOT an affiliate link. And even better, all proceeds go
to charity... yep, 100% is donated!).
Hope this helps - Have a great new year - and I'm excited to work
with you next year.
Thanks again
Matt Callen
P.S. You can start following me here: http://twitter.com/mattcallen
Over the holidays, my brother Brad and I were talking about things
we could do better to help build our businesses WHILE helping others
at the same time.
And after listening to the latest Prediction Call teleseminar, it
was a no brainer what I needed to do... be more open and transparent
to others.
I've always taught how important it is to build a relationship with
your lists, members, subscribers, and customers. And the absolute
best way to do that is to be personal with them. Be real. There's
no gain in being that "salesperson" who hides behind their website.
So... that's why I've recently set up a Twitter account (if you're
not sure what it is, Google it), and I'm trying to actively get to
know more about you as you learn what I'm doing too. Knowing
someone and building a relationship with that person can't just be
one sided. It has to be a 2-way deal.
All you need to do is go to the following page,
http://twitter.com/mattcallen and you'll be able to hear what
I'm doing each hour, see what audios, books, and courses I'm
learning from, check out some personal pics, and see what I'm up to
with future projects.
Here's the page: http://twitter.com/mattcallen
I really recommend you spend some time learning the power of
Twitter and how it can help you build your business and
relationships with your customers and subscribers.
If you don't have a Twitter account, you really should get one,
because Twitter is honestly the next big thing. Don't miss out
on this one while it's still new.
Before I let you go, here's the link to the Prediction Call that I
recently listened to and mentioned above. It's an awesome audio
package that rocked my world after listening to it. You're going
to love it.
(this is NOT an affiliate link. And even better, all proceeds go
to charity... yep, 100% is donated!).
Hope this helps - Have a great new year - and I'm excited to work
with you next year.
Thanks again
Matt Callen
P.S. You can start following me here: http://twitter.com/mattcallen
Turn $100 into $1000
Hey Isyaias,
Inside our private "Mafia" forum I have been posting a case study
of myself taking $100 and then turning it into $1,000.
I'm not just doing it once either... I have 4 different methods in mind.
If you want to follow along or even just watch then you need to go
to http://www.sitefling.com/mafia and register. Then upgrade to at least
a "Soldier" level member.
I would tell you how great our Mafia site is but one of our
members says it better then I ever could...
****************************** **************************
Hello to all,
...and especially to Justin and Chaunna,
You guys look to be the down to earth, the just like me sort, and
I feel I can relate to you. I was introduced to you only about a month
ago, but after watching your promo video for SiteFling Mafia I will tell
you my initial gut feeling...
Usually when I see a video with the details to a new membership or
product site that I am very interested in being a part of I am always
dreading the end of the video when it comes time to hear what the
price is. I just naturally assume it is going to at least start at $27 and
work it's way up from there.
What I did not expect (at all) was the bomb shell you two hit me with....
All of this value for a mere $9.99, dude I jumped on that like flies to
crap! Finally, someone who is willing to help out people who really
don't have the money to swing even $27 monthly.
I am soooo soooo grateful that you decided to offer this membership at
that price. Now I can actually look forward to hanging around and getting
used to people and making a network without having to constantly look
at the calendar to see when the initial month ends so that I can hurry and
cancel my subscription.
Not because it sucks, but because I just didn't have enough time to get all
of the knowledge down and turn out a profitable venture to help pay for
the next month.
Now I can afford to stick around, and I am sooo ready to get busy and
make it happen.
Thanks again, and I am really glad to be a part of the Mafia Family.
****************************** *****************************
Hopefully, I'll see YOU inside the site and even more I hope
to see YOU turning $100 into $1,000 once you watch me do it.
To become part of our SiteFling Mafia go to...
You must register first (f.r.e.e.) and then you'll be able to upgrade
to Soldier or Boss level. (big link at the top)
Go Bigger,
Inside our private "Mafia" forum I have been posting a case study
of myself taking $100 and then turning it into $1,000.
I'm not just doing it once either... I have 4 different methods in mind.
If you want to follow along or even just watch then you need to go
to http://www.sitefling.com/mafia and register. Then upgrade to at least
a "Soldier" level member.
I would tell you how great our Mafia site is but one of our
members says it better then I ever could...
****************************** **************************
Hello to all,
...and especially to Justin and Chaunna,
You guys look to be the down to earth, the just like me sort, and
I feel I can relate to you. I was introduced to you only about a month
ago, but after watching your promo video for SiteFling Mafia I will tell
you my initial gut feeling...
Usually when I see a video with the details to a new membership or
product site that I am very interested in being a part of I am always
dreading the end of the video when it comes time to hear what the
price is. I just naturally assume it is going to at least start at $27 and
work it's way up from there.
What I did not expect (at all) was the bomb shell you two hit me with....
All of this value for a mere $9.99, dude I jumped on that like flies to
crap! Finally, someone who is willing to help out people who really
don't have the money to swing even $27 monthly.
I am soooo soooo grateful that you decided to offer this membership at
that price. Now I can actually look forward to hanging around and getting
used to people and making a network without having to constantly look
at the calendar to see when the initial month ends so that I can hurry and
cancel my subscription.
Not because it sucks, but because I just didn't have enough time to get all
of the knowledge down and turn out a profitable venture to help pay for
the next month.
Now I can afford to stick around, and I am sooo ready to get busy and
make it happen.
Thanks again, and I am really glad to be a part of the Mafia Family.
****************************** *****************************
Hopefully, I'll see YOU inside the site and even more I hope
to see YOU turning $100 into $1,000 once you watch me do it.
To become part of our SiteFling Mafia go to...
You must register first (f.r.e.e.) and then you'll be able to upgrade
to Soldier or Boss level. (big link at the top)
Go Bigger,
The EASIEST and Fastest Ways to BUILD Tens of Thousands of Subscribers in 30 Days or Less
As you may know by now, I am going to show you
one of the EASIEST and fastest ways to BUILD
tens of thousands of subscribers in 30 days
or less.
I don't care what market you are into
I don't care how saturated the market is.
I don't care how competitive your market is.
It can be DONE in as little as 30 days. I have
done this for five years and I can PROVE that
this will work for you as well.
I know many of you have emailed me and told me
that you wanted to be the FIRST to grab the
seat to this conference call.
In order to be fair to my subscribers of 350,000
people, I will do it on a first come first served
basis. Again, as I mentioned earlier, I will
LIMIT the number of tickets to 100.
It means that ONCE it is gone, it is done. There
is nothing else I can do for you.
... READ MY EMAIL this Thursday, Jan 8'09.
Success is YOURS,
Henry Gold
As you may know by now, I am going to show you
one of the EASIEST and fastest ways to BUILD
tens of thousands of subscribers in 30 days
or less.
I don't care what market you are into
I don't care how saturated the market is.
I don't care how competitive your market is.
It can be DONE in as little as 30 days. I have
done this for five years and I can PROVE that
this will work for you as well.
I know many of you have emailed me and told me
that you wanted to be the FIRST to grab the
seat to this conference call.
In order to be fair to my subscribers of 350,000
people, I will do it on a first come first served
basis. Again, as I mentioned earlier, I will
LIMIT the number of tickets to 100.
It means that ONCE it is gone, it is done. There
is nothing else I can do for you.
... READ MY EMAIL this Thursday, Jan 8'09.
Success is YOURS,
Henry Gold
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Leveraging Niche Blogging To Drive Traffic & Build Back Links
Hi Isyaias ....
Would you jump at the chance to launch 10 new niche
blogs every single month ... all quick and easy ...?
Would that help you get out of the rut and into profit?
Would it help to make fundamental changes in your life?
Learn The Secrets Of Leveraging Niche Blogging To
Drive Traffic & Build Back Links And Earn Recurring
Income For Extreme Profits Via Your Own Massive Blog Empire,
Then Put It On Auto-Pilot!
Now, I can hear you chattering...
We've all heard that but having a blog that actually
gets traffic requires that you have tons of content to
attract that traffic"
Getting Back Links, Creating "Blog Relationships" & Getting
Exposure In Your Target Market...
Dominate Tons Of Niche Markets With NO Writing Whatsoever!
Enter 10 New Niches Every Month For Maximum Profit Leverage!
Get All The Content "Done For You" For All Of The Niches You
Want To Enter!
Generate Unlimited "Work Free" Back Links To Your Blog
Quickly & Easily!
Would you jump at the chance to launch 10 new niche
blogs every single month ... all quick and easy ...?
Would that help you get out of the rut and into profit?
Would it help to make fundamental changes in your life?
Learn The Secrets Of Leveraging Niche Blogging To
Drive Traffic & Build Back Links And Earn Recurring
Income For Extreme Profits Via Your Own Massive Blog Empire,
Then Put It On Auto-Pilot!
Now, I can hear you chattering...
We've all heard that but having a blog that actually
gets traffic requires that you have tons of content to
attract that traffic"
Getting Back Links, Creating "Blog Relationships" & Getting
Exposure In Your Target Market...
Dominate Tons Of Niche Markets With NO Writing Whatsoever!
Enter 10 New Niches Every Month For Maximum Profit Leverage!
Get All The Content "Done For You" For All Of The Niches You
Want To Enter!
Generate Unlimited "Work Free" Back Links To Your Blog
Quickly & Easily!
Read My Email This Thursday, Jan 8'09
WOW, Isyaias!
When I sent out the email FOUR hours ago,
hundreds of subscribers are RUSHING to my
support desk and begging my support team IF
they know what the SECRET would be.
Well... My support team has no clue about
that sensitive information, as I am pretty
much keeping it TIGHT on the upper level
management team.
Even with those, they are STILL not allowed
to reveal the SECRET until this Thursday,
January 8th' 2009.
So, please don't ask my team members anymore
as it just makes their jobs difficult. If
you really want to know it, READ MY EMAIL
this Thursday, Jan 8'09!
Again, as I mentioned earlier, there is a
catch on this...
As the space is EXTREMELY limited, I am going to
allow ONLY 100 subscribers to participated on
learning the SECRET from me directly.
I don't care what market you are into
I don't care how saturated the market is.
I don't care how competitive your market is.
When you know the SECRET, people will BEG to give
you tens of thousands of subscribers in 30 days.
It is that simple.
Read my email this Thursday, Jan 8'09. YES! I will
do some early BID discount as usual. However, with
OVER 350,000+ people who are going to receive
the same email like you do, chances are all 100
seats will be GONE in no time.
... READ MY EMAIL this Thursday, Jan 8'09.
Success is YOURS,
Henry Gold
When I sent out the email FOUR hours ago,
hundreds of subscribers are RUSHING to my
support desk and begging my support team IF
they know what the SECRET would be.
Well... My support team has no clue about
that sensitive information, as I am pretty
much keeping it TIGHT on the upper level
management team.
Even with those, they are STILL not allowed
to reveal the SECRET until this Thursday,
January 8th' 2009.
So, please don't ask my team members anymore
as it just makes their jobs difficult. If
you really want to know it, READ MY EMAIL
this Thursday, Jan 8'09!
Again, as I mentioned earlier, there is a
catch on this...
As the space is EXTREMELY limited, I am going to
allow ONLY 100 subscribers to participated on
learning the SECRET from me directly.
I don't care what market you are into
I don't care how saturated the market is.
I don't care how competitive your market is.
When you know the SECRET, people will BEG to give
you tens of thousands of subscribers in 30 days.
It is that simple.
Read my email this Thursday, Jan 8'09. YES! I will
do some early BID discount as usual. However, with
OVER 350,000+ people who are going to receive
the same email like you do, chances are all 100
seats will be GONE in no time.
... READ MY EMAIL this Thursday, Jan 8'09.
Success is YOURS,
Henry Gold
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
2009 Calendar Gift For You
Dear Isyaias,
52 weeks worth of ideas for sales and marketing in ways that
will overcome your sales reluctance.
It's a gift for you at http://tr.im/2009calendar
Marketing ideas are covered A to Z.
And a FillUp, FirmUp, FollowUp strategy specifically for
introverts is throughout.
You can print it or just download and view it as you need
some inspiration.
Get this unique 2009 calendar at http://tr.im/2009calendar
52 weeks worth of ideas for sales and marketing in ways that
will overcome your sales reluctance.
It's a gift for you at http://tr.im/2009calendar
Marketing ideas are covered A to Z.
And a FillUp, FirmUp, FollowUp strategy specifically for
introverts is throughout.
You can print it or just download and view it as you need
some inspiration.
Get this unique 2009 calendar at http://tr.im/2009calendar
Monday, January 5, 2009
I Am Back!
Happy happy happy ....
It's my feeling today.
I had back!
My holiday with my wife and our two boys is a very great moment in my live.
Thanks God.
Be blessed and happy forever.
It's my feeling today.
I had back!
My holiday with my wife and our two boys is a very great moment in my live.
Thanks God.
Be blessed and happy forever.
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