Monday, May 11, 2009

3 Tips To Make Your Offer Irresistible (free 5 minute lesson/article)

Hi there Isyaias,

Stu Sensei has made a come back!

This week was Golden Week here in Japan
so I was relaxing and enjoying the warm
spring Fukushima weather!

But I'm back with a killer lesson for you
today...perhaps the best one in a while!

So let's get on with it....


How to Make Your Offer Irresistible!

Whether it's a product of your own or a
product you're promoting as an affiliate,
your business is to make offers to people.

...and marketing is all about getting people
to take action on your offer.

So how do we get them to take you up on
your offer??

Easy, it needs to be IRRESISTIBLE!

How do we make our offer irresistible?

I'll get straight into the meat of it with
a few tips for you...


1) Make your offer the OBVIOUS choice for
your prospect.

By this I mean that it has to be something
they want and/or need.

Imagine this....

You are the only person who runs a gas station
along a hot road in the desert and the next guy
is 300 miles away.

Do you think you'd sell much gas?

When we talk about selling online, an obvious
choice for your prospect would be to offer a
product that solves the exact problem they are
having now.

Products that solve general products are losing

People are looking for SPECIFIC answers to their
problems...NOT generic solutions.

That's not to say that you should go out and
sell a product about "how to make a left handed
telescope from house hold appliances".

There must be a DEMAND for your product for it
to sell.

Just make sure that your offer is going to help
a crowd get what they want..the best way possible.


2) Make your offer the BEST choice...

Sometimes your offer might seem like the obvious
one but it might not be the best for your customer.

To make your offer the best one, it needs to
deliver on what it promises to do.

If your offer promises your customer to learn
"how to build a list in 7 days" then it needs
to show them that.

When your offer is the best choice (over your
competitors), you can charge more for it.

You'd be surprised at the number of people
out there who want a PREMIUM PRODUCT.

They don't mind paying (a lot) extra for the
BEST solution, if it will help them the most.

So if you can make your offer the best, even if
it costs more, you and your customer will be


3) Make your offer the FIRST choice...

Talking about sales in general, usually the
first one to the mark gets the sale.

The first taxi gets the ride, the first
email gets opened, the first 100 customers
get a discount, etc.

One other factor to look at online is the
search engines.

Position #1 in Google for a search term
will get the traffic.

SEO can be a tough game...especially for general
search terms like "golf" or "weight |oss"....

Like I mentioned back in the first tip above,
your offer must be targeted to a specific niche/

If your offer is specific, not only is it
going to be the obvious choice, but you may
have a greater chance of getting those people
to find your offer if you are doing search
engine marketing.

And finally I will add that being FIRST is
about being on the ball..or marketing your
offer to the RIGHT CROWD at the RIGHT TIME.

When there is a fad for some new diet, e.g.
the "banana diet" went through a massive craze
here in Japan last year, there is a big

When there is a new fad for blogging, or
giveaways or twitter, jump on it and be first
to get your offer out about it.

You'll get a huge, huge response.

These are some simple common sense tips but
they are important parts of the formula for


Thanks for reading and best wishes!

Stu "Sensei" Stirling

ps. Like this email? Hit the reply button and
send me your comments. I'd love to hear from you.

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