Hi Isyaias,
It's Alvin here, this maybe the longest email you
ever received but it's a real true live story how I started
and I wish to share with you today.
There are many online courses and ebooks online
all around the world. And also not forgetting all
the hype we see every month popping out every now and then.
It's really not easy to find a good product now a days.
I personally have seen products that cause only a few
Dollars which were much better then those who charge
A huge 4 figure amount =P
As more and more people are coming into the
Internet Marketing scene there seems to be
even more hype then ever!
As a newbie in the past, I was also like many who
got coned into thinking these products which are
soooo hype can actually helped me to make money
I have virtually spend at least $300 or not more on
Such ebooks and videos online! But after going through
Them it seems most of the time these people are just
all out to get fast cash from you and not really giving
all the detailed steps on how they did it.
So being so frustrated I decided to sign up my
First $3,000 4 days Internet Marketing course. But little
did I know the experience during the 4 days was worst then I thought.
I had many classmates at the workshop were not really
happy about what they went through . As there were
sooo many pitching during the workshop =P
It's sad to experience that because even the speaker I
Attended this workshop because he mention that there
will not be pitching but there were SO MUCH of IT!
There were like 500 of us in the classroom at that time and I can
sense I wasn't the only person who felt that way too.
Although they did not want to show it at the workshop but
I knew deep in my heart at least 90% of the people in the room
were not making any sort of income online.
So that's $3,000 down the drain and that's almost about
All I had in my bank account! Imagine how frustrated you
Would feel having to spend so much and to trust someone and
Yet the end result was all pitching to learn more.
But I knew I wasn't the worst there were many in fact
even MAX out their credits card to join a even higher
program during the workshop for $10k.
The last time I check with those guys who sign up
they only made $1,000 so far which is not too bad. But
having to spend $10k to earn $1,000 is actually not a lot =P
The worst after that was I did not have a job and I was really
desperate to make money online and will do everything
in my power to earn money online.
After that my parents started to question me about the money
I had spent and I can say it's not a nice experience to tell
My parents the $3,000 did not make much money but just
learn some new resources and skills from it.
So I had no choice, I had to find a part time job. However
I was still determine to make money online so I went
to explore further on it.
After 30 days of soul searching I realized all
those Gurus that claim they make so much in 3 hours
or 24 hours is because they had a HUGE list!
I was like oh my god! I really wonder what would the
people think if they paid him $5,000 or more to learn
and in the end find out the secret to their success
was a big list!
And building list actually needs time and effort to build
It's not like what many claimed it's instant success.
If it's so easy everyone would be a Millionaire by now
Wouldn't you agree Sonia?
So I discover list building was that important I decided
to add a very simple opt-in page on my blog.
It started pretty slow as I went along it start at only 1 opt-in a day.
After tweaking around with it for a few days I finally had a record
of 7 opt-ins in a day.
Then I was shocked to realized I was actually in a scenario where
I did not know what to do on my blog. Being a newbie as I was then
I just blog information that I knew most about and always tried
to as honest as I can when I blog.
Ironically people love what I blog about! They could sense how honest
I was in my blog and it actually viral by itself.
I have a surge of traffic ever since I starting
blogging that style. And then it came to me that blogging
actually can drive tons of traffic to generate leads.
I starting to double my results month after months and I got
So excited that I knew I was on to something good.
Then came June 18 2007, when I launched Atomic Blogging
A guide book based on all the experiment and traffic
tactics which I had successful used to generate over 10,000
or more visitors per month to my blog.
To my amazement I closed US$5,000 in just the first 7 days
of my launch. If you were thinking I had a huge list of 10,000
or something. Guess what it's only 500 my friend =) And
most the leads actually came from my list generated from
my blog =)
Also if you will wondering I must be blogging pretty long.
Well if you check my domain history I started
my blogging journey only in July 2006! That's like only 12 months!
During those 12 months of blogging I had no one to help
me and most of the stuff I did was all self taught and self
experiment. And the worst during the first 6 months I was
still having a job then.
I actually remember the day I sack my boss! It's was such
a nice feeling to do that… as I was getting little money from
my job.
Here is a breakdown of the things I had achieved
- Current ranked 41,000 Alexa Ranking
- Technorati Ranking of 17,000
- Google Page Rank 4
- Had a list of 20 keywords ranked top 10 in Google.
- Generate monthly 10,000 to 20,000 unique hits per month
You see Isyaias, there are many Gurus telling you
All the hype about making money online but I know for
a fact if you don't have a list you cannot make money
That is where I realized by using blogs as a tool I generated
only 500 leads and there were so much sales when I
launch a product.
If there is one thing I like to add to you internet business
journey today is always build a list Isyaias.
If you don't have one you better start one, trust me it
will benefit you long term. A great tool I use to bring
list is this tool at http://getresponse.com/click.html?x=a62a&lc=XIdu&mc=3&s=H4Izv&y=i& .
Regardless it's only 3 per day or even 1 per day. That
One person more on your list that may possibility be one
of your loyal customers =)
I am not really perfect in my English so do accept my sincere apologies,
But if you find this email useful just drop me an email to let me
know you got something from this.
Alvin Phang
P.S: By the way if you would to know about my experience
On how I started blogging with in detailed steps with no HYPE no B.S!
ReplyDeleteNice post. If you're looking for success in an online business, you will not find it in common-place products or services. Go for what is unique, that way you'll have fewer competitors. Some companies are leading in this game. They are developing products that are specific for online business. The good news is that you can get good returns while work from home.