Saturday, March 14, 2009

5 Common Affiliate Marketing Mistakes

Hi Isyaias,

Stu Sensei here with a brand smoking new 5 minute free
marketing lesson!

Yes, I missed writing you a lesson last Friday, sorry
if you were frantically looking for it.

This week is a short lesson but an important one!

Affiliate marketing is popular way to earn money online,
as you probably already know....

I mean, what beats getting paid for simply referring
sales of other people's products?

But no matter how easy it sounds, there are still
people who struggle with it.

Here are the 5 common Affiliate marketing mistakes
I see on a daily basis....

1. Choosing a poor converting product

Product choice is important. It doesn't really matter
what the product is, because there can be a market
for just about anything.

The important thing is that the product can convert
visitors into sales.

2. Using raw affiliate links

You know when you sign up to an affiliate program
and you're given this big old ugly affiliate link?

Well...DON'T USE IT 'as is'!

For one, it will stick out like a sore thumb and
look unprofessional. Second, you run risk of
affiliate link hi-jacking. People can remove your
ID in the link and so long to your commission.

3. Not using pre-selling tactics

Pre-selling can make all the difference in conversions.

You can pre-sell by sending traffic to a review page,
a case study, giving away a free report with your
affiliate links, video review/introductions and the
list goes on.

If you send traffic directly to the pitch page, you
are cutting your chances of making a sale in half!

4. Not building a list

This is a big one! If you're serious about promoting
a product, you will need to capture you traffic
so you can follow up with them.

It is said that the majority of people won't buy from
you until the 7th contact.

Create a free email course, report or video and give
it away for free in exchange for web visitors' names
and email addresses.

Send out your email course with links promoting the

5. Not getting the right traffic

Traffic is important, but it's not the's
the QUALITY. I know I've said this a zillion times
but it's pointless trying to get target people who
are not interested in your offer.

Find out where the people who are interested in your
offer hang out online and target them.

Generally speaking, forums are good places. People on
forums have a common interest.

Other people's lists who are in the same market as
you have lots of people interested in a common theme.
That's why ad swaps are effective for any niche!


That's all for this week's 5 minute lesson with Stu

I hope you liked it.

If you have any questions or comments, please hit the
reply button. I'd love to hear from you Isyaias.

All the best for an enjoyable weekend!

Stuart "Stu Sensei" Stirling
Fukushima, Japan

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Follow me!

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