Saturday, May 30, 2009

More Follower is More Money

Hi Isyaias,

Check this out...

It's been just 4 days since I released

* 3,186 people have already joined

* 9,342 follows have been processed

* $3,743.55 in sales have been paid

And it just got even BETTER!

I've added two new features that will
send you even MORE followers and sales!

First, I programmed the software to select
a random user from the database for each
spot that isn't filled down to level 7.

That means each person will always follow
exactly 7 tweople and you'll have a chance
to get a follow every time someone uses
the software.

Second, and this took some work, I set it
up so you can get paid on up to 7 levels!

Here's how it works...

1. If you upgrade your membership (just a
small one-off fee) and you refer people to
the site, you get paid 100% commission and
it's sent straight to your PayPal account.

2. If you refer someone who doesn't upgrade
and THEY refer someone who DOES upgrade,
then you get the sale!

3. You get paid on all upgrades down 7
levels if the referring member did not

I have a strong feeling that this is going
to BLOW UP fast! So if you haven't already,
sign up and start promoting:

If you've already signed up, just promote
the link below for automatic followers and
instant commissions.

Once this reaches critical mass, it'll take
on a life of it's own and become a totally
unstoppable, list-building money machine.

Get in now while it's HOT, HOT, HOT!

Happy Tweeting!


- :-)
The 'Big 12' marketing strategies super affiliates are using right
now to generate their revenue is listed at

Thursday, May 28, 2009

30 Over And Over You Have To See This

Hi Isyaias
As many of you Know I have been tryingout a New program
and the results have been amazing.
I have 37  signups in 7 day. Not bad I would say.
They have a hands off marketing system - meaning
they do all the follow up and closing for you
meaning if you know nothing about marketing,
you can make a full time income with this program -
They will even set up your site for you.
Your own search engine is a winner.
Proof Board:
One guy emailed me me and said he wasnt Interested in GDI
well Im not either as far as a hosting co goes , I have a hostgator account
with 10 domains on it . Its cheaper and more bells and whistles.
The reason for Gdi is thats the way The People search engine is set up
and it works. The other thing is you dont have to sign up with Gdi , there is a
f.r.e.e way to do it and still get your 125$ in 24 hours.
This works and will keep working. and you have nothing to lose.
He even advertises your site for you lol.
See you at the top
Brian Russell

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How Do I Get Ranked in Google

Hey Isyaias,

Over the past few weeks, I've been receiving a lot of the same
questions revolving around topics like...

- how do I get ranked in Google?

- I don't have much money to spend on advertising, so how can I get
free traffic?

- Why can't I get any visitors to my sites?  I keep hearing about
people getting thousands of visitors, but I can't seem to get ANY!

- Matt, what do you do personally to get traffic to your sites?

So what do I personally do?   Well, to be honest, I do several different
things and don't put all of my eggs into one basket.  HOWEVER, I
ALWAYS use this one method time and time again with ALL of my sites. 
This strategy is the first one that I use and by far the one that
brings in most continued amounts of long term traffic...
free traffic from Google, no matter what niche topic the website
is about. 

So what's this 'secret' strategy? 

Instead of describing exactly what I do with a bunch of text, I
thought it would be much easier and more time efficient for YOU if
I just created some video lessons. 

Watch the exact same traffic generation techniques that I personally
use and have my employees doing for me, day in and day out.  I think
you'll be really surprised how easy this is... it's not rocket
science.  If it was, I wouldn't be doing it!  :) 

Here's the link to the first video:

AFTER you watch the Video #1, check out Video 2 and 3 at the link

I'll be in touch soon with more training and updates!

All the best,
Matt Callen

iNet Innovation, Inc.

P.S.  In case you want to see all of the videos in one day, here
are the links...

Video #1:
Video #2:
Video #3:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

PLR Products - Money Making Formula

Hey Isyaias,

Do you want to make money with PLR products? Private label rights
products are a great way to make cash online-with very little work
involved. Learn more today so you can get started making money.

If you're serious about making money online, then you need to
understand how to start making money through PLR (private label
rights) products. It's one of the quickest ways available on the
internet today to profit from making your own unique product.

A PLR product is one that you purchase and are given the right to
edit or use it in any way you want, and put your name on it as if
you were the actual author. By doing this, you can give it away
with another product you are marketing, or put it in your
auto-responder as sequential information, or just add it as a bonus
offer for purchasing an already existing project of yours.

It gives you a product of your own without having to spend the time
to create it. This enables you to focus your time on the marketing
aspect of selling products, which in turn will generate more
revenue. A
PLR product can be a wise investment for the serious
internet marketer.

Some people confuse PLR rights with product resell rights. The
difference is this - with product resell rights, you obtain the
rights to resell a product as it is, intact, without making any
changes. But with PLR rights, you can modify or
change the
original product
in any way that can most benefit your projects.

You can obtain the PLR rights to many various types of internet
products, from E-books to articles or highly quality products like
videos or software. And by having the flexibility to change the
content and adjust the format, you can mold it into a product that
fits perfectly into whatever endeavor you are undertaking on the net.

As with any product, having the PLR rights has its advantages, but
you still have to find a product that will sell.
Researching your
product cannot be overstated.
While some may have success in
selling the product in question, you, on the other hand, may not.
So PLR rights are very advantageous for the right people.

By taking advantage of PLR rights, a person who wants to start a
business online can do so without even having their own product.
They can simply purchase one with PLR rights and start selling

This is a powerful technique that many are taking advantage of
today. And if they already have a product, then articles for
selling that product can be purchased and reworded and reformatted
to suit their website and advertising needs.

By purchasing PLR articles, you can save much time and add
to your website. You can re-write the articles and change
them in whatever manner will best boost your sales for the product
you are pushing.

You can 'burn' the information onto CDs to sell to people who want
a physical representation of the product as another way to make
money with PLR. And there's no better way to satisfy already
subscribed customers than with a 'string' of articles set to come
to their email boxes at certain time intervals. Using
private label
can be a very lucrative option for those who take the time
to understand it and implement it into their online business.

Ready to start making cash with private label rights products?

To Your PLR Success,


Way Beyond Networking

Hi Nichers,

Some IM pros reach a level of success that satisfies their
desires, without joining other marketers as a member of a
team. These people find what they want through their own
efforts and modest income goals. The real heavy hitters
reach a level of success that exceeds their wildest dreams
(when they first began) because they multiply their mind
power through close association with other successful

This association is beyond partnership or Joint Venture
relationships. It is a harmonious meeting of minds based
upon a willingness to share ideas. There's no selfish
motive here, beyond enlightened self-interest. Master Mind
groups are not "zero-sum" alliances, where each member
values his/her association in dollars and cents. Such
groups take advantage of the fact that sometimes, the whole
is more than the mere sum of the parts.

While it is true that each member must receive a benefit
from belonging to such an alliance, the focus of each
member is in participation, not immediate rewards. This may
sound vague and impractical, but it represents the key to
successful participation in such a group. Like many things
in life, the only way to understand how this works is to do
it. You cannot imagine, in advance, how a new food will
taste if you have no experience with it beforehand.

You don't always need to connect with those who are in your
particular specialty to develop a good Master Mind group.
The perspective and experience of someone who comes from
another line of work can often lead to surprising insights
and new directions for your thinking. You're more likely to
suffer from a lack of new ideas if all your input is from
the same type of thinkers, working in the same field. Get
some cross-fertilization of ideas from outside your line of

The question of leadership is a tricky one with a Master
Mind group. Ideally, everyone should be a leader within his
or her own area. Within the group itself, the leader may
best exert influence over the group as a moderator or
nominal chairperson. For the person who starts such an
alliance, it may be desirable to rotate the position of
leadership, unless or until one person becomes an obvious,
unanimous choice.

Harmony and accord are the foundation of a successful
Master Mind group. Negative influences and discord have no
place in such an endeavor. Nothing will destroy the
effectiveness of such an alliance faster than discordant
behavior and thinking. Selfish drives and unjust pursuits
will not lead to any kind of permanent success. A negative
attitude will repel success, and the people needed to build
a successful foundation.

Members may disagree as to how things should be done, but
the nature of the disagreement should be based on courtesy
and patience. It's one thing to disagree about something;
quite another to be disagreeable about it, making the
conflict personal. Never resort to personal attacks or
emotional arguments when disagreeing with a fellow member.

A Master Mind group should meet privately, on a regular
basis. Protecting the proceedings from prying eyes helps to
concentrate the free flow of ideas and suggestions. Knowing
that what you may say will be held confidential will allow
you to speak from your heart, knowing that you won't be
misconstrued. Regular, scheduled meetings will develop a
bond that will enhance the connection between members. Any
regular, repeated action will develop a habit surrounding
its performance. The force of habit, applied to creative
thinking and action, will produce results far beyond that
of occasional, unplanned "brainstorming sessions." Use this
power to enhance the effectiveness of your Master Mind

Yours in profits,

Scot Standke - Founder

Monday, May 25, 2009

Huge Web Opportunities Are In Your Future ...

Hi Nichers,

There are too many choices on the Internet. It's an
embarrassment of riches. No wonder many people don't know
where to begin their Internet Marketing efforts. Most of
them end up doing nothing. The confused mind always says,
"No", or at least, "Not yet."

Fortunately, there's a no cost (or low cost, if you prefer)
way to begin that will teach you the basics and allow you
to see the value of a long-term approach to your business.
It's called "Bum Marketing". It's an affectionate title for
a form of Article Marketing that is so simple, a bum off
the street could do it.

You're probably already familiar with the use of articles
as a way to market a product or promote a company. Any time
you read an article that has, at the end, contact
information that you can use to find out more about what
you read is a marketing article. By using a specialized
type of article writing and the power of the Internet, you
can actually earn commissions on products and services.
For more information, keep reading!

There are affiliate programs and services that allow you to
offer their products and services at no cost to you. The
premier site for this is ClickBank, a source of digital
downloads of eBooks and software. When you sign up and
create a unique identity for yourself, you can create
affiliate links for products you wish to represent that
will earn you a commission when a customer clicks on your
link and buys the product. Below is a description of where
you can put your links for free!

In order to attract people to view your offer and click on
your affiliate links, you'll need to "pre-sell" them and
direct them "read more about it". The best way to do this
is to write short, informative articles related to the
benefits of your affiliate product and put those articles
in front of thousands of readers. That's where becomes your partner in your article
marketing efforts. It's an article directory that offers
its content to ezine publishers, as long as they don't
change the articles and include the author's "resource
box". That resource box is where you will put links to a
landing page, a blog or a "redirect" to your affiliate
sales page.

You can join for free, and begin writing
and submitting articles immediately. Even if just one of
your articles is reprinted in a popular ezine, you could
receive hundreds or even thousands of "clicks" on your link
in a very short period of time! Don't worry if you don't
understand this right away. There's more to come below!

Your articles will not only be available to readers of the
site itself and the ezines that republish your articles. By
using carefully chosen keywords in your article title and
text, the search engines will pick up your articles as an
"authoritative" source of information and put them up on
their SERP's - Search Engine Results Pages. For now, just
know that a well written article with good keywords can end
up on the first page of the SERP's, which will bring you
traffic for a long time to come.

The link you put in your resource box can be to a Web page
you created (low cost or free), a blog (very low cost or
free), or a "domain" that automatically sends your customer
to the sales page for the affiliate product you are
offering (low yearly cost). You can also get the contact
information (name and email address) of your viewers with
an "autoresponder", to build a valuable list of people
interested in your information (free or modest monthly

If this has whetted your interest in finding out more about
Bum Marketing, just go to Google and type in "bum
marketing". Best of all, the information is free!

Yours in profits,

Scot Standke - Founder

Are You Feeling Lost?

Hi Isyaias,

I have a question for you…

If you were about to head out on
a road trip, and you were going to
a destination that you'd never been
to before...

Wouldn't you take a look at a road map?

Of course you would! You'd be crazy not to.

If you didn't, you'd most likely get
hopelessly lost, frustrated, and like
you'd completely wasted your time by going
the wrong direction…


Well this is what happens to most people
when they try to start their own Internet

You see that there are a TON of people
making money online, and you want to claim
a piece of the profit pie…

So you spend a little time and energy
looking into how you can start your own
web business –

Only to end up feeling frustrated that
you've wasted your time and money on
strategies that have gotten you no where!

I can totally empathize, because I've
been there.

When I first set out to start my Internet
business, I knew NOTHING about how to get
going. I had no money, no plan, and I wasted
years and thousand of dollars as a result.

.. Until I stumbled upon the Secret that's
helped me make an enormous amount of money
year after year!

Now, for the first time, I'm GIVING AWAY
the Secret that I discovered that turned
it all around…

AND the exact step-by-step "road map" that
I followed to go from rock bottom scraping
the bottom of the barrel broke to where I
am today…

And I'm even going to give you a personalized
website, traffic to your website from Google
and Yahoo, and ALL of the training and support
you need to start earning money as soon as possible…

==> And I want to give it all to you for FREE! <==

To find out now, click here immediately:

To your freedom,

Michael Beeson

PS – I have a limited number of these FRE-E
Internet Wealth Acceleration packages available…

To find out if you qualify to receive a FR-EE  
personalized website, traffic from top search
engines like Google and Yahoo, and much more,
I highly recommend you click on the link below
now before they're all claimed! 


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Increase Your Sales Conversions With Arresting (And Relevant) Images

By The Internet Marketing Center Team

The Internet is a visual medium, so it makes sense to load your website with lots of colorful and entertaining images, right?

Think again!

Posting a raft of pictures and other graphics on your site can actually HURT your sales, because they distract your visitors from the single most important thing you want them to do: buy something!

In fact, an image-heavy website is pretty much a GUARANTEE that your visitors will spend a lot more time looking at the pretty pictures, and a lot less time reading the salescopy.

And let's face it... it's the words, not the pictures, that close the sale.

As well, without a single strong focal point on your site, a user's eyes will roam 'round and 'round the page, looking for something -- anything -- to latch onto. And not finding anything in particular to draw their attention among all of those competing images, they'll often feel disoriented, and subsequently leave your site.

Now that's not to say that you shouldn't use images on your website at all. You'll definitely want to include some quality pictures, but make sure each one serves a particular purpose.

And what would that purpose be? Well, each image or graphic should contribute to your sales process, by highlighting important passages in the copy, illustrating the main benefits of your product, or leading your visitors through your site.

At the same time, adding interesting images will actually reduce your bounce rate (visitors who leave your site without looking at ANY other page than the one they landed on).

So before you jump in and upload your favorite pictures of your dog dressed in goggles (don't laugh -- we've seen it!) here's what you need to know about effectively using images on your website or landing page to increase your conversions.

Use Images to Put Your Product in Your Visitors' Hands

In a "bricks-and-mortar" store, customers can get up close and personal with the product, and as a result, can picture themselves actually using it.

They'll feel good about making the purchase, because they'll be confident that the product will perform as promised.

Online, you don't have the luxury of placing your product in your visitors' hands, but you can do the next best thing, by including a detailed, quality image of each product you sell.

This is particularly important if you're selling something that's delivered electronically, like an eBook, as it makes the product seem more tangible.

And a recent report by Marketing Sherpa concluded that a product shot got as much attention as any other element on the page... and in many cases, it got MORE!

But don't go overboard with your product images! One strong product image is typically more successful than multiple images that feature the product from every conceivable angle.

Your visitors will stay more focused on the purchase if they're not bombarded by a series of different images at once -- even if those images are related.

And make sure that the surrounding text is still as easy to read as possible, by placing your images to the left of any corresponding copy.

The typical online reader will struggle to read text that's displayed to the left of the image.

Include Pictures of "Real People" With Your Testimonials

Everyone knows by now the value of including testimonials from satisfied customers on websites, but far fewer people actually include images of happy customers on their sites.

So make sure that, whenever possible, you include a picture of your happy buyers.

And while we stress using good quality images on your site, here's where you have a bit of leeway. That's because studies have shown that a basic "snapshot" of a person can be more persuasive and powerful than a fancy, studio-produced head shot.

People tend to view these more casual images as more "real," and therefore more credible.

If You Sell a Service, Include an Image of Your Main Product: YOU!

If you're using your website to collect leads for your service-based business, don't be shy about including an image of yourself (and your team, if applicable).

As above, the rule of "real people" applies...

Don't sweat it if you don't have an 8 x 10 glamour shot you can include with your copy. A more casual -- even "amateur" -- photo will actually add to your credibility (and you'll save some money on a fancy photographer, too!).

Ready To Add Some Images? Follow These Simple Guidelines To Maximize Their Impact

If you're ready to add some images to your website -- or you'd like to make your existing images pull their weight -- there are some simple tricks you can use that will take just a few seconds, and will help you make the most of every picture.

And they're so easy, even a non-technical person can follow them...
  • Make your images "clickable"

    It's a natural impulse for people to try clicking on images when they browse a web page, so don't miss out on this opportunity to capture your visitors' attention.

    Is it a product image? Link to the page where your customer can actually buy the product. A thumbnail image of your staff? Link to a larger version of the image, so people can see more detail.

    One warning: avoid actually sending your visitors off the page completely when they click on an image. A pop-up is usually best.

  • Include a caption with each image

    MarketingSherpa, in their recent "Landing Page Handbook," discusses how, in a print ad, the photo caption is the second-most read element on the page, beaten only by the headline.

    So it makes sense to use captions on your website images, too.

    A photo caption is the perfect opportunity not just to identify what's in the image, but to actually squeeze in one of the main benefits of your product, site, or service, too... to say nothing of a good keyword!

  • Consider designing a special "thumbnail" version of your eBook cover

    One challenge with using a product image of a book, report, or other information product is that the cover can be difficult to decipher in a reduced image.

    So when you create your image, consider making a special "thumbnail" version with enlarged text that's clearly readable, even at a greatly reduced size.

    Here's an example of an eBook cover we produced recently that features this " thumbnail-friendly" design.

  • Bigger is never better when it comes to site images

    If your web pages don't load quickly, your visitors will lose patience and click away, so it's important that you don't overload your website with large, slow-loading graphics.

    You don't want to lose potential sales just because your site took forever to load.

    Most images can be greatly reduced in size, and it's amazing to see how much faster your website loads once you've compressed your graphics!

    WebGraphics Optimizer ( is a great tool for optimizing and compressing images for online and Internet use. You can download a free trial version at their website.

  • Bonus Tip! Use images to improve your site's search engine rankings

    Did you know you can easily include your best keywords with your images, which will help you rank higher in the search engines?

    To do it, you just need to add a bit of "alt text" to your image tags:

    Here's what an image tag looks like without the alt text:
<img src="myimage.jpg" width="150" height="120">
And here's how it would look with the alt text:
<img src="myimage.jpg" alt="best keyword " height="120" width="150">
See? We told you it was easy! ;-)

This strategy won't necessarily boost you to the top of the search engine rankings overnight, but it does increase the number of keywords the spiders will find on your page.

Plus, the search engines will see that you're working hard to optimize your page rather than resorting to frowned-upon tactics like keyword stuffing.
Creating a website that is both attractive AND functional requires a balancing act between your copy and your images.

Too many images, and you risk distracting your customers (who will then fail to make a purchase). But too few images, and you risk losing the opportunity fully to build your credibility and highlight your site's main benefits.

Just remember to use restraint when choosing your images, and make sure each picture contributes to your overall sales process, and you'll be rewarded with increased conversions, and more money in your pocket.

If you'd like even MORE tips for creating and adding powerful and effective images to your website -- along with hundreds of other techniques for improving your website to achieve maximum sales -- check out our best-selling Insider Secrets program.

This comprehensive, step-by-step program teaches you everything you need to know to build a successful Internet business, even if you're starting from scratch and have no experience.

We're currently offering unrestricted access to the ENTIRE program for 30 days for just $2.95, so there's virtually NO RISK in trying it out.

To spend the next month reviewing Insider Secrets, and using as many of the techniques to start or grow your website as you want, simply click here for instant access.

"Dog with goggles" image by Flickr user Dawnzy58

Get this FREE SEO Plugin for Wordpress now!

Hi Isyaias,

This just in... I think you'll like it...

No... this is NOT how to make a million
bucks in only 7 days.

But what it is... is a brand new FREE SEO
software you get with no strings attached
at all.

It's a "Free Traffic-Getting SEO Plugin"
and it works with any newer Wordpress blog.

Thousands of beta testers are using it and
they absolutely love it.

It will work with any SEO strategy you're
currently using or planning to use BECAUSE
it will boost it to the max!

You can get it right here and it's yours
totally free!...

So why not grab it now while it's still
available ===>

To your success,

Michael Nicholas


This traffic-getting technology brings free
targeted traffic to your website. It works
its magic in any market... It even crushes
the most highly competitive markets like
digital cameras and plasma tvs, etc... 

This absolutely no cost software brings in
fre e search engine traffic, fre e
customers and it does it every single day
like clockwork!

Here's your FRE E Traffic Getting Download ===>

Friday, May 22, 2009

Do You Want More Affiliate Commissions? (read this)

Hey Isyaias,

How'd you like that last affiliate check?
If you didn't get one yet... start promoting your affiliate link!

When's the time you send out an promotion for your affiliate link anyway?

Pull up your email list, write up a quick message about Our Product (you can always grab a few lines of text straight off my website to make up a quick
email copy), and click send now.

Here's your tracked affiliate link customized for you to receive credit:

Make sure you tell your email list to click the link and read my story.
Works much better when they are told exactly what to do and know what
to expect.

Open up your email program, write an email, send it out, and I'll talk to you soon,



P.S . If you have any suggestions for me, reply to this email and I'll personally read your message.

P.P.S Would you prefer if I gave you "cut-and-paste" email copy to send to your mailing list, or would you rather just write your own?

How to earn MORE by working LESS

Hey Isyaias,

I'm really excited today as my Mum and sister arrived
on the plane from Ireland last night. 

This is the first time my little sister has 'met' baby Adam,
and even my Mum hasn't seen him since he was 2 months old.
(He's 9 months now!)

She definitely noticed a BIG difference! :-)

I'm going to be taking a few days to relax, hang out with them
and show them around Seattle.


Before I get done on the computer for the day, I wanted to
get this email out to you because I'm not sure how long this
'freebie' will be available.

(In a hurry ... click the link below!)

This 70 minute audio interview training will reveal
how to put your business on AUTOPILOT and have other
people doing your work for you!

(This training actually has a $97 value and sells
dozens of copies every week.)

But to say THANK YOU for your support, I've managed to
arrange special "back door" access meaning you can
download this now for free :-)

You'll have to be quick though as this special VIP
link won't work for long.

(... it just wouldn't be fair to the people who are
paying the full price right now)

So Isyaias, if you want to discover how to put your
business on TOTAL AUTOPILOT go grab your freebie
now okay?

Talk soon!


P.S. Remember, most people are paying to get this training.
You can grab it at no charge... but ONLY if you act now:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Affiliate Landing Pages Free WordPress Theme

Hey Isyaias,

I have something cool to share with you today.

As you know, using WordPress to build your affiliate
landing pages has a lot of built-in benefits. If you
are doing pay-per-click, WordPress can help with your
Quality score. If you are building sites to rank
organically in the search engines, WordPress sites rank
well there too.

The problem with WordPress is that most of the free
themes (templates) for WordPress are made for bloggers.
Quite frankly, they have way to many leaks on them
which can hurt your ability to earn affiliate
commissions. Well, that was the case up until today.

Finally someone has created a free WordPress theme for
affiliate marketers to use as landing pages. I found it
today and downloaded it myself. It is really simple to
use and creates great landing pages or review sites. I
thought you might be interested in downloading it too

Here's the link:

I do not know how long this will be available for free.
I encourage you to go grab it now so you will have it
if the owner decides to take it down or sell it.

Well that's all I have for you today.

Talk to you soon.



Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Your Free Turnkey Business is Waiting (Today Only)


The problem:

You want to make money online but don't know where to

The solution:

Get your own FREE turnkey business. These guys
setup and give you a clone of their proven solutions.

They've made over $850,000 online in the last 12 months.

We've partnered with Sell Online Backup to give you
a turnkey online business.  You'll get the proven
automated tools that they used to generate a crazy
amount of money online in the last 12 months!

Check out how your turnkey business works...
  They setup, maintain and host your business website.
  They provide you with a real product & residual service to sell.
  They provide your customers with sales, billing & tech support.
  They manage and collect your online sales and residual sales.
  They send you residual payments automatically every 2 weeks.
  They ONLY make money when you make money.

Here is what it's not!
  You don't Risk A Single Penny.
  You don't Spend Money.
  You don't settle for one-time sales. Recurring revenue rocks.
  You don't pay a support team to keep customers happy.
  You don't build an online store and ecommerce system.
  You don't wait 45-90 days for payment.
  You make money.
Everyone knows the most successful internet marketers provide
a residual service.

The solution is to duplicate the online solutions that are
proven - and they are making over $850,000 a year online!
Your Turney Business is tweaked and optimized to make you
more money. You just sit back, promote the site and make your
bank deposits.

The best part is you can start making money 10 minutes from now!

And it's free.



P.S. Time is Running Out. This offer is available on a first-come,
first-served basis. They will only accept applications for a
limited time. If you don't act now, the offer may be gone tomorrow!

P.P.S They will  give you all the tools your need to start making
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up this offer and take a chance that it will be available tomorrow?

Signup now

The 2 biggest problems: [VIDEO]

Hey Isyaias, I've gotten 100's of questions from readers on the blog over the past month, and I've started to notice two common problems shared by most of you...
1: You're feeling overwhelmed by the amount of "stuff" you have to learn when it comes to marketing your business online, and you don't know how to keep up with all of it.
2: You have no idea how all of these pieces, (like blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, auto-responders, PPC, and your primary opportunity), actually fit together and work like a well-oiled, business building machine...

Well I've decided to hold a FREE webinar in June that will solve both of these problems for you. I'm actually going to just GIVE YOU my personal blueprint for free. I'm sure it will help a ton, so watch this quick video for details on how to attend...
And YES... There is a "catch", but I think you'll find that it's actually pretty cool...  --> Click here to watch the video <--

Mike Dillard
P.S. This book has probably created more millionaires in this industry than any other. Have you read it yet?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Importance of Keywords

Hello Isyaias,

Today, I would like to discuss about the importance of keywords
in your article placement.

Keyword density and placement are important parts of optimizing
your articles for search engines. Search engine spiders scan a
page in a way that makes it important to place your keywords
where they will be detected and recognized as a keyword, so that
your article will come up when someone searches for that keyword.

What is a Keyword ?

A keyword is a word that is going to be placed in your article
several times, not just once as that would make every word a
keyword. When a spider sees that you have a word placed several
times in an article, it will determine that your page may be
useful to users that search for such a keyword.

Over Optimizing Your Articles

It is important to note that there is also such a thing as over
optimizing your articles for particular words, this is known as
"keyword stuffing". When you stuff keywords in an article a
spider will detect that you are trying to trick it into placing
your article high in the search engine results for that word, and
will instead penalize your site and your page for doing such.
This may even affect the rankings of your other pages or get your
site blacklisted from a particular search engine if you are found
keyword stuffing too many times.

What is Keyword Density ?

Keyword density is how many times your keyword is placed in your
article. Most use a percentage to determine how many times they
will put a keyword in an article. For instance, if you have a 500
word article and want to achieve a keyword density of 5%, then
you will need to have the keyword in your article exactly 25
times. You can find hundreds of resources and guides recommending
one keyword density over another and the reasons behind the
logic, however, in the end you will have to determine which
density is more profitable for your articles. Each webmaster as
their own density that they like to achieve based on past
results. As long as you don't over optimize and you are making
sufficient profit from your rankings, then you can choose
whatever keyword density you like.

The Right Density

No matter what exact density you choose, it is important to place
keywords so that there are more at the beginning and end to
produce an hour glass effect. Personally, I would suggest keyword
density between 1-3%. Having the right keyword density in your
article makes it more likely that you will make money off of that
article because it will rise in the search engine results and be
seen by more people.

I'll talk to you later ...

David Kwan

5 Maximum Forum Marketing Tips for Fast Sales

Hi Isyaias,

In last email we talked about WHY use forum marketing (fast
results) and HOW to do it with a proper system (6 steps).

I've already had two of the people who purchased Alok's ODP report
write back to me and tell me how easy and smart the tactic is:


Congrats to all who have purchased, all you need is to actually
take action and use the tactic now. I personally found Alok's
tactic works very well especially in non-Internet marketing niches.

Here are my 5 tips for today's issue:

1. Find targeted forum users. You need to find forums that are
dedicated to the subjects that your websiteor product is servicing.

2. Do not advertise your links in your posts. Let us repeat that

Sorry for the caps lock, but please take note Isyaias.

What I mean is "proper" forum marketing. People do tend to abuse
forum marketing, and as a result, the tactic backfires on them.

3. The best approach is to post significant replies in meaningful
threads. Let your words do the talking, and let them judge your
business through the wit and wisdom you could share.

Your signature box will appear in every post you will publish,
anyway. The trick is in publishing as many substantial posts as you

4. Be friendly. Build relationships. Such would go a long, long way
in building your brand. You could win customers, or even joint
venture partners, by just being nice and helpful.

5. Learn from other forum members. Keep an open eye about what they
need and what they want. Let this aid you in your market study. It
is the key to come up with highly sellable product ideas for you.

Forum marketing is just one of the most powerful internet marketing
tactics, if implemented correctly. Keep in mind the things we have
discussed above, and for certain, you'll be able to reap a lot of
benefits from it.

To your amazing success!


P.S If you haven't yet grabbed your copy of Alok's ODP report,
here's the link:


Amazing Software Breakthrough Creates 100 Killer Headlines For You In Only 17 Seconds!

Hi Isyaias,

What's the most important part of any ad or sales letter?
The headline, of course.

What's the hardest part to get right?
The headline.

That's correct. The headline will make - or break -
your ad and it's the toughest part to write.

Until now, that is...

Instead of struggling to create a headline that will
get you the action you need, what if you could
just answer 4 simple questions and press 1 button
to get 100 killer headlines?

And... wait... what if it only took 17 seconds?

That's okay. I didn't believe it either until I saw this
amazing software in action.
Check out this online
video to see me actually create 100 superb headlines:

We've all struggled to create great headlines.
Some work. Most don't. What an exercise in futility.
You can waste so much time and energy.
And who can afford to hire a copywriter. Forget it.

That's why I was so excited to discover this software.
Anyone can create killer headlines - no experience necessary.

You'll experience new feelings of calmness and control
as you open the software. You'll enjoy the simplicity
of entering short answers to 4 easy questions.

You'll be astonished as you push 1 button and create
100 killer headlines. And the best part is...
you'll love the results you get when these new headlines
get your ads the response you deserve.

Check this out:

     "I love Headline Creator Pro! This makes coming up
     with headlines a snap--and fun, to boot. Since
     headlines are THE most important part of any ad or letter,
     this cool new tool is priceless. I can't wait to use it again!

     It's more fun than video games and way more profitable!"

     Dr. Joe Vitale, #1 Best-Selling Author - "Spiritual Marketing"


Stop struggling with headlines.

Stop settling for mediocre results.

Stop doing things the hard way.

Grab your copy of this software now and enjoy new success.

Yours in success,

Shawn Casey

P.S. I bet you're skeptical. That's why I give you my
personal promise that
this software will increase your
marketing results by 35% or your money back!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How To Generate Traffic Using Only Free Methods

Putting up a company would of course require a lot of things, to get straight to the point, you need a capital. To make money requires money as well. But of course, with the versatility the internet offers, there are many ways you could find that could help optimize the potential of your site or business in generating traffic.

While there are ways to jumpstart your traffic flows, many sites don't have the resources that others have to generate more traffic for your site. Well, you don't have to spend a cent; all you need is the proper mindset and a lot of eagerness. You also must have the drive and perseverance to do hard work and research to generate more traffic for your site.

How sweet it is to have more traffic for your site without spending a single cent. Now it's a sure thing that many sites have articles that offer tips and guidelines in how to generate traffic using only free methods. Because it is possible, you don't need to speed a single cent, it may take time, to say honestly, I'm not going to beat around the bush with you. You get better chances by paying for your advertisements, but at least you get a fighting chance with some of these free methods I'm about to tell you.

Take advantage of online forums and online communities. The great thing about forums and online communities is that you can target a certain group that fits the certain demographic that you are looking for. You can discuss about lots of things about the niche that you represent or offer. Another great advantage is that you know what you are getting into and you will be prepared.

With online communities and forums you can build a reputation for your company. Show them what you are made of and wow them with your range of expertise about the subject, with that you can build a reputation and build trust with the people in your expertise and knowledge.

You can also make use of newsletters. Provide people with a catalog of your products and interesting and entertaining articles. If you make it really interesting and entertaining, more people will sign up for your newsletter and recommend it to other people. The more people who signs up for your newsletter, the more people there will be that will go to your site increasing your traffic.

Another great idea is trading links with other sites. You don't have to spend a cent. All you have to do is reach an agreement with another webmaster. With exchanging links, the efforts both sites do will benefit both sites. Every traffic that goes to the site could potentially click on the link of your site and visit your site as well. This works well especially when both sites feature the same niche.

Write articles that could pique the attention of people that have interest in your product. Try writing articles that will provide tips and guides to other aficionados. Writing articles that provide good service and knowledge to other people would provide the necessary mileage your traffic flow needs.

Many sites offer free submission and posting of your articles. When people find interest in your articles they have a good chance of following the track by finding out where the article originated. Include a link or a brief description of your company with the article and there's a great probability that they will go to your site.

Write good content for your site. Many search engines track down the keywords and keyword phrases your site uses and how they are used. It is not a requirement that a content should be done by a professional content writer. You could do your on but you have to make content for your site that is entertaining as well as informational. It should provide certain requirements as well as great quality.
Generally, internet users use search engines to find what they are looking for. Search engines in return use keyword searching in aiding their search results. With the right keywords, you could get high rankings in search engine results without the costs.

All of these methods and more will drive more traffic to your site for free. All it takes is a bit of effort and extended man hours. Learn all you can about the methods depicted here and you will soon have a site with a great traffic flow without the usual costs that come with it.

To your success,
Roosevelt "Bud" Simmons

Will This Killer Affect You?

Dear Isyaias,

Experts now worry economic troubles can
lead to serious health problems,
reveal plan to prevent them!

You've probably been affected by the
current economic news
more than you realize.

No, I'm not talking about your finances--
I'm talking about your health.

Pick up the paper, watch the network news,
check out your favorite blogs and all you see
is the same thing over and over again...

Stress inducing bad news!
And now, study after study is actually
documenting how stress is literally killing us.

Well, thanks to my friend Bill Harris,
you don't have to suffer
the ill health effects of
today's killer stress.

You've probably heard of Bill,
he's the owner of Centerpointe and
creator of Holosync Audio Technology.

Bill's staff has just created a fascinating and informative
flash video presentation about the health problems created by
stress and one simple thing you can do to eliminate them.

It's a great presentation and only takes a few minutes to watch.

On top of that, Bill has agreed to send a Holosync demo CD to You
(at no charge, of course--he'll even pay shipping)
so you can see for yourself how well this amazing technology works.

So please. Go to:

right now to see the video and get the demo.

You've got to check this out because the way Holosync
wipes out stress could make a huge difference in the
length and quality of your life.

Charlie Drake
PS: Please watch Bill's video right now.
The information you'll
learn could have a huge impact on
the rest of your life.
Plus, you won't want to wait a day more than you have to,
to try Holosync for yourself. I love it.
Go to:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Are You Creating "Value"?

The way to be creative and different is by being 'yourself'...
really be yourself... talk like you would talk to a friend in
your emails and let 'you' come through in everything you do.

Most people are afraid to be 'themselves' because they might be
rejected... you have to get over that.. not everyone will like
you. Not everyone will be your friend either. That's life!

But...there will be enough people who will like you and those
are the ones that will stay with you over the years and be good

I get emails once in a while saying I 'suck' or worse... but I
also get emails from people who like what I say and what I teach.

Now, let me ask you: Should I be disappointed that some people
don't like me? No. That's literally their problem, not mine.

And, should I be feeding my ego every time someone says they
like what I do and congratulate me on a great newsletter or
info-product or whatever - again the answer is 'no'.

The bottom line is: You have to do what you feel is the most
benefit, the most help to your customers and subscribers and
listen to honest feedback, but ignore everything else.

That's the blunt truth. You have to be strong. You can't let a
little praise go to your head and you can't let a little blame
or dislike of what you're doing discourage you in anyway.

You have to be yourself and whenever negative or positive forces
try altering your path, you must ignore them and keep building
value and usefulness into everything you're doing.

Learn how to create VALUE... I'm talking about tangible,
functionable products and services that are REALLY USEFUL to
your prospects and customers. You create "value" by being
yourself and building a little piece of "YOU" into everything
you do.


What You Can Do To Make Money From Niches

Hi Isyaias,

One reason that so many people want to work from their
homes is that there in no need for a large financial
investment to begin an online business. One doesn't need to
invest heavily in product development. Those who have
expertise in almost anything can begin by simply writing an
e-book and promoting it or obtaining a website and
promoting products that are produced by others.

Think of the people who promote products that are produced
by others as the modern version of the old door-to-door
salesman except instead of knocking on one door at a time
they knock on the doors of millions of people at the same
time by way of the internet.

Another attractive reason that draws people to a work at
home job or small business is the fact that they don't need
to incorporate, a sole-proprietorship does nicely. One
person working from one computer these days can accomplish
the same things that once required many people working many
hours to accomplish. A sole-proprietorship business isn't
required to file separate tax returns or pay any special
taxes on income that is earned in the way that a
corporation, an LLC or even a partnership business is
required to do. The taxes levied on a sole-proprietorship
business are just for personal income.

The Internet isn't called 'The Information Super Highway'
for nothing. A person can make a very good living selling
nothing but information on it. The populations of every
industrialized nation in the world have learned that if you
want to know anything about anything, you get on a computer
and ask the question. They have also learned that you must
pay for special information and they are more than willing
to do just that.

A person who has special knowledge of a subject and could
be considered a 'guru' has a market for selling that
information on the Internet. All that needs to be done is
to set up a website, publish the information, advertise and
sell the information. It's a wonderful concept and
information is a wonderful commodity. There is no need to
invest in an inventory and no shipping or handling costs
involved to deliver the product. Everybody gets what they
want. The seller gets paid for delivering information to a
person who wants that information, everybody is happy.

There are so many advantages of working from home for the
individual as well as for owners of large businesses that
it is truly the way that 'work' will be done more and more
in the future.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon.

Yours in profits,

Scot Standke - Founder

Monday, May 11, 2009

3 Tips To Make Your Offer Irresistible (free 5 minute lesson/article)

Hi there Isyaias,

Stu Sensei has made a come back!

This week was Golden Week here in Japan
so I was relaxing and enjoying the warm
spring Fukushima weather!

But I'm back with a killer lesson for you
today...perhaps the best one in a while!

So let's get on with it....


How to Make Your Offer Irresistible!

Whether it's a product of your own or a
product you're promoting as an affiliate,
your business is to make offers to people.

...and marketing is all about getting people
to take action on your offer.

So how do we get them to take you up on
your offer??

Easy, it needs to be IRRESISTIBLE!

How do we make our offer irresistible?

I'll get straight into the meat of it with
a few tips for you...


1) Make your offer the OBVIOUS choice for
your prospect.

By this I mean that it has to be something
they want and/or need.

Imagine this....

You are the only person who runs a gas station
along a hot road in the desert and the next guy
is 300 miles away.

Do you think you'd sell much gas?

When we talk about selling online, an obvious
choice for your prospect would be to offer a
product that solves the exact problem they are
having now.

Products that solve general products are losing

People are looking for SPECIFIC answers to their
problems...NOT generic solutions.

That's not to say that you should go out and
sell a product about "how to make a left handed
telescope from house hold appliances".

There must be a DEMAND for your product for it
to sell.

Just make sure that your offer is going to help
a crowd get what they want..the best way possible.


2) Make your offer the BEST choice...

Sometimes your offer might seem like the obvious
one but it might not be the best for your customer.

To make your offer the best one, it needs to
deliver on what it promises to do.

If your offer promises your customer to learn
"how to build a list in 7 days" then it needs
to show them that.

When your offer is the best choice (over your
competitors), you can charge more for it.

You'd be surprised at the number of people
out there who want a PREMIUM PRODUCT.

They don't mind paying (a lot) extra for the
BEST solution, if it will help them the most.

So if you can make your offer the best, even if
it costs more, you and your customer will be


3) Make your offer the FIRST choice...

Talking about sales in general, usually the
first one to the mark gets the sale.

The first taxi gets the ride, the first
email gets opened, the first 100 customers
get a discount, etc.

One other factor to look at online is the
search engines.

Position #1 in Google for a search term
will get the traffic.

SEO can be a tough game...especially for general
search terms like "golf" or "weight |oss"....

Like I mentioned back in the first tip above,
your offer must be targeted to a specific niche/

If your offer is specific, not only is it
going to be the obvious choice, but you may
have a greater chance of getting those people
to find your offer if you are doing search
engine marketing.

And finally I will add that being FIRST is
about being on the ball..or marketing your
offer to the RIGHT CROWD at the RIGHT TIME.

When there is a fad for some new diet, e.g.
the "banana diet" went through a massive craze
here in Japan last year, there is a big

When there is a new fad for blogging, or
giveaways or twitter, jump on it and be first
to get your offer out about it.

You'll get a huge, huge response.

These are some simple common sense tips but
they are important parts of the formula for


Thanks for reading and best wishes!

Stu "Sensei" Stirling

ps. Like this email? Hit the reply button and
send me your comments. I'd love to hear from you.

Friday, May 8, 2009

How To Build a Long Term Affiliate Business

Hey Isyaias

John Reese finally opened the doors to
his ALL INCLUSIVE training and resource
center for what he calls

"The Ultimate Online Business"

Yeah, I already said it has to do with
affiliate marketing, but what you may
think and what John may think about
affiliate marketing are two completely
different things.

Find out what EXACTLY what he says it is here:

If you want a business that:

- Can Run From Anywhere
- Can Be Run Part-Time Or Full-Time
- Requires No Inventory To Stock
- Requires No Products To Ship
- Requires No Payments To Collect
- Requires No Customer Support
- You Can Make Money With Immediately

...then you should definitely watch this video:

Talk Soon,

Jason Dinner

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Shortcut to Affiliate Success

Hey Isyaias,

This is Heri Rosyadi with a good news...

I have opened a membership that will equip
you with proven successful components of a top

You will get TOP notch review sites in proven markets
for the hottest and latest clickbank products PLUS
the newest resellable products that you can use
as bonuses in your review sites.

* You will build a responsive list of people
waiting for your next review and recommendation..

* You will presell the products hard that other
affiliate can not compete with you with your
in depth and balanced review (without you writing
a word)

* Your buyer will thank you with your added value
bonuses and will become your loyal buyer

* The non buyer visitors who decide not to buy
because of your review pre qualify them for the product
will thank you and trust you, so some portion of
them will subscribe to your review list to wait
for your next review (The best part and it's proven
to work from my own tests!)

You'll get the idea here:

I'll see you inside,

Heri Rosyadi

A Simple Yet Powerful System for Generating Traffic, Action and Sales

Hi Isyaias,

Everyone is in complete shock over this!

Step-by-step lessons including over 10 videos that
show a simple yet powerful system for generating traffic, action
and sales for your new or existing online business.

Put your wallet away and no opt-in required...

Direct link to the 39 page PDF here:

You should read this report when you have 30 - 45 minutes
where you won't be disturbed. The videos and information in
this report will literally change the way you think about how
traffic, action and sales are generated on the Internet.

This 39 page PDF reveals a simple system that can be set up in as
little as 30 minutes (depending on your skill level)
and have you competing with the highest ranked websites within a
few weeks.

See all the case studies at the end of the report from people
that have implemented the same thing:

NetAudioAds, 145 Eubank Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87123, USA

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

3 Ways To Sell More eBooks & "Information Products"

Hi Isyaias,
If you're interested in selling eBooks or other
"Information Products" online, then here are a
few tips to make sure you make the most money:

1) Choose a niche where customers have a VERY

Why do most eBooks and other Information Products
fail - and leave the author with nothing to show
for their effort but wasted time?

Because they selected their niche or their topic
based on what they themselves were INTERESTED in
rather than what people were LOOKING FOR.

If you want to make money with your eBook or other
Information Product, then you must choose a niche
that is loaded with buyers who are EMOTIONAL about
their need.

Not "interested."


If they're not feeling a strong emotional drive
to solve a problem or get their desire, then they
won't be motivated to BUY from you.
Let me show you exactly how to find hot trends using Google and make some easy money on a daily basis.

2) NARROW your niche - don't "widen" your niche.

Another reason why most eBooks and Information
Products fail is because the author or creator
wasn't thinking like a CUSTOMER.

Customers don't like to buy things that will fix
all their problems.

They like to buy things that will fix their ONE
BIG problem.

A woman who is 30 pounds overweight - who wants
to get in shape for her wedding in three months...
doesn't want a book about "general health."


She wants a book called "The Bride's Guide To
Losing Weight: How To Lose 10-30 Pounds In Under
90 Days."

Most of the time in life, it's not wise to be
"Narrow Minded." When you're choosing your niche
or creating a product, IT IS.

3) Create a high "Perceived value" report or
video - and then GIVE IT AWAY.

As the internet becomes more and more "noisy" -
and customers have more and more options... and
therefore more and more confusion...'s important to CUT THROUGH THAT NOISE.

The best way to do it?

Create something valuable, then GIVE IT AWAY.

Yes, I said give it away.
(Haven't you seen me do that a bunch of times?)

But don't just give away any old information.

No. You're going to want to create a report,
video, teleclass, or other product - and make
it about your BEST STUFF.

Don't save your "good stuff" for last. Give it
away up front!

When your prospective customer comes to your
website and gets something that's very, VERY
valuable from you for free - they will then
say to themselves...

"If this is the stuff they're giving away, then
the product they're selling must be GREAT."

That's why you give away your BEST stuff for
free up front (and make sure you ask your
prospective customers to opt-in to your email
list in order to get your free product!).

Mike Filsaime

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Some Free Tools That Will Help You

Hi Isyaias,
I wanted to send you a quick email to first of all make sure that
you had everything you needed for your affiliate promotion of

If there is anything you need, please let me know.

In case you haven't checked it out yet, head over to the members
area where you can literally copy/paste some pre-written email
copy that I've written for you.  There are several different
messages to choose from. 

I recommend that you adjust the email to fit your personality, but
if it already sounds good to you then just copy and paste... and
send it out!  :-)

There are some other great ways to build exposure to your affiliate
links mentioned in the members area Affiliate page. 

You can login here: 


Then click on "Affiliates" in the navigation menu.

This page has your affiliate link and SEVERAL free tools to help
you with your promotions.

If you need anything else to help, let me know.

All the best,
Matt Callen

iNet Innovation, Inc.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Win A Copy of Complete Mega Red Packet Package Now!

I've just signed up for the Video Lounge access at Mega Red Packet and before I forget, I am writing in to tell you this.
Vince Tan, Edmund Loh and Stephen Luc are teaming up to release the Mega Red Packet on 4th May 2009. In case you've not heard of these dynamic trio here's a quick background on them...
Vince Tan is a World Internet Summit speaker and the same man who pulled off the Biggest Firesale event in Year 2008 which broke the 6 figure record in just 3 days and then brought in $170,000 in only 10 days.
If you use Private Label Rights products often for your Internet Business then I suppose Edmund Loh doesn't need an introduction; he's the person behind more than 260 Private Label Rights titles under the PLRGold brand. Just late last year, he teamed up with expert video maker Stephen Luc to pull off a product launch called PLRGold: Videos and raked in $100,000 in 10 days too. Collectively, the dynamic trio has made more than a million dollars in sales.
So what is Mega Red Packet all about? (since it's 3 months after the Chinese New Year)
When I first visited the Mega Red Packet website, it branded itself as a "Recession Show Stopper". I didn't think much of it initially since a lot of Internet Marketing opportunist won't let go any chance to cash in on the latest trend. But I take back what I said when I saw the Video Lounge area.
Vince, Edmund and Stephen have produced and positioned Mega Red Packet to turn the tide for many people who are not only struggling in their pursuit of building an online business but also people who are affected by the current recession period.
Mega Red Packet is focused on this core of success: product + traffic = residual income. This is the closest definition to push button marketing where all the work has been done for Internet Marketers of all levels - whether you are new or seasoned. The Mega Red Packet team has invested nearly $100,000 and 6 months in conceiving this push button program and infrastructure, which gives the user a variety of products to get reseller and Franchise rights to new, original products and sell.
Mega Red Packet is NOT about potential. It's about empowering the Internet newbie to have his string of proven businesses in the form of Reseller Memberships for you to take full control of, and Franchise rights to proven Internet Businesses so that they can be put into the shoes of these 3 top Internet Marketers. The new Internet Marketer can now leverage off the credibility and proven model that the dynamic trio have discovered over the collective 11 years of marketing experience.
Traffic generation is another topic of great interest to some, and a great struggle to many others. The Mega Red Packet collection solves this more efficient and effectively than anyone, myself included, can ask for.
Vince, Edmund and Stephen are also taking this chance to launch their newest home study course named "Traffic Leopard" - aptly called 'the next generation of traffic building' that features a series of proven tactics to drive in traffic to your website, accompanied by a rich archive of case studies as used and experimented relentlessly by all of the 3 top Internet Marketers.
There's also the Traffic Networks where Vince and Edmund have negiotiated with some of the top traffic building site owners to give generous credits to members of Mega Red Packet.
All in all, there's more goodies in store in Mega Red Packet that I believe every Internet Marketer must look forward to. It's ground breaking and non-conventional, not something you know so well of. Literally, all the work is done and I haven't even talked about the new Private Label Rights products and software they are releasing in the Mega Red Packet event, that lets you do instant One Time Offers, Upsells and even Cross-Sells.
You can take my review with a pinch of salt but I strongly urge you to check out the site now and sign up for the free access to the Video Lounge (worth $297) and get onto their Advanced Notification List. (by the way speaking of that, they are also going to pick randomly 3 different names from the list to give free copies of Mega Red Packet on their launch day - you could be one of them!)
Click on this link and sign up for the Video Lounge and Advanced Notification List access for free now before the big event kick starts on 4th May 2009:

Saturday, May 2, 2009

This website "forces" money into your pocket!


There's a "new" kind of website these days -
one that "FORCES" money into your pocket!
The days are now over where you were left
with just "chance" on your side when it came
to making money on the Internet.
A brand new "technology" has been developed
that makes websites pay you by "force!"
Short of putting a gun to people's heads and
making them take their money out of their wallets
and pay you without choice, this new technology
might as well be the exact same thing.
This breakthrough was developed by a New
York Virtual Marketing Firm, and is taking the
Web by storm!
Already some pretty famous names are taking
note of this new "money making invention" that
"forces" money out of the Internet directly into
your bank account!

A spokesperson for the NYC firm boasted proudly:

"Imagine the Worldwide-Web as an ocean of
money ... our new technology merely makes a
way for YOU to be able to dig a big trench from
that 'cash-sea' directly into your backyard!"
And that's obviously a pretty amazing feat to
say the very least!
People get a webpage that's NOT ordinary by
any means!
The webpage "captures" a huge segment of the
daily visitors it receives and winds up upselling
them repeatedly with a predictable conversion
each and every time!
Plus, the webpage has a "built-in" device that
allows it to generate "free traffic" without end!
So considering the fact that you get free traffic,
along with a predictable and steady stream of
sales conversions, you get a guaranteed source
of endless income!
Additionally, the webpage you get already contains
a PROVEN digital product that no online marketer
can live without, and one that is delivered where all
your orders are filled automatically by another firm
on behalf of you, the webpage owner! (And at no costs!)
Not only that, but the webpage contains a video
that makes further an irresistible offer so that people
must surrender their contact information, and which
also becomes a VAST double-optin list!
This list is maintained by yet another separate online
firm on your behalf, and that has the HIGHEST track
record for getting over 98% deliverability for follow-up
emailings (the same that convert another 378% more
sales for you!)

So in a nutshell you get:

  o An amazing website!
  o A website that converts sales automatically!
  o A website that puts "forced" money directly into your pocket!
  o A website that's run by another firm for you (at NO charge!)
  o A website that continues to promote for you over & over!
  o A website that grows & cultivates a proven list!
  o A website that functions automatically (so you never run it!)
  o And a website that you get Free H0STING for!

So as you can easily see you get the whole "Sha-Bang!"

Without wasting another moment of your time, why not
go to the new site that shows you how you can get this
site for yourself (if you'd like) for next to nothing? ...

   ~~~> Click Here To See It All Now!

*But I must warn you that they are only giving away
a very limited number of these "forced money" websites
that forcibly pour money into your pocket! - So please
[for your sake] HURRY!

Just though you might want to know ...

- Michael

Friday, May 1, 2009

Free Private Membership To Make Traffic

Hi there Isyaias,

Ok, you know me, I'm straight to the point. So I'll make this short and sweet.
I've been fortunate enough to secure a private membership at and I have to tell you, I'm incredibly impressed. These guys epitomize the principle of "under promise, over deliver".
If it wasn't enough to show us proof from their personal testing that this system and service works at getting traffic to your site and increased search engine rankings... they've even got proof (as in REAL stats) from their current members and users!
Here's the deal, one of the internet's most well-known SEO and marketing experts, has decided to reveal an incredibly powerful strategy for bringing in a consistent flow of visitors to his sites. It's one of those 'sit-it-and-forget-it' types of strategies that anyone can implement no matter what type of website or niche market they've got.
He's only letting a core group of members join, so head over there now and check it out.
You can see here:
I'm not going to go into all the nitty gritty details on all that he's giving to his members, but let's just say I think you'll be just as impressed as I was once you check it out for yourself...
*hint* You can literally force-feed your content and backlinks to a network of over 10,000 blogs!
Take advantage of this a.s.a.p. because they've already said that the doors will close in the near future.
Enjoy this one!
Mark A. Nuell