Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How To Make Money Without Any Capital

Hi Isyaias,

I believe you are still searching and wondering
the methods of making money without any capital.

Is there such method or technique without having
to put up any capital?

Every business must start with a capital but you
can start the internet business without any capital..

I said this because when I started my internet business,
I began the business without any capital.

I began this business without a single cent
and now I am earning a five-figure income
every month!

So, this is possible!

Ok, now I am going to share with you some
techniques in which you yourself can start
your internet business without having to take
out a single cent from your pocket.

..I want to write in a few points
but only one point is needed..


Yes, by becoming an affiliate marketer
you can earn money without capital!

What you have to do is to follow the steps
I am showing you below..

1) Sign-up with Clickbank

There are hundreds of Clickbank products
that you can promote, by joining Clickbank,
you can choose whatever products that
you like to promote.

2) Find products that offer high percentage
of commission but with  low price.
These low-priced products are easy to sell.

If you do not have any idea, you can promote
one of my products in Clickbank.


3) Promote the affiliate link at places where
the traffic is high.

I give you an example, if you want to sell vegetables,
you need to sell them at the market because
this place is crowded with buyers and this place
is the right place for your target market.

If you are selling your merchandise at the market,
you need to pay the rent, but not at the internet.

You can go to forums that are related
to the products that you are selling
and interact with other members of that
particular forums.

Use the Facebook and put up articles
at the note section with your updates there. 
Below the article, put up your promoted
affiliate link there.

Use the same technique with Twitter..

Make use of the function "search" in Twitter.
You can search the words or asking questions
about your products there.

If there is a question about "How to generate traffic?",
then you reply it and give your affiliate link.

Remember, do not SPAM.

Follow these three steps above and repeat
them until you are successful.

I shall copy this email and put it up
at my blog. If you have any question,
please leave your comment at my blog
and I shall try my best to help you.

www.AmmarZahar.com (my blog)

Good Luck!

-Ammar Zahar

P.S  Don't forget to register as my affiliate
and follow the techniques that I have given!

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