Saturday, February 27, 2010

What Can I Do to Help People Get What They Want

that's the question you should
be asking ...if you plan on
having a real full time business

lately I've been really thinking
about that and that's why I've
been really focusing on

what can I offer or recommend
that others offer that will really
get you to building a real online

you see the best way that I know
of to reach real success online
is through coaching...

I'm talking real training on 'what
works' and has worked for a while

that's why I'm changing the way I
do things online

yes, I will still be offering
low priced products, but they will
be products that will lead you to
having a real online business

I'm actually going to release an
amazing membership where you
(as a current list member) will
get free lifetime access

that's it for now, enjoy your weekend!

Jeff Bode

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Marketing Lesson From The Las Vegas Street

as you may or may not know last week I was in Vegas.
One thing I always look at on trips is marketing strategies.
One strategy that really sucks is the 'forced approach'.

For instance some people stand out on the Vegas strip all
day and hand out cards (to anyone that will take them)...
this is annoying and wasteful (not targeted).

A slightly better approach is the people who promote clubs
and bars... they hand out cards for discounts or free

They approach you in a friendly way and immediately ask you
if you're interested in free passes to clubs or bars.

Still annoying after being approached several times...

Most don't understand marketing, but surprise surprise
the one that did (better than the rest) got us to pay a
small tip in exchange for free entrance to a dance club
called LAX.

Here's the lesson learned...

1. Target your audience and go after them only!
Ex. target young adults for dance clubs.

2. Don't hard sell, give them the benefits and approach
people in a friendly way.
Ex. the benefits were the money we would save and why we
should go to that specific dance club on that night.

3. Have a call to action.

Always ask for your desired action, this is marketing 101.

Thanks for reading,

Jeff Bode

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How To Make Money Without Any Capital

Hi Isyaias,

I believe you are still searching and wondering
the methods of making money without any capital.

Is there such method or technique without having
to put up any capital?

Every business must start with a capital but you
can start the internet business without any capital..

I said this because when I started my internet business,
I began the business without any capital.

I began this business without a single cent
and now I am earning a five-figure income
every month!

So, this is possible!

Ok, now I am going to share with you some
techniques in which you yourself can start
your internet business without having to take
out a single cent from your pocket.

..I want to write in a few points
but only one point is needed..


Yes, by becoming an affiliate marketer
you can earn money without capital!

What you have to do is to follow the steps
I am showing you below..

1) Sign-up with Clickbank

There are hundreds of Clickbank products
that you can promote, by joining Clickbank,
you can choose whatever products that
you like to promote.

2) Find products that offer high percentage
of commission but with  low price.
These low-priced products are easy to sell.

If you do not have any idea, you can promote
one of my products in Clickbank.

3) Promote the affiliate link at places where
the traffic is high.

I give you an example, if you want to sell vegetables,
you need to sell them at the market because
this place is crowded with buyers and this place
is the right place for your target market.

If you are selling your merchandise at the market,
you need to pay the rent, but not at the internet.

You can go to forums that are related
to the products that you are selling
and interact with other members of that
particular forums.

Use the Facebook and put up articles
at the note section with your updates there. 
Below the article, put up your promoted
affiliate link there.

Use the same technique with Twitter..

Make use of the function "search" in Twitter.
You can search the words or asking questions
about your products there.

If there is a question about "How to generate traffic?",
then you reply it and give your affiliate link.

Remember, do not SPAM.

Follow these three steps above and repeat
them until you are successful.

I shall copy this email and put it up
at my blog. If you have any question,
please leave your comment at my blog
and I shall try my best to help you. (my blog)

Good Luck!

-Ammar Zahar

P.S  Don't forget to register as my affiliate
and follow the techniques that I have given!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Urgent: A Bug for Each Subscriber You Send And Plus

Hi Isyaias

It's Sunday, so I'll make this very short. Here's the deal:

- You can download the brand new "Introduction to O
  Marketing" report for free;
- Earn $1 for each subscriber you send the report to
- Earn mystery commissions & Bonuses

ONLY if you ACT until February 22, 2010: THAT'S TOMORROW!!!

Best Regards

Phil Eugene

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Making Things Easy

Hi Isyaias!

I thought I would throw out this little tip, in case it helps you.

When you build a site, there are two basic things that happen--
indexing and then ranking.

Indexing means that Google knows you are there.

Ranking means that Google has decided how you rate as compared with
other competing web pages.

So, indexing comes before ranking.

You used to be able to take indexing for granted, but no longer.

I know folks who've built sites and for some reason they didn't get
indexed for weeks, months sometimes.

But if you're not indexed, you're not in the game, so to speak.

So, I thought I would tell you my virtually never fail, totally easy
way I get my sites indexed.

I virtually always build blogs with WordPress. When I build a new
site, I include that site in my Google Webmaster account. If you're
not using Google Webmaster tools, you probably should consider doing
so. It's a great suite of tools, and you don't have to have a
doctorate in SEO to understand them, either.

So, I list the site in my Webmaster account. Then I create an xml
sitemap using the Google sitemap plugin. Next, I list the sitemap
in my Webmaster account for the given site.

Usually, I get ranked in a day or two. More like a day.

Just thought I would throw that out. Hope it helps!

I-S' PS:
Just a thing:

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Shocking Satistic

Hi Isyaias!

I was driving to my kid's school and listening to talk radio.

The subject was job creation. I'll spare you the details, but in the
midst of all of this, I learned a really shocking statistic!

The "average" American entrepreneur needs $15,000 to start a

Six years after starting said business, two out of three "average"
American entrepreneurs are going to be out of business.

When I heard this, I nearly ran off the road.

You can start an Internet business for $0! Well, you do need a
computer and Internet connection, but I'm guessing you already have
this, if you're reading this email. :)

But think about it!

You can spend $15K and start a business that has a 33% chance of
surviving, or you can spend nothing and start a business (otherwise
known as a website) that has probably a 100% chance of surviving
and making money.

If, that is, you know what to do and how to do it.

Obviously, it's the knowing what to do and how to do it part that
has most people stumped.

Don't worry about that part, though.

I'm putting the finishing touches on a new all video training
course that will teach you how to create a real, sustainable, and
passive income online.

It's super easy. You don't have to be technically oriented.

So, keep an eye out for my emails.

I'll be releasing this soon. And as a subscriber, you'll get first
crack at an introductory price.

Lee Cole

PS: While waiting for Lee Video, you may review these businesses:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Right Mental Approach In Business

Hey Isyaias,

Today I want to talk to you about something
that is not often talked about but is CRITICAL
to your SUCCESS.

And it's not necessarily what you may think.

Sure, there are important elements to
any online business from hosting to having
your own sites and building up your online
assets so you can make money...

But none of that happens without the
one thing which is the right mental approach.

Once you have the right MINDSET in place, the
rest becomes a whole lot easier.

Being positive and believing in yourself, then
taking ACTION is what separates the achievers
from the non-achievers.

If you see an OBSTACLE in your way, knock
it down. You can achieve anything you want to
ONCE you believe it.

One thing I often see is people convincing themselves
they can't do something, when in fact they can, but
because they believe they can't, they won't!

It DOESN'T have to be like this as long as you
FOCUS until you are seeing REAL results.

Today I want you to take away 3 key points:

2) BELIEVE In Yourself
3) Take ACTION ( very important )

Talk is cheap but ACTIONS COUNT.

You have already taken the FIRST step by
downloading your copy of Content Cash Secrets.

Don't let that gather dust on your hard drive. No
matter how good your intentions, if you don't put
into ACTION what you have learned, you won't make
any money.

No product is going to make money for you without
that magic ACTION ingredient :)

Here's to your success,

Dean James

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Love's Letter

Hi Isyaias,
A short LOVE Message.... for looking for the 'sunny side
of the street'...choosing the right
thoughts each day...filling your mind
with what's good about life. for openess to let the good things
in life flow to you...stay on the receiving
end of the hurricane of blessings that is
headed your way. for vision down the see
your life as you want it to be and hold
that picture till it comes. for embracing who you are,
what you've come here to do and
who you are becoming.

Today...choose to LOVE yourself enough to
choose your arms wide enough
to catch all the goodness in front of you...
and get ready to be, do and have anything in
life you want.
That's REAL love...and your Happiness,
Goodness and Inner Peace will do more for
others than any box of candy or roses ever
Love starts with YOU.
Don't be afraid to stand in front of the mirror
and say often, "I LOVE YOU."
It wasn't in vain that we were told to...
"Love your yourself."
A plague in my room says simply...
"When you find peace within yourself,
you become the kind of person who
can live at peace with others."
Is that also...
"When you find love within yourself,
you become the kind of person who
can love others"
You bet it is!!!
LOVE's Letters are really all about you.
Now repeat after me...
Have a love-inspired day,
Bonnie Hazlett

Monday, February 15, 2010

Business Building Tips for Entrepreneurs

Last week you discovered the benefits of using webinars to sell to large groups of people. You learned the advantages of "face-to-face" selling could be yours without adding extra time, effort, and resources. Well today the 6 foolproof ways to guarantee YOUR webinar is a massive success will be revealed!

Secret #1- Build your webinar around a compelling topic. As horrible as this may sound, no one is interested in what you are selling... unless you give them a reason to be. Keep that in mind as you create a compelling, interesting title for your webinar!

Secret #2- Aim at the right market. You must decide who you want to talk to and then craft your message (before, during, and after the webinar) accordingly. If you try to be everything to everyone you won't be anything to anyone.

Secret #3- Invite as many people as you can...and keep inviting them. If you want to maximize attendance, it's not sufficient to invite people and then leave it at that. You have to follow up. So keep inviting them right up until the moment of the webinar.

Secret #4- Let your attendees guide your pitch with polling questions. You should know your product and sales process well enough to be able to talk confidently and knowledgeably about it, and answer questions that come up.

Secret #5- Build your customer relationships with non-sales specific webinars. In marketing it comes down to the relationship you have with your prospects and customers... and that's selling. It's selling yourself!

Secret #6- Deliver on your promise...and ask for the sale at the end of the webinar!


Clate Mask
CEO, Infusionsoft

Friday, February 12, 2010

You have traffic but no sales? (Read This)

Hello Isyaias,

I was asked this question from
one of my students,

"I have done article marketing and promoted
my squeeze page but why nobody opted
in and buy?

I know this has happened to many people,
so I am going to share with you some
techniques of how to increase opt-in
and sales.

Here is the checklist:

1. See the total of your conversion.
Do you know what a conversion is?
A conversion is the total of sales
or opt-in or traffic that enters your website.

For example, if your squeeze page
has 100 visitors a day, and you
receive 10 opt-ins, this means your
conversion rate is 10%.

A normal rate of squeeze page conversion
is around 40% to 70%, depends on your copy.

My squeeze page at
has an average of 47% conversion rate.


How to increase conversion?

Look at my blog -

To your online success,

-Ammar Zahar.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


To: The 677,794 signers of End the Brutal Killing of More Than 20,000 Dolphins Every Year in Japan


Hello Save Dolphins PETITION SIGNERS!

I have exciting news, and an urgent request for help.

You may have heard that THE COVE is now a finalist nominee for an Oscar for Best Documentary.

And now word is out that the Japanese company Medallion Media has signed on to release the Japanese subtitled version of THE COVE throughout Japan this April.

The Oscar nomination is a tremendous testament to the skill and art of the filmmakers of THE COVE. It will also shine a huge spotlight on the actions of the government of Japan in covering up the dolphin slaughter and poisoning of Japanese people with mercury-laced dolphin meat.

The March 7th broadcast of the Oscar presentations will reach nearly a billion people around the world. It is the most-watched television show in Japan. And the release of THE COVE in Japan will allow the Japanese public to learn the terrible secret of the Taiji slaughter for the first time.

Most Japanese have no idea that the cruel dolphins slaughter takes place and how toxic the dolphin meat is. The few Japanese citizens who have seen the film have been shocked and horrified. If millions see it and learn the truth, the pressure to end the slaughter could be unstoppable.

Help me spread the word in Japan, encourage the Japanese public to see the film, intensify press coverage of the ongoing slaughter, force the Japanese government to release the hidden information regarding the mercury testing of Taiji residents, and keep up our monitoring and investigations at the cove in Taiji.

A donation of $500 helps us get 100 or more people in Japan into the theaters to see The Cove and take action.
A donation of $100 allows us to print thousands of cards and other educational outreach pieces in Japan.
We have to raise a minimum of $50,000 for outreach efforts in Japan before the film comes out in Japan. A donation of any size is greatly appreciated.

I also need your help to get the million signatures on our Facebook Causes Petition to present to the Japanese Embassy in Washington, DC in March and to the Fisheries Ministry in Japan in April. We have nearly 700,000 signatures, so we're getting close, but we need your help to reach our goal – so please sign on and tell your friends and contacts to sign on, too, at:

Thanks for all your efforts to help us save dolphins. I know we can end this slaughter, if we work together and get the people of Japan to see THE COVE.
Thanks for all your help.
Ric O'Barry

PS. We need Japanese language volunteers for translations and posting to Japanese language web sites. Ultimately, the success of this campaign hinges on people talking to people. If you have friends, family or business associates in Japan please email us at:

PPS. You can also donate through the Cause site if you'd like to help the campaign that way:

View Petition | Ask Friends to Sign

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How To Make Money From Funny Videos

Hi Isyaias,

You can easily make funny video websites, and then
profit from them nicely. Many people have done it and
are actually making their living off it. Here's how
to make funny video websites and make money at it:

1. Getting a site.

The first thing to making a funny video website is
choosing a good name. Have some fun trying to think
up catchy names for your website. A catchy, unique
and memorable name is key to not only getting traffic
but maintaining traffic.

2. Getting the videos.

You can easily lift videos from other popular video
sites. But there are also sites that allow you access
to many of the popular funny videos which you can
use. Many sites share with one another videos as
well. So getting the videos to supply for your funny
video website is relative easy.

3. Making the Money.

Making money off your site is going to consist of
different forms income streams. From click-on ads,
banner advertising, and actual products which you can
sell on your site and receive heavy commissions from.

Start up accounts at Google and Yahoo for click-on
ads, and find internet products which will coincide
with the type of videos you'll be showing. Many
internet products will have programs for webmasters
which you can sign up for and immediately start
promoting products on your site. Once your site
develops traffic, you can start to hit up larger
businesses for banner ads which can pay very well.
The combination of different income streams will
bring in a steady income flow as long as your traffic
is ramped up.

4. Putting your site together.

There are specific programs you can get for building
sites. They will take the headache of "coding" away,
and have you setting up your site quickly and fairly
easily. A good "make video website" book or manual
will show you exactly what needs to be done and
provide inside access to sources which can make
things thousands of times easier.

To YOUR Online Success!

"The World's #1 Day Job Hitman"

Monday, February 8, 2010

Do You Squidoo

Hi Nichers,

Do you Squidoo? If not, you should be. It takes very little
effort and the publicity and money you can make from it
make it well worth your time.

Some people call Squidoo Web 2.0 while others call it a
Social Networking Site. Whatever you might want to call it,
it was created a few years ago by marketing genius Seth
Godin. Since that time many people have taken advantage of
the site to help their Internet Marketing businesses and
many other types of ventures.

It's really very easy to set-up a Squidoo lens. All you
have to do is go to and sign-up. Then you can
start creating a lens right away.

You can create a lens on any topic of your choice. You can
create it all about you or you can create the lens about a
product or service of yours. It's completely up to you.
Just be careful. You have to put good content on each one
of your lenses or your pages might be seen as SPAM and then
you?ll probably get kicked off Squidoo.

For the ins and outs on how to create great looking lenses
you can just search how to do basic html. There are a few
great lenses that will show you exactly how to change the
look of your lens. Or if you already know how to do basic
html then you?re all set.

Some people spend a lot of time working on their Squidoo
lens(es). These people (called lens masters) might try to
get a high ranking on Squidoo and a high ranking on Google
and other search engines. If you want to do this then you
are certainly welcome to do so. Just know that right now
Squidoo is once again favored by Google but a few months
ago all the Spam content on Squidoo caused lenses to
dramatically drop in ranking. However, this probably won't
happen again.

The one key you want to follow is to include an important
keyword in the title of your lens and then in the modules
within in the lens. This will let the search engine spiders
find your lens and rank it according to the keyword /
keyword phrase.

You can also visit other people's lenses and leave comments
for them and rank their lens. Then hopefully they'll see
you left a comment and they'll visit your lens. This will
help you in the rankings on Squidoo.

Lastly, update your lens at least once a week and
preferably every other day. You don?t have to make any
major changes but you should change something just to keep
your lens fresh.

There are many great reports and books on the market that
will help you succeed using Squidoo. But just having a lens
or two will give you one more spot where you are marketing
yourself and/or your products. And you can never have
enough marketing opportunities.

So from now one when anyone asks you, "Do you Squidoo?" You
better be able to answer, 'Yes.'

Scot Standke - Founder

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Generate Traffic

So, your web site is up and running. You have developed a
great product (or are selling someone else's). You have a
great sales page. All the links work, and it looks great on
everyone's screen. But you aren't selling...anything! Why?
Because no one knows you are there!

What to do?

You must generate traffic...that is, you must generate online
visitors. They must visit your site before they will ever
have the opportunity to purchase from you.

There are many effective forms of traffic generation, but
each of them must be managed correctly to be profitable.
For example, if you are buying a low-cost volume type of
traffic and your cost per visitor is less than a tenth of a
cent, then you can have a very low conversion rate
(percentage of visitors who purchase from you) and still
generate a profit. If, on the other hand, you are paying $3
per visitor that comes to your site, then, for example, on
a $99 product, your breakeven point is 33 visitors. That is
a 3% conversion rate (considered high online). So to be in
profit you would need to have a conversion rate of better
than 3%.

Your highest quality traffic will be that of referred
traffic. Referred traffic includes visitors that are
referred by another site, or from a sales letter you may
have sent them. It also includes visitors generated after
reading an article you may have posted online. These are
the most highly qualified leads, assuming the source of the
referral accurately depicted the nature of your site.

The next highest quality traffic source is that of search
engine referrals. For example, if your site ranks within
the top 10 or 20 web sites for a particular search term,
and the visitor clicks on your site after searching for a
particular keyword or phrase in a search engine.

The next highest quality traffic source is that of targeted
pay-per-click (PPC) traffic. With this traffic, you
purchase click-thrus from visitors who have searched or
clicked on a particular search term that is relevant to
your site and offering. This traffic differs from search
engine referral traffic only in that it is a result of a
paid placement, whereas search engine referrals are
generally not from paid placements.

Next is that of ezine advertising. Ezines are niche online
newsletters that are emailed to subscribers on a regular
basis. The important thing here is to be sure to place your
advertisement in an ezine that commands the type of reader
who would normally be inclined to purchase or be interested
in your product.

After these targeted sources of traffic, there are many
untargeted sources of traffic. These include exit traffic,
pop-up or pop-under traffic, and redirect traffic. Without
going into details on the various sources of these forms of
traffic, suffice it to say this is generally untargeted
traffic. Because of that, it is generally both inexpensive
and is associated with a very low response rate. Untargeted
sources of traffic are generally better handled by using a
"landing page" that creates an initial interest in you or
your product or web site, and directs the visitor to click
through to your main page.

Talk soon,
Jeff & Charles

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Discover Your Passion and You'll Never Work Again

Hi Nichers,

Have you heard the saying in relation to working, "Find
something you love and you'll never have to work another
day in you life?" It makes perfect sense. If you are able
to do what you love for a living then most of the time it
won't even feel like you're actually working.

Of course, the trick is to find that which you love so much
that you won't get sick of it. Usually that's easier said
than done.

Sometimes it's very easy to find that which you love. You
just know it. You love cars so you become a mechanic. You
love writing so you go into a field that allows you to
write. You love working with kids so you become an
Elementary teacher. But it's not always this easy.

So here are a few tips on how to choose a job that you'll

1.Don't Worry About the Money

Too often we make decisions about what we want to do for a
living based on how much money we'll make. Sure we all want
money but money isn't everything. Besides if you get into a
job that you absolutely love, chances are you will succeed
and wind-up making a lot of money anyway because of your
passion for the job.

2.Pay Attention to What You Like To Do, Not What You Hate

Don't get into a job just to get away from something you
hate. Get into a job because you'll be doing something you

Always chase your dreams instead of running from your

3.Take Your Time

Don't feel like you have to decide what you want to do with
the rest of your life in a short amount of time. There is
no pressure to decide within days or weeks. As long as you
are willing to work another job - any job - while you
decide, then you should definitely take your time. It's
better to take a long time to make the right decision than
to quickly make the wrong decision.

4.Analyze Your Life

To help find that perfect job, sit down and take the time
to think about your entire life. Think about a subject you
loved in school or an activity that you were good at and
thoroughly enjoyed. Think about all your interests in you
life - both past and present. Then try to find a job that
matches what you like and what you're interested in.

This advice (the four tips above) can be used to decide
what you want to do for a living and the advice can also be
used to help you decide which niche you want to be in (if
you are into Internet Marketing). Just follow the same
advice that's given above.

The bottom line is that you want to put yourself in a
position where you are making money doing what you love to
do. You want to be able to use your passion so that you can
achieve success, have money, and be happy every single day.
If you can do that, then you really won't feel like your
working another day in you entire life.

Scot Standke - Founder

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The 3 Basic Rules Of Internet Marketing

Hello Isyaias.

Shawna here with a great new article for you today.

It's called:"The 3 Basic Rules Of Internet Marketing".


Internet marketing has become more popular over the past
five years and there have been many great success stories
to go along with the rise in popularity.

All of the true success stories you will read about internet
marketing, you will notice each person has followed three
basic rules to success. The following will lay each one out
for you.

Internet Marketing Rule #1 - You must offer a very top notch
product. More than ever, people are logging onto the internet
looking for the best possible information available.

And these surfers are looking for up to date, cutting edge,
well researched material. No longer can you simply slap
something together in ten minutes and make thousands of
dollars from internet marketing.

You must make sure that your product is of the utmost quality
and is worth every penny you claim it to be.

Internet Marketing Rule #2 - Just like your product, your
sales copy must be top notch. Nothing will turn away potential
customers as quickly as a poorly written sales letter.

Internet marketing is no different than "real world" marketing
and you need to use copy that is direct response, high impact,
emotional copy in order to close the sale.

The internet can be a very "stale" environment and the better
your copy, the better your chances of making profits. If you
really want to succeed with your internet marketing business,
then write great copy. If you do not how, find someone who

Internet Marketing Rule #3 - Form relationships with your
potential customers. No other form of internet marketing will
give you the kind of results as this.

You should make sure that you personalize all of your email
messages and correspondence. Become a friend or mentor to your
visitors and customers and you will get back your investment
a hundred times over.

Your business can be very lucrative if you follow these
three basic rules for internet marketing.

To your future success,
Shawna Boor
I-S Notes:
Thanks Shawna.
My recommendation for further reading is

Monday, February 1, 2010

Business Building Tips for Entrepreneurs

Several months ago, you were sent an email about the difference between marketing and advertising. Hopefully you took that message to heart. After all, one of the greatest benefits of marketing is the ability to measure your efforts. And, for a business owner, this is a valuable ability.

You see, when you measure your marketing efforts... and then take the time to make the appropriate changes, you are going to see the results in the increased number of sales.

So how can you measure your marketing efforts? Well, good tracking and measuring is going to take a combination of Internet know-how and automated, marketing systems. But, between the two, you can easily track and measure:

  • Lead sources
  • Email open rates
  • Email opt-in rates
  • Email links
  • User interactions
  • Promotion responses
  • And, of course your resulting sales!

When you are able to SEE what is working, your marketing will become more specific, targeted, and successful. Even with a stellar marketing campaign, there is always room for improvement. Measuring your results gives you the chance to keep getting better, and bring in more and more sales.

When uncertainty rules... marketing campaigns are nothing more than a shot in the dark! With the ability to measure, track, and tweak, you can become a marketing powerhouse and start adding more money to your bank account!


Clate Mask
CEO, Infusionsoft